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Posts posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Excellent Ru, thanks...this is just the type of information I am searching for to share with them.


    ALSO...GM staff...if a new player asks a ques that can be answered on the portal? Direct them there, pls.

    Let's get them used to going to portal for information, and to the forum also.

    Every new player should be making a forum acct as soon as they start.

    Let's remind them of this!! Thanks

  2. Im aware of it, my point was just if your gona do a n event , from days may30-jun 6.

    probably you should pick a weekend day to do it, more ppl play on weekends



    i am trying to get people to log in at OTHER times during the week not just weekends.


    Crap...thought this was 8pm this evening


    ok item event will be tonight at 8pm server time and next week's event will be held in early morning hours.

    sorry guys for any inconvenience....i have DR's every morning on thurs, i dont even know why i wrote this originally

    :unsure: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

  3. lol


    crazy junk hoarders





    anyone watch that show on A&E channel called hoarders? my wife loves it...tues nights i think.

    ya gotta see this show :unsure:

    its unbelievable how some people choose to live


    Wat prize did yall end up choosing btw?



    I asked can I announce what they took and they said they prefer I not tell.

    so ask them in sure they'll share the info

  4. Firstly....


    So sorry Farjat but was a bad divide HB Nemesis (HB INT & HB Arg)...


    Before that I saw 150+ players online all time and after that HB int decreased to 40+ players online...


    Now the server is 80+ Players sometimes 120...


    Now we have a really bad problem, but lets fix that, how?


    **Eliminate HB Arg and put back those players to HB Int with items.

    **Get new alliances with other small/medium servers.

    **Increase drop rate in weekends (I would love that)

    **Decrease gold drop rate (nowdays gold is nothing)

    **Put back PA stats and increase strip rate by hammer, bh and bbh.

    **Increase the utility of some rare items some of them are very rare and are just junk

    **Put just ONE big Ettin pit in the middle of ML (that would be good spot for mages vs warriors)

    **Players who are GM should help to train noob players.

    **Barraks Raid and special portal (inside barrak) to arrive fast to the other barraks town (inside also).

    **PL lvl max 100

    **Farm creatures should give high exp (max lvl 180) for players who only want get mas lvl fast.

    **Tradeable Majestic Points and EK



    So sorry HB Nemesis Staff but we have to do something fast or in few months we will have about 15% less players, is so sad see in forums how old good players sell items or accounts for USD...


    Im sure 99% of my post will be ignored, but think about the server, is live or dead, i want play this server for more years.. not for only few months...



    Bring more fruits and we can make a salad! Free Fruit salad to everyone!!!- :)

    sorry, i just dont agree in those.. that will bring lots of players for 1 or 2 months.. then, the server will die..



    actually some of what you said is already being done...

    you might not see the time we spend with new players, teaching them the game, but it is significant.

    Yesterday alone, I spent over 2 hours with 3 new players, helping them out and I know the other GMs do the same when they can.


    In a few months we will have +15% or more coming to the server.


    The issue is getting to those now 18-25 yr olds who played HB as a kid....letting them know there is still a server around, and a good one at that, to return to and try.


    Forget the 4 letter word beg with W and ending with E...that would be final death of Nemesis.

    We just had a wipe recently...not entertaining thoughts of another one.


    ARG server is not being closed. Period....the donations they get support the bills they generate and farjat is in it for the long haul with ARG server.





    Raising drop


    Gold wont have an impact...its too late for that i think. Zems are still being sold for gold, so thats good!


    How do we reach 20+ year olds, who used to play, and now play high-power graphic, games on XBOX live, etc? Can we reach them? i dont know....


    How do we get new 13-18 year olds who were not around in the days of USA and INT and Nemesis early years?

    Where do we go to reach them?


    Because I am convinced when we implement a few ideas we have ready to launch, people will come back to check us out, and stay to play.

    and the PVP in HB can go toe to toe with other much more sophisticated games and come out even. The PVP designers of HB were brilliant. I am still amazed they put together such an awesome game so early on.

    Maybe HB was before its time in some respects.


    Anyway...Im all ears for ways to reach the masses.

  5. 4-5 people were given rewards today for being "good"


    mostly they were helping new players with the basics, or teaching them about the server, or returning drops


    some names off the top of my head:






    Pwnagedo ( i owe you reward)


    I know there were others and im sorry for not remembering...keep up the good work, guys


    GM team...if you need more rewards, please see me and ill make you some.

  6. The mshield wand is crappy crutch that weak players abuse and hide behind, way way too often.


    When Mshield/Tower combo is HOT KEYED by so many players, it's gotten out of hand!


    And i dont just say this....ask anyone who ever fought Justice...I dont even carry mshield wand when i raided.


    I can see why mages pull one when para'd but now i see mages CASTING with it!!!!!!! its bad men...super bad.

  7. Ever see a new player just do something so outlandishly NOOBISH that you want to whisper them and go crazy?


    Or, have you seen them doing something so wrong that you want to help them do it the right way?


