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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down Again

    ive read enough impatient, stupid posts from you today dont make anymore
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Let's Review Server Rule #2

    Here is rule 2 as it is stated: No unattended macros are allowed. You will be banned for 1 week for 1st offense and then permanently after this. You are also not permitted to train or level skills away from you computer. You must remain with your player at all times. This goes even for shield training in pits. You must be at your computer. NO training skills AWAY from the computer. Macros or just training shields in snakes. NOT allowed. you must remain with your computer at all times. There has been some confusion about this rule in game and on forums. So, I thought I would remind everyone. 1 week ban for walking away while using a macro or training shield. 2nd time you do this, you will be banned.
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down Again

    look on page 2 of this topic someone posted the name of the virus and how to get rid of it Sango approached me a long time ago and tried to get me to leave Nemesis and come to his server if
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down Again

    This is his msn addy You all might want to write and thank him for being such a loser or maybe put it on some spam lists or try and get the ip from this from MSN dont download the client to his server. You will get viruses and he will get remote control of your pc
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Battle Of The Colors Event Sunday 12 Pm Server Time

    Next one will be a Capture the Flag event in they can get EKs and will drop items. That one is a lot of fun also and goes very fast.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down Again

    Just be patient guys....we are fixing as fast as we can. I cannot give you a time or hour when it will be ready. It will take as long as it takes.
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Battle Of The Colors Event Sunday 12 Pm Server Time

    nope...this is an event I did in Nemesis 1
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Battle Of The Colors Event Sunday 12 Pm Server Time

    make capes useless stated like strong 14% so u can t go buy one in shop and just drop it :F Nice idea...I will do this. strong 7% so I can identify the winning capes at the end. Time limit is a good idea also but i dont think it will take that long. However, I will wait and see how things are going and give a 15 min warning if i have to.
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down Again

    Server will be back up as soon as we make some fixes. Jaapy is working on something right now. Net overlords are jealous of our #1 position, I guess and they dont know how to play nicely with others. That's ok..we got a couple nice surprises to send his way.
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Players Who Donate To The Ma Program

    This week's winners are: Elvine Gamny Aresden Vampyr Thanks to everyone who donated.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Warrior Damage Rings

    Where are they? :o TW are not dropping them, ogres are not giving ogre rings.... there might be 5 special warrior damage rings in the entire server but hundreds of mage damage rings.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Warrior Damage Rings

    no We are not publishing that list ever again.
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Warrior Damage Rings

    Demon and Dragon rings..need to remain extremely rare...same as ROAM Xelima rings need to remain very very rare but ogre rings? they are not a rare drop....on USA and int'l they are as common almost as ROM is.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    New Website

    Link for pay pal donations Link for Helbreath Top 50 site
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Poll: Keep Nem 1 Forum Threads Or Delete

    If you have stuff over there you want to keep.... get over there and print it out now or trasfer it to a word doc before it is wiped.
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Pl Max Lvl

    I see PL as the compromise we gave when we went to max level 180 the old skool types who love real PVP action, have all really taken advantage of this situation and made some interesting built characters. I love watching the fights in elv and are safe zones. And I think it is very even on both sides. I know these PL character players are really enjoying themselves and would hate to take that away from them. Inner, I think as more and more players level up there are going to be bigger and better fights and more PVP action. When we open DC map up, that will add another dimension to the fights. IG pits are back now, so the icebound wars will continue. I vote for leave PL level where it is. These guys are having a blast and I have seen them in action and understand why they love it so much. Although, I do understand your point Inner and respect your opinions. Inner, make a PL raider and go join in the fun!
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Progressive Demon Event Sunday

    Sunday April 20th will be the Progressive Demon Event Elvine meet me at 12noon on the elvine farm map Aresden, meet me on aresden farm as soon as the elvine event is over I will block out a square area. I will then summon demons, one at a time. You must kill and contain the demons in that square area. First one demon, then 2, 3, 4, 12, 20, 25, 30, etc etc.... I will add one more each round. The event is over when a demon escapes the square. Rules- NO civilians or travelers are must be a combatant of the town to participate. You must cooperate with your town. Anyone disrupting the event will be sent to BI for the rest of the day. Any items that drop during the course of the event, will be held by the GM and fooded later for everyone who participated. This event requires real team get organized and show up to help! The town that kills the MOST demons, will win a summon event for Sunday after the Heldenian. Questions? post them here
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Master Apprentice Program

    We want your to one of the 4 players listed and they will show you how to help. Thanks
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Design A Weapon Contest

    rofl xD This is too funny..and that drawing is classic. Maggie LOVES her axe! :wub:
  20. Hunter[GM]

    10 Second Recall

    I will repeat what I said earlier and say that recall is a necessary resource for the low level player to defend themselves. We are not going to make a huge coding change for a 1 week trial. It's just not a suggestion that we are going to implement.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Pack Editing Checks

    Aldz0r submitted his ss to me is fine. all buildings are there, no edits to the file Thanks for your cooperation
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Design A Weapon Contest

    Weapon Hammer Name The Mageilhater Bright GOLD Battle hammer level 180 to buy and 200 str to equip does same damage as hammer to warriors but does GBH x 2 dmg to all mages Crits para them, normal hits do massive damage If the warrior dies, this hammer will never drop. If a mage kills them, the mage also dies, drops their best item, loses 10 eks and 50 contribution points and spends 3 hours in jail :P
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Summon Event For The Am Players

    It was brought to my attention that the morning players would also like a summon event so... I will be holding an experience/summon event at the shop area at 9am Eastern time (NYC time) today, Friday April 18th. There is to be NO raiding at the event. NO EKing. Stay away from the shop / wh area until the event is over. Thanks...see you there! Hunter
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Progressive Demon Event Sunday

    Thank you, Akon Yes, I know there are many spanish speakers but i also know my spanish sucks and i dont want to insult your intelligence by posting a babble fished translation. I usually wait for one of the Spanish speaking GMs or players to translate for me like Akon did.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Signatures??

    There were numerous warnings issued before we reached the point of disabling them. Perhaps in the future, we will have another chance of using signatures but for now, they are disabled.