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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Trade In Balls For Prizes - Read Carefully

    That's fine farjat....whenver. I wont use them again for an event until this summer.
  2. Because the hard drive was full Sunday morning when I came in game to exchange eggs for prizes, I need to schedule another time to swap balls for prizes. I will only accept balls, 3 of the same color, that you obtained before Sunday morning. I will be on BI tomorrow, Thurs from 9am-930AM Eastern Standard time- 8-8:30 server, dallas time and once more tomorrow evening from 8pm-830pm est which is 7-730 server time If you cannot make it, find someone to exchange for you. All balls will be wiped after tomorrow night so that we can offer this type of event in the future without worrying about extra balls being stored in wh's. See you then...Remember...3 of the SAME color. I wont take 2 of one color and 1 of another. I wont accept balls after tomorrow evening. Thanks for all who participated and cashed in on the first time slot, Saturday night. You guys did really well, congrats
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Egg Hunt Event

    Starting tomorrow I will be hiding different colored eggs (balls) on various maps in game. Start collecting and saving these eggs. They will be hidden all week long at different times. Next Saturday you can trade your eggs for prizes on Bleeding Island at 6pm server time - 7pm. I will also be there Sunday morning from 8am - 9am to collect eggs. No eggs will be hidden in town. You may trade these eggs, you may save as a guild. Here is what the eggs will get you. 3 Red eggs= Xelima stone 3 Green eggs= Merien stone 3 Yellow eggs= Zemstone 3 Pearl Eggs= HP 14% recovery OR MP 14% recovery PINK cape!!! and a Zemstone Good luck...hope you find lots of eggs. I will not announce when the eggs are being hidden. And I will use test characters sometimes so you will not know when I am logged in and hiding them (this way no way can track me) Questions? Ask here
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Issue With Server

    It seems the hard drive is information is being saved. When you log out, you came back to the original log in place, with no date saved. so...please dont level or train or make trades right now. I will come in later when this is fixed, to exchange the eggs for prizes for the easter egg event. Dont worry, this will be postponed until later today. Anyone with eggs will still get their prize today. Thank you for your patience.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    The Hdd Is Full Again

    We are aware of the situation and it will be fixed as soon as possible. Keep in mind, it is a holiday and be patient. Thanks
  6. Hunter[GM]


    After I read that Walla admitted he went about the situation in the wrong way, and was sorry for how he handled things and assured me the type of language is was using in game would end.... I agree with you. And I was prepared to reduce the time to 1 week. The farjat saw him posting in the SS section, stating that he was going to continue to use speed gear in game. So now, the original ban time will remain. and he can have time to truly think about how he is going to conduct himself on this server in the future. I truly hopes he learns from this incident....learns that he is responsible for the words he uses and that bad actions have consequences.
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Criminal Event

    This is being planned.... I did it before but on a normal player with normal stats... Now I want to try it with 3k HP :P
  8. Hunter[GM]

    It Is Time !

    I hope you change your mind and go. When Nem 2 came I wanted a few guilds to come back and play here. Yours was one of them and you were a player we wanted to come back. Sad to see you go. I wish we could talk before you go.
  9. Hunter[GM]


    Earlier this week, I spoke to you privately and told you to stop the racial slurs. I told you that was your warning. I also assured you that I wouldnt let anyone make racial slurs against you, didnt I? I was in game last night watching the raiding in Aresden, chatting to some elvine players when YOU whispered me and said this: You then returned to argue with me and say in global that I am a lamer, hacker, etc etc, which you are not allowed to do. You also called elguason a hacker and Skyas a lamer. You say this was a joke? I wasnt werent laughing. We're not friends so why would I think that was a joke? I tried explaining the difference to you between a game, false accusation and a RACIAL SLUR, which you had already been WARNED about using. If you truly cannot see the difference between the 2, then please do as elguason said and UNinstall. I see you wrote you went about it the wrong way, which I agree with, but I still see no assurances from you that you will not use racially based insults in game. Convince me of this, and understand that if you do use racially charged words as insults, you will be banned for good. No more warnings, no more it again and Uninstall the game, and accept the consequences like a man. ---- after reading the above ss closer, Tifa will be muted also for a good long period of time for the language he is using in this ss. can see here my responding to your threat and telling you I will mute you and send you to BI. You insist AGAIN that I ban you. And Triple Kills ban is not for saying something 5 times and spamming. It's for saying what he said about a GM. You do not insult, talk badly about a GM. This is clearly written in the server rules and will be enforced in game. TripleKill will be unbanned on Monday but any mute he has will remain until the time is served on it.
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Since I Cant Get An Answer In Game....