    This thread is not meant to insult.....this is a "been there, done that" type thread where veteran Helbreath


    and veteran Nemesis players can come and share some hot tips on:


    - leveling skills

    - gaining experience

    - making gold

    - hunting

    - training pvp

    - behavior at summon events

    - how to handle in game issues

    - common sense strategies that helped you

    - tried and true tips from the pros



    Feel free to add your words of wisdom here to help out our new players.

    New player today, means FRESH meat in the pits, sades tomorrow!





    My hot tip is this...level 141-179

    Where to train? Where to level? Where to experience?




    I cant say it train your skills- magic, long sword, MR, PR and also get experience.

    There is also millionsssss in gold laying on the ground and another million in items that no one picked up.

    Dont be proud! Bend down, pick it up and sell to blacksmith.

    Start at the bottom of the map or the sides...and work slowly to the center as you level up.

    always ask in town/allied chat, if anyone wants to party with you.

    That is this chat ~

    You would be surprised at how many others are also looking for someone to train with and there is safety in numbers!

    Let the garden be your new home. On short raid days, the garden is too far for most enemies to run to, mount an attack and have anytime left over before re-time.

  8. WOW



    Elvine was outnumbered in this event...2 to 1


    But they worked together...picking off Aresden one by one


    AND...for some reason, Ares started killing Ares WAY TOO soon!!!


    at crucial time....Barracuda from HighHB pulled the XR out and eliminated very strong


    Ares mages....because Ares had killed so many ares, there was no one there to support them and


    might Aresden went down. DaVinci was the last remaining Aresden.


    Then it was elv v elv


    High HB had most members...1 Hwarang, 1 independent and 1 hachi


    High HB work together and systematically killed each enemy


    Final winner was BOOKIE!


    Nice job Elvine!

  9. Our numbers are on the dramatic increases.


    And when you all see what we have planned for this summer, you will be pleased.


    BIG surprises coming your way which will make everyone VERY happy and which will attract many old players

    back to the server and new players to come check us out.

    Once they GET is up to ALL of us to keep them here.


    That means

    1- helping new players with low level items you have dozens of in the wh

    2- being nice to new players or if you cannot manage that, at least not being RUDE to them.

    3- go out of your way to answer questions in global when you see them with the correct answer. Why people think it is amusing to give new players false information is really something I dont quite get.

    4- Allow new players into your guilds. Let them hunt with you, help them get 1 level, party them at events.

    5- tell your friends that the staff has BIG surprises in store for you and to come get in on it

    6- advertise on other forums

    7- VOTE in the HB top 20 every single day to keep us #1

    8- set your MSN and YAHOO status with Nemesis website address


    These are just a few ideas.


    Trust that the staff takes this issue seriously. I am doing everything I can to keep events fresh, new, exciting and fun for everyone old and new.


    We have LOTS more coming soon.




    yesterday afternoon on a NON raiding day, NON event day. NON sade day


    we had..... Drum roll please................







    117 players in game!!!!!!!!!!!


    Let's keep it going!

  10. Nemesis is an international server and the main language here is English.


    However, our staff has multi-lingual members including many who speak Spanish.


    Feel free to post any questions you have and they will be answered

  11. please dont even cry about mages......


    glass cannons...awesome *spam*ogy and i wish it were more accurate


    the mages worse enemy should be the warrior...on this server, mages seek out warriors to ek

    mage with dk and mshield wand is not afraid of a warr at all..and that goes against how they were

    originally intended and made. But ur right...they worried people are bored and changed the game.

  12. 1- wrong section


    2- I thought these type of inflammatory screen shots were not allowed anymore? correct me if i am wrong


    3- this is nothing I have not seen many, many other guilds do to people....while i dont agree with it, i have it done by all of the leading guilds at one time or another.

  13. yea..I said we will be wiping some categories of things to make it more challenging


    but also...and this is where i am stuck a bit...I do not want to host an event with a major prize and cater it to


    only older players wth a lot of items. I want the little guy, fairly new to the server, to have a chance also.


    but for this event, i think you need to be a member of a guild that collects stuff



    - i did include farming, mining, manu, fishing and alch


    but for next time....some categories will be wiped in advance...ones that wont hurt the alchemists in game.


    its not fair to wipe their inventory for an event :blink:


    and the items I can control... EX...colored balls, wine, beef ribs, and maybe items we add JUST for this event


    will be featured more.


    however...none of this takes away from the fact that this group of players, worked their butts off to win.


    they have been preparing for this event for weeks....collecting items, storing things, making sure they


    had a skill player for each category...leveling, gathering, making things


    this list was not easy...and they slammed it out of the park, HOME RUN men

  14. BIG congrats to all of the players involved


    There were approximately 12 players who contributed to this win.


    I don't think I can make the list any longer or include more items.


    Therefore, before the next Scavenger Hunt....I will suggest that we do some kind of wipe, or include more


    items that need to be dropped in a controlled manner....ex: the wine, green candy, beef ribs, colored balls.


    Making the list longer, or demanding MORE numbers of items, is not practical and no new players, would


    even attempt to try.

  is not the time for is the time to congratulate a merry band of brothers who really


    chipped in, worked together and did the impossible in less than 6 hours!!


    I am duly impressed.