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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]


  2. Hunter[GM]

    Connection Lost

    ok good...closed
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Bans Bans And More Bans.

    The GMs have access to the full ban list. I dont see the purpose of posting it here on forum. Dream wasnt sure about the rule so she did let me know what she found and I posted it in the GM room. She wasnt aware that Ruutu had talked to farjat already about this issue.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Afk Training

    Because Sexy made it a rule and it is a rule. She wanted to limit the number of macros being used and it was too hard to differentiate between afk skill trainers and true macro users. So, she instituted the rule which will be enforced. You must remain with your player and be able to respond immediately to a GM who speaks to you. not 5 minutes.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Funnyest Video In Nemesis History

    you cannot fire wall in town
  6. Hunter[GM]

    What Are You Gonna Do For The 20 Mins Downtime?

    Ban players who use speed gear, please.
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Funnyest Video In Nemesis History

    lol.....when farjat and I saw this yesterday... I was laughing so damn hard my wife thought something was wrong with i was having a seizure or something. That right there is some funny **** ROTF OWNED+1 down to seed bags lmao and wait..this is the best part "trade por char" LMAO lautaro banned for making racist comments
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Gm Fight Club - Friday Nights At The Fights

    I explained why Im having it in the arena. Middlelands? too many variables I cant control... Arena 9 is a great idea
  9. Tomorrow night...approx 7pm-8pm EST time...I will be inviting and teleporting players to the GM Fight Club Arena....or I may pass out tickets in City Hall...I'll let you know tomorrow. You will come to arena where there is a PVP ring set up. You will be matched against someone to fight. It could be someone from your town or the other town. The fights will be standard PVP rules. - you can wear armor and jewelry - no slates, no activations, no resu wands - no invis, amp, pfm You can para, zerk, PFA, GDS, poison, etc Only 2 players are allowed in the ring at once. Spectators are allowed...I made the arena so that lots of people can watch. Spectators may NOT cast ANY spells near the ring. If you want to Create can do so away from the ring. You are not to cast ANY other spell outside the ring.-NONE- NO MAGIC SPELLS are to be cast You cannot attack anyone outside the ring. The ONLY fights are to be in the ring, when the GM tells you so. You must line up and wait to be matched up for a fight. You are not to spam, beg, make a nuisance of yourself. The GM staff will match you up. Everyone who wants a match up...will get one. Just be patient and wait your turn. It is essential that players cooperate and follow directions from the GM staff. Failure to listen to the GMs or breaking of any rules will result in you being sent to Bleeding Island and not permitted to attend Fight Club events in the future. We are not having the Fight Club on BI because we need to be able to send people out and not have them return to the area and disrupt things. Please make sure you read and understand the rules....and that you follw directions when you arrive at the Fight Club Arena. wont drop items and there are no EKs. Questions? Post them here. GM Fight prizes, just pride.
  10. Hunter[GM]

    /dkset Not Working

    Fixed now...closed
  11. Hunter[GM]

    /dkset Not Working

    Thanks Z for posting this as I asked.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Happy Birthday Nimda!!

    Happy Birthday Alex...get ahold of me on msn when you can, please. hope ya have a great day
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Is The Forum Not For Expressing Concerns?

    I do not disagree with either policy...BUT...closing them all at the same time seems tyrannical AND closing both of the mass topics about the server being down leaves none for people to interact with and seems very arbitrary. I know you and I know you are neither tyrannical or arbitrary but I really felt one thread should have been left open... Whats so hard to understand about that? The above is why those topics were closed. Whats so hard to understand about THAT? CLOSED
  14. Hunter[GM]

    A Little Help

    Welcome back man....this should be taken care of today, I hope and you can make an acct and start to play again.
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Is Safe Upgrade Items Ti +3??

    this is correct
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Helbreath Nemesis Hacked.

    another thing to think about....this person did this to another server and totally abused as a GM...releasing mass rares out into the server to his lil' gang...he wrecked that server. He is going to eventually release the files and stuff's the nature of the beast of a hacker and he will HAVE to prove to the world that he hacked the mighty farjat and sexy. So...he is going to do it anyway. Let's not give him access to Nemesis and allow him to destroy it as well....just like he did the other server.
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Helbreath Nemesis Hacked.

    This guy is a snake. A thieving, back stabbing, oily, greasy snake. I don't trust thieves and I dont want any thief as a member of the staff. What he did was wrong....he stole from Lorraine and he is a piece of dirt in my opinion. He took the trust you had in him and he abused it, abused you, abused Nemesis and abused Lorraine in the process. He can do crawl under a rock and die as far as I'm concerned. He has no honor, no morals, no conscience. I vote NO....we dont need or want someone like that as a member of our or ever. PS Skyas... I'll touch base with Nimda and a few other friends of mine who wont appreciate anyone stealing from Sexy. Let's get this little kid's details as soon as we can and plan a little "thank you" present for him.
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Is The Forum Not For Expressing Concerns?