    There are a lot of failures when trying to upgrade past the first upgrade It's not a guarantee that it will upgrade. Tell farjat when you got the item...and how also. trade? hunt?
  11. Hunter[GM]

    I Cant Receive A Dkset

    The problem is the ' in your name. farjat changed it for you to get dkset... players, dont make characters with symbols in the will have same issue. Post here or let me know in game that you got your dkset and i will let farjat know.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Egg Event: Need Help

    ok..we will work something out dont give them to anyone...I will take them when you are in game This goes for anyone....if you cant be on Saturday evening sometime...see me in game tomorrow Just ss's arent good still must pass me the 3 balls but we can work something out if you let me know in advance.
  13. Hunter[GM]

    All Gms And Players Please Read

    I am sick of the racially based insults and trash talking and crying, finger pointing, he started it, nonsense. Here and in game. ANYONE in game using words like: Mexican, macano, taco, yankee, person who isn't popular, banana, monkey, nigga, etc etc Please mute the player using those terms for 3 days and send them to BI for 12 hours. Tired of it....grow UP, shut UP and play the game. No comments necessary...closing this and pinning it. -------------------- Traduccion: Estamos cansados de los insultos basados en las razas/nacionalidades, puterio y llorisqueos, apuntando con el dedo que ?l empeso, sin sentido. Aca (foro) y en el Juego. CUALQUIERA en el juego usando palabras como: Mexicanos, macaco, taco, yankee, spci, banana, monkey, nigga, etc etc Por favor muteen al player usando esos terminos por 3 dias y mandelo al BI por 12 horas. Cansados de esto... Maduren, callense y jueguen el juego.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Egg Hunt Event

    I am not saying which maps I drop balls in. I told you what 2 maps are NOT included and that should be enough for you to figure it out. I drop the same number of balls in elvine areas as I do aresden areas. It's perfectly "fair"
  15. Hunter[GM]

    About Ban

    You are responsible for what happens on your account. Do you have any idea how many times a day we hear the " My little brother did it" excuse? Way too many....Make another character, dont give your brother the password, and follow the rules.
  16. Hunter[GM]

    O Galera Br,s

    Brothers, I need to speak to you. Contact me in game, please. Thanks
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Since I Cant Get An Answer In Game....

    If the item was made by /createitem, then it probably cannot be upgraded. Same as a magic diamond...If a GM makes them, they say completion 0% they appear to be the same as the others, but they are worthless.
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Egg Hunt Event

    My GM is fixed and I have made 3 egg drops so far. I plan on making 2-3 drops per day at different times of the day to include as many players as possible. Im not answering specific questions like " Is it on ______ map?" I said where it would NOT be....if it's not the TOWN map then there is a chance an egg could be hidden there.
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Types Of Events Poll

    This is exactly what happened. Everyone says they want these events but when given the chance to enter one wanted to make any effort and actually follow through with it.. That being said....We will try again to offer a 5 vs 5 event. It will not be guild 5 on 5 because I dont want to exclude people who may not be in a guild or who want to enter a mixed team of 5. Teams will have to pre-register here on forum and identify their teams. No substitutions. Those 5 have to show up to fight. We will not even run this event unless we can get 10 teams of 5 to register for it. And to actually have the event on the date of the least 8/10 of the registered teams have to show up to fight.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Bersek Time.

    quote what elguason said
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Im Not Stealer.. ;)

    This is the 3rd topic on this issue. Closing this one as i responded in the other. What happened was wrong but not against server rules. How many times do we have to say..DONT share accounts and dONT lend items? TO ANYONE....NO exceptions.
  22. Hunter[GM]


    Any new players who came to this forum and read this topic would think this server was full of a bunch of morons. Skyas, give them all a vacation from forum. This is a GAMING forum and players who push the boundaries of common sense, basic decency and manners shouldnt have posting privileges.
  23. Hunter[GM]


    Purehemp, I know what happened. I tracked the incident down and this was investigated. And unfortunately, no server rules were broken. What the person did was rotten, lousy, deceitful and wrong in my opinion, but...he broke no rules. Unless farjat wants to make an exception and possibly treat this as scamming...which is in the server rules, we cannot return your items. Be thankful it is just a cape...and not something truly rare. I know how you must feel....used, taken advantage of and now suspicious of all people. But this is not a matter for a GM to get involved in. I hate to say this but, dont trust anyone. No exceptions.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Poll- Penalty For Pulling Plug

    Of course, this is all based on a GM observing the pulling action and being able to verify it did happen. Players saying so and screen shots will not be accepted. What do you think? do we want to add this to the server rules or not?
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Poll- Penalty For Pulling Plug

    Anymore off topic "he said-she said" posts and ill suspend your forum account for a month so sick of the trash talking and whining...and they do seem to be related. some of the biggest trash talkers in game are then the first ones to cry and moan when someone dishes it back their way. All of you....grow UP and SHUT UP and play the game