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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Official Trolling At It's Most Snazzy.

    lol..ok this entire thread made me laugh out loud....yup..I LOL'd- big time! Lunar, dude..come back and play! server is righteous again and you'd love the new players. :huh:
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Egg Hunt Event

    ok...I am having problems with the item code of right now, i have not hidden any eggs. I am waiting to have my GM fixed. I will let you know when that happens. I dont want to waste your time looking for nothing.
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Vu! Stealer

    On Sunday I brought this to farjat's attention during the Heldenian. At the time, we summoned Vu to us to speak about this matter and try to get things resolved but he was AFK. So....purehemp is who took these items? Someone send this message to purehemp for me.... " give the man his items back and dont be such a petty, punk, thief please. You have a decent reputation on this server. Dont let 2 items ruin your reputation with the players and the GM staff. I am giving you this chance to make good on your word and return the items without the GMs having to get involved. IF we have to get will NOT like the outcome, that I promise you. Now, do the right thing." Could someone pelase translate this and send to the thief. Because if the thief makes me go through hours of logs to prove this, Im gonna be pissed and Im gonna take it out on him...HARD CORE.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Types Of Events Poll

    Mass PVP events take approx 5 hours start to these are going to be rare because it is difficult to ask the staff to give up their entire sunday for an event more than once every couple of months. Guild- 5 on 5 PVPs we have tried. And the day of the event, people dont show up on time to participate. but...we could always give it another try. I am willing to try it if there is interest....but there is not going to be super rare prizes given out. Maybe one prize for the winning group of 5 and they can decide how to split it up. Let me think....i have an idea to try., I'll continue doing summons events....these are fun for all and dont need prizes. Also, I have a big scavenger hunt event coming up, which should be a lot of fun AND a progressive demon event planned for next week. how this works is....we meet on the farm map and i show you the square area that you must defend. I will mark them with mana stones. I will then begin to summon 1 demon, 2 demons, 3 demons, 4 demons, etc etc etc Your job is to kill the demons and prevent them from leaving the assigned area. Once they cross the borderline, over the square...event is over. Any items that drop during the event, are food gamed by me at the end. Another event coming up is Capture the Flag...which we have done before. Your town flag is going to be placed on the steps of the enemy City Hall with a GM standing on it. you must go retrieve your flag from the enemy and return to the GM on the steps of your city hall AT the same must defend your city hall so that the enemy cannot get their flag before you do. So there are 2 parts...offensive and defensive and the town that strategizes....and plans ahead of time who will do what, and assigns roles to their town, splits the guilds up with different duties will win. The winning town will get a summon event with stone drops. I am always looking for new and different ideas. Another event coming will be held on BI I will have red capes...12 of them lined up on one end of BI and 12 blue capes lined up opposite them. I need 12 Aresden players to stand on the red capes and 12 elvine to stand on the blue. You may not pick up your town color cape. The object is to defend the enemy from coming to get their capes from you AND to go and try and get your town colors from them. The winning town gets a surprise in that i will then take all 12 capes from you.... and go hide them on a map. ONE of the 12 capes will be a cape with hidden stats such as HP or MP recovery. Got more ideas? let me know....explain your idea, use diagrams if needed.
  5. Hunter[GM]


    Ok...I have read this and I am requesting some time from you to investigate a little bit. I want to speak to my friends who know the language better and can give me an *spam*ogy as to what these words are equivalent to in English. also...all of the Gms and the owners are tired of the racially based insults going on lately in game and on the forum. Things better settle down soon or there are going to be some long mutes, suspensions, bans coming very soon.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Tp Abuse During Crusade

    Those of you who know me, know that for a long, long time I have been trying to do away with the TP abuse that happens during the sades. When a player is raiding the enemy town, rather than dieing, they click on the guild teleport to base button and poof out of the dangerous situation. Only to return seconds later and fight again. There needs to be either a 5 second wait time....5 seconds with no damage log out. Or disable it entirely when in enemy territory. So many people are doing it now, it ruins the true intentions of the feature. It is abusing a feature to avoid becoming an EK and it's frustrating and annoying. PLEASE fix this situation so the cowards cant do this anymore and have to die or escape using SKILL not abusing a feature.
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Tp Abuse During Crusade

    Great....closing topic
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Tp Abuse During Crusade should be set the same exact way as recall scroll or logging out. You cant take damage within 10 secs....even 5 secs before .
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Itenz From A Banned Char

    I dont you know, today when i unbanned, I wanted to make certain that any items on there that did not belong there, were removed. I dont know who wiped it. Only farjat or Sexy could have.
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Poll- Penalty For Pulling Plug

    Its pretty hard to prove if he really pulls, coz i got many dc's before when my wlan setup was *censored*ed up, so not perm ban, make it just week longer everytime. ok...Will there be someone innocent of pulling who is accused of pulling when they really just dc? Maybe...maybe one in a 100 I think 99.9% of the time, it's obvious when someone is pulling. I saw it today in aresden when elvine was player did it 2 times and another did it at least 2 times. And I have seen plenty of Aresden pull in elvine also.
  11. Hunter[GM]


    Length of time for this spell is need to adjust it.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Egg Hunt Event

    I wont cover it with anything.
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Egg Hunt Event

    I am using different colored balls to represent the eggs. They will stand out if you see will know right away it is a ball (egg) You must have 3 of the SAME color to trade in for a prize. you may have to trade to get all 3 When i say not in town, I mean the actual TOWN maps. No eggs will be put in Elvine town or Aresden town. All other maps will be included
  14. Sexy was recently in the hospital for a surgery. She is home now and recovering well. Sexy Get better soon! We all miss you. Hurry back so we can level our players and go hammer hunting. You promised, remember? You were going to make time and now is the perfect chance Youre home now with nothing to do because Tyrone is taking GOOD care of you, correct? lol... :rolleyes: Anyway...Feel better you are missed
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Itenz From A Banned Char

    yea farjat the forum is definitely eating some posts. I need you to tell me in game or private message me the names of the 2 accounts involved and I will take care of it for you. Underdawg and what was the other one? You will be getting the accounts back...not just the items on it.
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Complete Droplist

    RamZ...please contact me in game with the names of the 2 accounts and I will unban them.
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Summon Event

    6pm server time at City Hall area
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Una Pregunta

    I know when I first became a GM...way back when...that is something I had to get used to. Sometimes, it is hard to tell when someone is being aggressive and rude and just doesnt know what words to use. I try to give someone the benefit of the doubt unless the sentence has puto in it :P
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Una Pregunta

    Can someone translate for me please? If this is a complaint about a GM or forum doesnt go here.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Summon Event

    yes and I will repeat the event probably Thursday morning for the AM players
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Change City Plz

    I'm sorry but we are not offering town changes at this time. That being said, welcome to the server and please let us know if there is anything else you need answers for.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    A Funny Lammer

    Awwww dang elguason already looked into it....I was looking forward to doing some investigating and owning someone :P
  23. Hunter[GM]


    Closing this for now Farjat can open it to respond if necessary
  24. Hunter[GM]

    About My Merien Neck

    Editing whitewidow's sig. that is a symbol that many people find offensive for many reasons and does not belong on a game forum like this. About the merien neck...wait for farjat to respond about whether it was deleted. I dont think it was. is not our GM to keep track of player's items. Laki loaned it out and it's on him to keep track of it. Not the GMs
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Afk Training

    It was Sexy who instituted this rule... We all found it difficult to enforce, but did so because a rule is a rule and we respect her decision.