    Mass topics regarding the server being down are not needed. Speculations and accusations aimed at players are not acceptable either I said everything is under control and until we are ready to post some facts, we dont need multiple topics of wild guessing, assumptions and accusations. Whats so hard to understand about that?
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Did The Server Go Down For Eveyrone

    please check the server status on the main page before making these kinds of topics yes the server is down... no, i dont know for how long. closed
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Musslegirl Medusa

    no...not a legit drop it will be wiped and several accounts have already been banned everything is under control...dont worry closed
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down,how Long?

    We dont know how's certainly not going back up within the next couple hours. Closed
  22. Hunter[GM]

    I Wana Know..

    not a coinsidence and we're on top of it....dont worry closing this only because we dont need wild speculations running rampant....everything is under control.
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event Sunday Feb 17th

    The Event you have all been waiting for... PVP Event next Sunday before Heldenian in the arenas. So this sunday Heldenian Rescheduled for 12 pm server time It is critical that you read all of the rules and follow the directions. 1- Get the needed paks for event from here. When arena closes, there will not be claims or summonplayers. The GM that broke this rule will lost the GM. 2- The event will be a last man standing type event with as few rules as possible. 3- Warriors vs warriors Mages vs mages ... 4- invis- pots, spell or scrolls, no AMP, no PFM 5- No activation weapons and no resu wands allowed 6- Ancient tablets are NOT permitted 7- This is a NAKED EVENT, you may not wear any type of armor...this includes: boots, ANGELS, capes, mshield wands, towers or any armor at all. Do not enter the arena with ANY armor on. 8- IF you arrive in arena and are talking, youre going to be sent right out of the arena to Bleeding Island 9- DO NOT attack or touch anyone. Stand quietly and wait for instructions. or u will be jailed to bleeding island 10- If you get Disconnected during the event, we cannot bring you back. U are Out. 11- Failure to follow all instructions by the GM staff will result in you being disqualified from the event. 12- We reserve the right to change the rules, make additions or revisions as we see fit. 13- There will be pack checking for the winners. If got dc from arena after pak revision = got edited pak, He looses the price + 1 week ban. And there will not be re-event for that item. The item is deleted.. Questions? Ask them here. Official packs? Download this paks and put them in your mapdata folder replacing the olds. Nemesis Bleeding Island arena 9 The Paks showls look like this for Bleeding island Teleport GMs- I am asking all of you to make yourselves available to assist during the event if possible. Now...the BIGGIE...what do we win? This is how it is going to work. To limit the lag that is caused by arena events, we will have 4 rounds. Elvine warriors vs Elvine warriors Aresden warriors vs Aresden warriors Elv mages vs Elv mages Ares warr vs ares warr then, The Champions. the 2 Ares vs the 2 Elvs fight for the first place. Winner town Champion Mage get MS20 Resurrection Wand Looser Town Champion Mage get MS10 Resurrection Wand The Winner town Champion Warrior can choose Between Giant Battle Hammer or Demon Slayer The Looser town Champion Warrior Get the other. Top mage and Top warrior also win a forum badge...this is a custom designed sig that you can add to your signature. Bragging rights +1!!!!! You will not be teleported by a GM to the arena as in the past. (thank God and farjat) FarjatGM will be setting up entrances for you to enter the arena, blocked by a mana stone. So...any GM who wants to enter the event is permitted to. Hope to see you all at this event. You have 1 week to prepare. Good luck Any questions? Ask them here
  24. Hunter[GM]

    200 Players Connected Summon Event

    As promised by the boss lady....200 players connected yesterday and there will be a summons event. I would have done it last night but after 5+ hours online for the PVP event, I was already in deep doodoo from the Mrs. so..the summons event will be Tuesday after the Crusade at your town shop area Some things to remember about event: 1- Mages, you need to use safe mode or you will crim. I know it cost more mana but after all...the shop is RIGHT there to run in and buy more inbetween rounds. 2- Party! why not use a full party and see if you can get better drops. 3- no EKing during event (not that there can be with no raid time, but good to repeat for the future) Hope you can all make it
  25. Hunter[GM]

    200 Players Connected Summon Event

    I wanna say that everyone's behavior at the event was FINALLY for the most part, very good. The mages werent blizzing the helclaw and the warriors were letting the mages take the wyvern down. Thanks everyone...what this does is make us want to do MORE events for you. Which is good for YOU