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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    5 Vs 5 Pvp Event Suggestions

    I am in the process of planning a 5 on 5 player pvp event. I want to get some suggestions on the rules from all of you. There are some rules that will be in place and are not negotiable. 1- The 5 players must be from the same town 2- Each group of 5 must pre-register on the forums and actually show up the day of the event. (no substitutions will be allowed on the day of the event....prior to that, the team may be changed) 3- The make up of the 5 must include a minimum of 1 mage and at least 1 warrior. After that, you can have however many you want to make up your group of 5 4- This is not a guild event. Any 5 people can register and participate. 5- No activations unless you are matched up with a group that has access to a xelima weapon also 6- No slates are allowed to be used 7- No Resu wands are allowed 8- If a member of the group DC's they are out and will not be brought back to the battle. 9- Each member of the group of 5 must be a player in good standing. Meaning, they have to be approved by the GM staff as earning the right to participate. No players who are banned at the time of the event will be permitted to play. ( We wont unban someone to allow them to play) 10- The winning group of 5 must pass a pack check at the end of the event. Failure of all 5 members to take and post a screen shot when asked by the GM staff, will result in the entire team being disqualified and the top prize being awarded to the runner up. Additions? Up to you.... I am open minded and want to hear what you all think. I am inclined to keep this as free from restrictions as possible. So dont list a bunch of crazy rules that are impossible to enforce, such as- no way for us to check that.
  2. Hunter[GM]

    5 Vs 5 Pvp Event Suggestions

    Thanks Colo! This be the one.... anyone else have any input they would lke to add before we put this together and discuss brackets, etc?
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Where's My 5 On 5 Rules Thread?

    Can anyone find it and bump it up? I dont wanna forget about this....many players seem interested. We are going to make it a guild event so....if you want to play in the 5 on 5 get a guild together.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Where's My 5 On 5 Rules Thread?

    lol thanks man....I appreciate it.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Blocking Entrance Of Enemy Structure

    Lame.... At least with summons, there was a chance to crit a few times and kill them to get past or break out of box. And a mage could come by and with 1 blizz clear the entrance....yea the enemy would amp the summons, but they didnt do this consistently. Bodies you cant move so easily. I think what will happen is the lower level players will just be getting massacred. They wont be able to run into the shop to get away from the mass raiding parties that come to town every weekend. I totally disagree with allowing them to block the shop entrances. Map entrances? I could care less....never did understand why USA didnt allow us to block entrances. but the shop is a safe place, a refuge and the entrance should not be impeded.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Master Apprentice Program

    ok dimora you are aresden's rep as well as Magic JoKer In elvine we have wutafreek and we need 1 more, trustworth elv to volunteer. Once I have that commitment from people, I will set up the accounts. We will keep one mule in elvine and 1 mule in aresden. So the player's donations go to their townsmates. Unless, one town is SO cheap, then we share the wealth. Let me know who is interested.
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Merry B-day Bear Dumah !

    Happy Birthday, old friend. Hope you have a good one
  8. Hunter[GM]


    lol owned
  9. Hunter[GM]

    5 Vs 5 Pvp Event Suggestions

    but some people who want to play, arent in a guild and others are in different guilds
  10. Hunter[GM]


    I want to see this
  11. Hunter[GM]

    5 Vs 5 Pvp Event Suggestions

    no....I want the teams to be made up by the members of the team.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Server Reboot And Reschedules

    lol elguason down!
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Progressive Demon Event Sunday

    On Sunday, I will be hosting a Progressive Demon Event on the Farm Maps. The TENTATIVE time will be after the Heldenian (this could change so keep checking to verify) I will block out a section of the farm with markers. I will then begin to summon demons one at a time and adding +1 to each round. The goal is for you all to kill the demons before they exit the marked area. I will begin summoning 1 demon. then 2....3....4.....5.....etc etc +1 +1 +1 +1 We will see which town can kill and contain the most demons. Any valuable rare drops will be taken by me and food gamed with everyone who helps. No civilians or travelers are allowed at the event. Even to watch. Combatants only. I recommend that you try and get the players with Resu Wands to show up for this. Any person(s) who do not cooperate with the town's goal, and who interferes in the event or makes a nuisance of themselves by jumping on corpses, not helping, standing and watching...will be removed. If you show up, be prepared to help...even if all you do is PFM must participate. I will do Aresden first and then come to Elvine. Questions? Leave them here. Hope you all can make it
  14. Hunter[GM]


