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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Stone Event

    From now, through Tuesday there will be a stone event in game. How do you win? wear the color cape that corresponds to the stone you want... EX: if you are wearing a Red cape you might win a Xelima Stone, Green cape=merien, yellow cape=zem Who we choose is 100% random. We will be going to the popular pits on the maps and also in town and on the farm. Keep an extra slot open in your bag in case you are chosen. The GM will put it right into your bag. If there is no room, you dont get a 2nd chance. Also, asking a GM for one, or soliciting a stone in global chat, disqualifies you immediately. you can only win once
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Stone Event

    If you are spotted driving on I-95 north of Washington, DC but South of New York City, by farjat, driving a pink Volvo with Hawaii license plates, wearing a tu tu and gold nikes.... You win... This server Go for it, dude
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Event Gms..

    and do you know the complaints i get when we do have events? this is a low exp server...players do not want a lot of events and prizes. and dont say have events without one would show up. I think considering how many players are on, the age of the server, the events offered are perfect for right now. I honestly do not want a bunch of events. exp and items should be hard to come by and not just handed out. The chances of there being event GMs are slim to none. I cant even get my normal GMs to really log in and care right now. Theres just not enough players right now to hold their interest. When this update comes, if it comes, we will re-evaluate. In the meantime, there wont be event GMs youre stuck with the ones i offer. and how can you say i misunderstood? you said we have NO events here and that is simply not true. Even before last week, there were other events offered. and then there was a lot of crying about it too...if you remember go back and read the posts from players whining about the events. that we had too many of them and to stop them so..we're damned if we do and damned if we dont
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Design A Flag Contest

    Your mission is to design and execute a flag of any type/style and create it in the game. The flag can be made of any materials that are available in game- blacksmith items, shop items, manu stuff, alch parts, pots....whatever you want. Take a screen shot of your flag and post it on this thread by Saturday. Each entry will be given a zem for participating. GRAND PRIZE is a stone package of: 5 Zems 3 Meriens 2 Xelima Stones the location of the flag is also completely up to you....make it anywhere, on any map. Anyone seen interfering with another player's ability to create their flag, will be sent to BI Each player may only enter make it a good one!
  5. Hunter[GM]


    youll get over the sad and move to the next stage soon enough
  6. Hunter[GM]


    its more like the server is in a state of limbo... they say its gonna be updated so who wants to play before the update? i dont want to level if exp is goin up at all common sense Exactly right...unlike some people will have you believe that no one is playing because there arent events(even though there have been several events recently) They arent playing because they were promised something that isnt happening. DONT make the announcement until youre ready to give it to people. why say its here and then ignore everyone for 2 weeks? Makes no sense. Im shocked there is anyone still playing here with this lack of communication and regard for the players and GMs.
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Event Gms..

    Are you nutsz iPod? do you pay attention at ALL to what is going on? There have been 5 events in the last several days. A PVP event in the arena Scavenger Hunt Event 2 Zem events Summons event in both towns Drunc City Hellclaw Event Show me another server offering more events than we do. Please People arent NOT playing bec of lack of events. they arent playing because the admins announced an update and then didnt follow through on the announcement. Everyone is waiting for this mythical exp increase that may or may not happen.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Trip To Druncnian City

    FREE rides to Druncnian City! Gather your guild mates and friends and whisper me or Dream GM. We will be offering trips to DC all evening so you can hunt some HELLCLAWS! If we dont answer as soon as you whisper us, please be patient. We will be checking in, off and on all night. any other GMs available, please come in game and do the same. HAVE FUN! I suggest that both towns work together and make it a peace map but...that is up to you.
  9. Hunter[GM]


    omg i got stuck in traffic! geez 25 minutes....
  10. Hunter[GM]

    10 Second Rules On (recall)

    I used to give Maggie 3 invis pots to carry with her at all times. You'd be amazed at the amt of time she got called a hacker for using an inv pot lol
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Design A Flag Contest

    :glare: Funnygirl you think I really care that you post this little annoyed face? Grow up and lose the martyr complex. you whine more than anyone i have ever known in this game you are not EVER satisfied unless YOU win, YOU get the drop, YOU get an item YOU win the PVP, YOU get the ek, YOU get the rare, you you you...and if its not you then the GMs are presecuting you. Right?
  12. Hunter[GM]


