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Posts posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. heck no...mages are overpowered here enough already



    and yea warriors have a lot of weapons? one crappier than the other...


    99% of this server uses bbh or DK15...thats IT


    we need major AXE rehaul and major dice tweaks on most of the weaponry in game


    the DK 15 sword held by a 200 str warrior, should be godly


    this is only MY opinion as a former warr :P

  2. Congrats to Smelly for the win!!


    Event was this....


    you entered a portal into a ring with detectors


    after all players were in the ring, a black dragon was summoned


    you could not AMP, PFM or INV


    the dragon 1 by 1, picked off everyone until only 1 person left....


    that person was Smelly !! congrats!


    *no wuta ya dont get squat for 3rd!!!!)


    i didnt allow spectators, because:

    1- they interfere....cast inside ring, pass pots, etc etc

    2- the dragon would be distracted and follow them instead of the victims in ring


    Hope you enjoyed event....Thanks to all who came out for it



  3. Mage Starter Set


    MP 28 chain, MP 21 hose, MP 21 hauberk, MP 7 Cape, MS20 Exp 20% Wand


    Warrior Starter Set


    HP35 Plate, HP 28 hose, HP28 hauberk, HP 7 Cape, Sharp Flamberge, Exp 20%



    #### sticking to chain and cape....this set has to be attractive, someone is paying $$$ for it and they should get something decent for their money and it needs to be good enough to attract them into spending money.


    NO ONE is going to pay for a MP28 leather :sleep:


    Price for Sleep manual sounds right.

    Cape colors are not a priority.


    New buildings? Stay tuned...we have some tricks up our sleeves.


    price for starter sets??? what do you think?


    I will make my suggestion when i see yours...


    I am basing it off of, how much a package of zems cost, and approx how many zems it would take, to trade for the items in the starter set.


    Someone buying the starter set might not be someone NEW to server. This is not just for new players.

    Players already here may purchase also if price is right.


    We just have always been committed to not having a server that caters to rich kids with extra cash and the poor kids have crap. We dont want that. BUT, we do have bills to pay and we will never ever turn Nemesis into pay to we have to do something to pay the bills, attract new blood to server, and keep everyone happy.

    It aint easy!

  4. lol...5 players participated


    FREE zem and only 5 people put on shorts, shirt and shoes for a free zem!!!


    We need to somehow promote the forums more...I know i have contests, tell them in game to make forum acct


    but they are NOT getting the message and NOT coming here to read the topics.


    All GMs please....every single time you log in your GM, encourage them to come here and make acct.

  5. Tomorrow...wednesday June 16th


    Dress as your favorite world cup team in game and possible get a zem.


    AFK in the WH and SHOP wearing your favorite world cup team's colors, shorts, shirts etc


    Ie- you can wear elv hero only and expect a must look like a futballer.


    Also, do not ASK or WHISPER the GM asking for the wont get one.


    So, AFK in style tomorrow in shop and wh and maybe youll get a zem from your team.

  6. I recomend, for best effort, to play every team with diferent clothes. What does it mean?

    Elvine plays for example with hero set and ares with hero set. Or Elvine plays with DK armor and Aresden with clothes bought in the shop and with dye pink for example.


    That way maybe you could on the future play 2 diferent teams: playing one team with a merge of elvs and aresden and the other full of all elvines or Game Masters for example.



    players want to use their own personal items in the game....


    clothes vs dk would be a slaughter


    now we could do everyone in blue shorts, blue shirts vs red shorts and red shirts


    we did have matching capes so we know who is on our team

  7. yea the sets idea is not bad. Maybe not capes because rare and chains also. leathers better.


    Also H. i cant add new colors. We are over the limit already. Only way to add a color is removing other....

    remove khaki




    +1 it's feo


    ok so set % can be altered as we see fit... "we" = us (the staff) and you (nublets)

    that is totally something we can manage ...

    perhaps all 21% and cape 7..

    leather is crap...i want people to actually buy this package and leathers are just not going to cut it

  8. The white would be a new rare color yes....only available thru donation


    not able to trade it or sell it...bound to the acct


    capes are not that high, but they are a big incentive to buy the package because they are desired in game


    we need something to attract them to the package and the cape is a big part of that

  9. no it doesnt..and that was our first and main consideration


    not to upset the balance of the game


    somone in game...high level 180, fh mage said to me...the starter mage set is better than my gear

    lololol sad but true in some cases

  10. Idea 1

    - White Cape for donator's...bound to their acct


    IDea 2


    Training sets


    Starter Mage set

    MP21- berk, hose

    MP 28 chain

    MP14 cape

    MS20 wand with 20% exp


    Starter Warrior set

    HP 28 berk, hose

    HP35 plate

    HP 14 cape

    Sharp Flamerge Exp 20%



    Idea 3

    Rent a GM

    Would be allowed once every 6 months for a fee

    GM takes you and 3 others to a private pit and summons for you

    ... assists in the hunt but does not kill

    Picks up drops, teleports you wherever you want


  11. yeah maybe u can block tp. But if 20 elvs use tp it will be room for all?


    U can block 4 spaces and put some GM to Ban all elvs that use tp to cheat the event. Or send to bi.



    also..they could still tp there and blizz and disrupt....

  not going to block with mana stones...ill leave exits open and just summon there in that area

    everyone will know what is going on and thats good enough ...there will be lots of EKing, etc



    Using materials found in the game, design a flag or banner representing your country, or region.


    The flag can be as big or small as you want. Make the flag in a quiet area where you won't be disturbed.


    Players, please do not bother anyone who is busy constructing their flag for the contest.


    You can look up- search- in old nemesis archives- some of the entries made in the past to give you an idea.




    There will be 3 prizes, 1st, 2nd and 3rd


    1st place = MP 14 or HP 14 cape and a Zemstone


    2nd place= 3 Zemstones, 2 Meriens, 1 Xelima Stone


    3rd place = 3 Zemstones, 1 Merien Stone OR Xstone




    You must post your entry here, in this topic, by July 7th. The topic will be closed on that date.


    This thread is for entries only. Do not spam it please.


    You CAN make positive comments about the entries, that is all.


    Questions? post here


    Be as creative as you can possible be...let your imagination go WILD!


    Also, pls translate this for me, and see me for a uni pot for doing so.


    Thanks and Good Luck to All