    I dont like the prize idea.... I have seen both towns take the sades much more seriously than they used to. I always see guilds building. and now that we have done away with the tp abuse in sades, I think things are much better. I really dont see this as a big issue anymore. If it becomes an issue in the future, we can do away with 1 of the 3 sades but i dont think its necessary at this point.
  15. Hunter[GM]

    What All Was Dropped In Theives Event?

    As far as I know....this is what dropped Several zems 4-5 meriens 4-5 xelimas 1 gold cape 2 angels 2-3 ROM 2 MS10 necks 2 mp 49 targe shields 2-3 mshield wands 2 tower shields lots of candy, spgs, invis pots, wix hats
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Thieves In Town

    I tried a version of this way back when I couldnt get any kind of character edited and added...I would run around on my player and drop whatever was in my bag when killed. But this idea was a great one...and as you can see our characters were not edited with mass HP or MP. We all had ms10 and rom, mp 49 targe, gold cape, invis pots and sps, reds and blues DK sets and dk 15 wands, all spells. wutafreek, I did not die once in elvine so I dont think you would have owned me. I got most of my EKs in elvine. And I saw you afk in shop the entire event so you talk a good game but didnt show up to put your money where your mouth is, my friend.
  17. Hunter[GM]


    For making this post, you added 3 months onto the in game ban and a permanent ban from forum. Grow up please
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Thieves In Town

    I only got 2 ss I was too busy running for my life most of the time. I had a lot of fun with your guys today. This was way better then when I would log into my player and run from you guys in nem 1, huh? lol Sorry to post your ek, Jensen...this one was total luck. I didnt die in elvine at all...believe it or not. But I died multiple times in Aresden. Serious lag and I would just freeze and not be able to move. Playing on a crappy laptop isnt so smart for events like this. Anyway...I hope you had fun and I want to thank the players that whisper me to thank me. Means a lot to know that you appeciate events and stuff. Then they will happen more often.
  19. Hunter[GM]

    The Thieves Will Raid Town.

    Oh man...I guess I should be offended but I know it's TRUE so how can I be? lol I am trying to get some practice in and I have 2 good coaches.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    The Thieves Will Raid Town.

    LOL Nova!
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Progressive Demon Event Sunday

    CANCELLED NO demon event tomorrow. The thieves are going to raid instead so look out!
  22. Hunter[GM]

    The Thieves Will Raid Town.

    CANCELLING THE DEMON EVENT.....seriously, we can do that ANY time this sounds way better. Ive been dreaming of an event like this for YEARS! I will re-schedule the demon event for another time. THIS EVENT ROCKS! (ive never played on a mage so im sure i will die... a lot :unsure: ) I will have Maggie help me lol
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Bug In Priv Pit Arena

    This used to happen when I would use the arena for PVP events... I would spend about an hour teleporting 100 people there and then I would begin event and everyone would get auto recalled... I had to set force recall time first, then set peace mode, and then it would work ok. but I got burned quite a few times first.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Experience Events- Friday

    Friday I will hold a low level experience event for all players level 100 and lower. The event will be held on the farm map at 9am EST or 8am server time. Any player over level 100, will be sent to BI and not permitted to participate in the higher level event at shop. Following this event, I will summon for everyone at the shop area *** I am going to repeat the event Friday between 6-8pm server time at the shop. Sorry, I cannot give you a more definite time yet. Maybe tomorrow I will be able to See you there
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Progressive Demon Event Sunday

    It's a pretty BIG assumption to think a DS will even drop :wacko: