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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]


    Agree...should be tweaked a bit but im worried about messing with it. Id rather it be too low, then too high.
  2. Hunter[GM]

    The Server Is Going To Be Fine

    I havent leveled him at all :unsure: but sure...why not!
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Hax0r Spotted

    Ok...i have received a complaint. He wants the harassment to stop. He gave me access to his account to check items, stats when asked. The speculation is over Its not impossible to get fs str in that amt of time. nothing shown here is not possible. so let's leave it at that.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Hax0r Spotted

    He just said in chat he was taking a break, that he played for 17 hours straight to get to level 100.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    The Server Is Going To Be Fine

    elguason You are always welcome to post on this forum. You are a helpful, productive member who doesn't take cheap oppprtunities to bash, is fair, level headed and knows how to express a thought without it being insulting or offensive to someone else.
  6. Hunter[GM]


    I died on my player 2 times
  7. Hunter[GM]


    Same here Laki...very weird lag.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Hax0r Spotted

    It was an ancient falchion
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Can Ask To Admin Forum

    Don't play know EXACTLY what you posted in your guild section.
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Hax0r Spotted

    ok... I entered the account and there was nothing strange here. Maybe you saw the last hit of several attempts? the account was in order, stats were normal. Ill talk to him later.
  11. Hunter[GM]


    ok offense taken
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Can Ask To Admin Forum

    We are not here to provide a chat forum for NON PLAYERS. This forum is here for the players in one else. And when outsiders, who do not play here, come and spam up our forum and insult the staff, they will be banned on ALL accounts.
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Can Ask To Admin Forum

    You dont see the posts with insults because they were removed. Getting a little fed up with being told I am a liar and post false information. Just because YOU didnt see something doesnt mean ot doesnt exist. It was removed for a combination of reasons. The first being it contained inappropriate posts about admins and GM staff. Coupled with the fact that the section was predominantly being used by people who DONT EVEN PLAY HERE! Why should we provide a chat board for players from another server? Go use their forums to chat with each other. Now, Im closing this topic and we are moving forward. If you dont like my decision, I'm sorry about that. As usual, the bad behavior of a few individuals, ruin things for the rest. Arg 3...your response to Shiver was inappropriate and insulting to him and to the GMs. Just disgusting... Acct suspended for a month.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down??

    Server is up
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Raise Xp

    The /who command has never been a player command on this server. It is only available to level 4 GMs or higher.
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Can Ask To Admin Forum

    the correct punishment is a forum ban There is no active Argenlandia guild in game.
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Helclaw Event

    Tonight at 6pm server time we will have a Helclaw Event Location- Drunc City Map I will teleport 2 groups to the DC map....1 Elvine group, 1 Aresden group. Aresden gets the top pit, Elvine gets the bottom pit. There is to be NO EKing....hunting only. Each group will have a mage in it with a resu wand. Since we have asked numerous times for the apoc maps to be opened, and gotten no response.... We will take you all to the map. The teleports will only be available for a short time so get organized and plan well. If youre going to use archers, buy enough supplies in town because you cannot be running back and forth. Plan well, get organized and I'll see ya at 6pm for a Helclaw Hunt. RULES you cant attack anyone no running around in have to remain with the group until it's over. Then you can go where you want You must must must follow directions! standing where your'e told and listening to the hunt leaders....or this just wont work. People have to remain in this positions and wait patiently.... Use safe mode ALL DROPS will be food gamed at the end. If you die, we will resu you
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Helclaw Event

    12pm server time...which is in 1 hour.
  19. Hunter[GM]


    I schedule the events at different times. This week, there were events at 8am, 6pm and tomorrow at 1pm I cant make them at times when I am not available. I try to offer them at as many different times as I can and still work full time, and have family stuff to do.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Can Ask To Admin Forum

    Some of the topics were not moved, el and Arg3....they were left alone. I understand that some of you use the to talk to each other so I left them. And I logged on later today, and they were full of insults towards the admins, cursing and inappropriate posts. So, they were also moved.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Wed Sade Moved To 2pm

    no message For today only
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Helclaw Event

    We ran a diagnostic of the download section. Here are the results: The speed is good (300kb/sec) File 01 The autoupdater isn't corrupted and is working properly File 02 The full game isn't corrupted and is working properly File 03 The .exe isn't corrupted and is working properly All is in working order and fine.
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Rule Refresher

    If your forum account is suspended, you are not allowed to bypass that suspension by posting on another account. You are to serve the term of the suspension. This rule has been around since SnowDragon days. You cant come in a bunch of nonsense, get a banned or suspended and then think you are going to be welcome on another account with the same IP address....doesnt work that way. If youre suspended, it means we dont want you posting here. at all
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Wed Sade Moved To 2pm

    I knew the timing was going to be an issue. I probably should have just cancelled it.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Helclaw Event

    Torana, really? I'll have someone check this.