    I agree...update already...everyone is just sitting around waiting at this point.
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Design A Flag Contest

    Every player who made a flag, except for Pim, will be given a Zem for participating. The winner of this contest....and it wasnt easy to choose just ONE winner but...I got opinions from several people.... WINNER IS.... sizi's Icebound photo CONGRATS! I liked them all actually and I did see a dragon's head...great idea to add the fire to it.
  14. Hunter[GM]


    and i bet you are training in the pits where everyone else is Get creative and find more isoltated pits and youd be surprised
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Any One Could Explain?

    agree im closing this....If people have a specific claim to make about another player...then get some proof/evidence and make it. enough of this speculating about things. We have lost a few players over this very issue. No proof or keep whatever it is youre thinking to yourself.
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Any One Could Explain?

    Longer than a month...I remember them at an event i had memorial day...that was in May. hornyboy? i dont know...never saw him
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event

    I explained why I cant read the history box when it is clogged full of chat. Then players arent teleported to the arena. Would you want to miss the event because someone was talking and i missed your name? Battle mages....this is a tough one and it is in every pvp event. You will have to play against the warriors. 7pm server time yes warriors can use bows and poison weapons
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Design A Flag Contest

  19. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event

    Arena Last Man Standing Rules are No invis pots, no invis scrolls, no invis spell No PFM or AMP No resu wands No create food no PFA onto others Naked.... No armor, shields, mshields, boots, capes, caps, hats....NADA I will call up all mages and then all warriors So if you have both, you can play on both If you disconnect, you are not ask to come back. (sorry but it has to be this way) You will be told when to whisper me for teleport to arena When you arrive, stand quietly and wait until i get everyone up there. If you talk...I cant see history for TPing people. So...ill send you out of the arena. No attacking while waiting...dont touch anyone. Just stand and wait for my signal to start.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Scavenger Hunt

    Here is the list of items that must be collected to win the Scavenger Hunt. The first player to collect ALL of these items before Saturday at 9pm will win the HP or MP berk. This is how to win....collect all items and contact me in game. OR, if I am not around, place them in your bag. Go to a safe spot and lay the items on the ground. Take a screen shot of all of the items and you in the screen shot. This is only to be done if I am not in game and you dont want to risk waiting for me. I am going to try to be in game as much as I can over the next few days. Even if I am AFK...leave me a whisper that you have all of the items and wait for me to contact you back. If no one is able to collect ALL of the on Bleeding Island at 10am server time on Sunday I will then go through each person's bags to check the items. I am asking the GM staff to try and be around i case someone has met the goal and collected all items. You may check in with any GM to claim the prize....not just me. Groups can work together to win but they will only receive one prize. Here is the list: 1- any demon alchemy part 2- 10 ogre teeth 3- 1 hellhound tongue 4- Any color carp fish 5- manu weapon or armor of any completion 6- 1 poison weapon 7- Merien stone 8- 5 cyclops leathers 9- 5 werewolf hearts 10- 5 troll claws 11- 1 hellhound leather 12- 5 blonde bars 13- 5 gold nuggets 14- 3 diamonds 15- 5 pumpkins 16- 5 watermelons 17- ms10 wand with cp% 18- statted shield 19- 5 fish of any kind 20- 1 mithral BONUS ITEMS Submit a bonus item and you can substitute it for any 3 items on the list * unicorn alchemy part * demon eye * sex change potion Good luck to everyone! Submit questions on this thread and I will answer them
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Still Remember Me Any 1? Kyo-viper

    hey william nope....not mad at ya anymore....I thought it was rather amusing myself but the people who you killed spammed my abuse section over it and then the laughing was OVER :angry: welcome back....make an account and come play
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Design A Flag Contest

    hahahaha guason
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Scavenger Hunt

    Congratulations to wutafreek and his guild Rawr of Elvine. They completed the scavenger hunt task in record time. Every item was accounted for and cleared. Well done!
  24. Hunter[GM]

    10 Second Rules On (recall)

    Star no....Its not what I say...the owners decide what changes are made here. Not me. Feel free to make suggestions
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Design A Flag Contest need to get rid of these paks and replace them with nemesis paks. Please do this in 24 hours and post that you have complied. Or send me a PM with a ss showing me you changed them...thanks Can be a flag or anything you want to create.