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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Idea For Gms

    I know some servers have this feature and farjat can scan the hp of large monsters. Do you know the command? I can try it and see if it works. Unless it has to be added in at the server end....then forget it. Not much hope of it being added.
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Helclaw Event

    It turned out to be a pretty good event. Some people need to work on their positions and staying in those positions but all in all, it went really well. We will definitely repeat this event on Thursday.
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Helclaw Event

    I'll do a count when we get up to DC....if we need to, we will combine towns to form one hunting group. Something like this Aresden Archers XXXXXXXXXXXXX HellclawXXXXXXXXXXXX Elvine Archers Mage Mage Mage Mage Mage Mage Everyone in SAFE MODE of course.... Just bring a couple of bows and lots of arrows. No recalling for pots and stuff and coming back.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Helclaw Event

    BierGM and I just decided if things go well tonight, we will repeat the same event on Thursday at 12pm server time.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Helclaw Event

    If this is an event you all like, I will offer it again at a different time so more players can participate.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    The People Who *moved* On.....

    ok ill say this slowly for you king....since you have seemed to miss it the first 4 times the posts that were abusive towards me and lorraine were DELETED...ok? read it slowly.... and you DONT play here. therefore i dont really give a CRAP what you think or what anyone who doesnt play here thinks. call me a liar again and this account will be banned also. you have a problem with what ive done? post in my abuse section. STOP the complaining, whining, protests, etc in the rest of the forum. and your GM was locked for one reason and one reason only... You didnt do your job. now that's enough. stop this BS and move on. closed and i will close ANY topic that has complaints about the staff in it and suspend the forum account of the poster.
  7. Hunter[GM]

    The People Who *moved* On.....

    By discussing the other server here on this forum you ARE advertising it. Whether or not that is your intention or not is beside the point. I wont have discussions about other servers here. Go to their forums and discuss what goes on there, your players, what youre doing.....not HERE. And I wont have a guild section exist that has no active guild AND is using the section to encourage the harassment of any GM or admin on this server. None of you play here so once again...MOVE ON, stop wasting our time and bandwidth.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    I Live

    Welcome back, Khel
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Wednesday Event

    Ok.. I didn't post a time because I am not sure yet when. The best I can do is give you an approximate time. Event will be between 6 and 730pm server time. Sorry, I can't be more exact...i have 3 meetings that day. See you at the event.
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Bye All

    Dont advertise other servers on this forum please. You can all go talk to each other on the other server. Dont do it here.
  11. Hunter[GM]


    This entire thread is addressed to the WRONG group.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    This Server Needs... problem would end up partially solved and 3-4 more would take its place. That being said, farjat is a good coder and can usually tell if something is worth doing or not.
  13. Hunter[GM]

    This Server Needs...

    This was suggested by me, weeks ago. Obviously...NO ONE is listening to our suggestions.
  14. Hunter[GM]


    Talked to farjat....the lag is not from the server side. It is from our ISP. There is nothing we can do but wait for them to re-set for us. So...sorry about that. I know it's brutal.
  15. Hunter[GM]

    This Server Needs...

    I thnk we are actually about exp x 3-4 right now
  16. Hunter[GM]


    We will not be offering any town transfers at this time. I feel it is best to let the population adjust and fix itself. Making changes creates more problems than it solves.
  17. Hunter[GM]

    This Server Needs...

    Good question.
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Casting Bug

    Can you see the difference now?
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Wednesday Crusade

    I will try and start the sade as close to 3pm as I can. I'll be away and not sure when I can get to a computer. It will most likely be later in the day.... Thanks
  20. Hunter[GM]

    To Whoever Robbed Giggles Manu Character

    ok...It's past the deadline. I am going to ask farjat to trace the IP for me and track the items and see who did this.
  21. This is to whoever got into Giggles and MY manu account and took everything. You have one chance to return all of the gold and items to me. I will be AKF in Aresden shop. You have until 6pm server time, today to return ALL of the gold and items you took. After this time, I will have farjat check the logs, we will trace your IP to your main character's account and IP ban it.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Feliz Dia Del Padre,happy Father's Day!!

    Thanks...had a great day floating around the pool. I got a cool GPS system for my truck. It's more cheap, gas station maps for me. And we had a delicious dinner too and i didnt have to do SQUAT to help ;)
  23. I am not allowed to come in game right now. that's right...not allowed. It's Father's Day here in the USA and my kids want me outside in the pool with them. SO.... sorry about that but they come first. The event will take place tonight at 6pm server time, that's 7pm EST on Bleeding Island. This is a summons event with prizes. You will have to find the prizes hidden on BI and also fight off the mobs of monsters who are also trying to get to the prizes. Prizes will be some rare dyes and.... a special prize for 1 Aresden and 1 Elvine.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Sunday Event Time - 6pm Server Time

    Event went very well....thanks for all who showed up for it. Congratulations to the 2 BIG winners.... Ronnel from Elvine and Aiacos from of a Resu Wand.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Message To All Forum Spammers

    There are more than enough spam topics on the forum to keep you busy. Therefore, when you choose to spam legit threads and add your ridiculous insults, comments, emotes, LOL'S, and nothing else.... your warning level will be raised. When your warning level reaches 100% you will be suspended from forum for 4 weeks. I'm tired of the people who dont even play on Nemesis littering every topic with their nonsense.