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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Contest- Design A Magic Spell

    ok...First off..sorry for deleting some of the posts in this topic but I wanted the judges to be able to scroll through the topic and see the entries to the contest without a lot of commentary or anything that would influence their decision. It wasnt an easy decision for the judges. They liked a lot of these ideas. Some are very practical ideas. Those got points for being usable but not for creativity. Some were really off the wall, very creative but not backed up with graphics or enough details. The results of the contest are: FIRST place Freeze Field by Evilsack SECOND place Hallucination by MossBeard THIRD place- there was a tie with each magic receiving the same amt of votes Hail of Arrows by wutafreek AND Trance by Promote Congrats to the winners....See me in game for your prizes. If you dont agree with the judges decision, thats fine. But do not post spiteful, negative comments here. Keep it to yourself and be a good sport.
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Contest- Design A Magic Spell

    CLOSED Winners will be announced when I have all of the votes returned.
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Hunter Down Dignity - 1

    This is what I logged into today Uhhh.... :unsure: owned :blush: :blush: :blush:
  4. When we first moved to Nemesis 2, some players asked us to keep the Nemesis 1 forum info. Sexy said she would do that and have kept it. is taking up a large amount of space that we would like to use for new features on the website. Has enough time gone by for you all to save the information from Nem 1 forum to now delete it?
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Hunter Down Dignity - 1

    lol...Maggie was SO happy. She laughed so hard then said : Daddy you look SO pretty!!! Just what every father wants to hear :huh:
  6. Hunter[GM]


    Quests are on the list to be addressed. We can only work on so many issues at a time.
  7. There will be a cape event on Sunday at 12 noon server time on Bleeding Island This is the design of this event 12 red capes and 12 blue capes will be placed at opposite ends of the north section of BI There will be cannons and arrows towers in front of the capes Elvine will be defending the red capes and trying to prevent Aresden from claiming them. Aresden will defend the blue capes and try to keep Elvine from claiming them. They may NOT touch, pick up or move the capes they are defending. These capes must remain on the ground at ALL times. Defending is just one part of this event. Each town must also try and fight the enemy and claim their town colors back from the enemy. You must infiltrate the enemy base, and pick up and equip your town's colored cape. Every spell can be used, all armors, rares may be used including activation weapons and resu wands. When one town has claimed and equipped all 12 of their town's colored capes, they win the event. Remember, you will not drop items on BI and there are no EKs here. Anyone who picks up a cape that is not their town's colors.....for instance, someone in elvine decides to pick up and hide a red cape and prevent aresden from claiming it, will be banned for 2 weeks of play on their main character. We will find the IP of the character who took the cape and ban all accounts with that ip for 2 weeks. This event will only work, if players play according to the rules. The 12 red and 12 blue capes are not statted. They are shop capes. What does the winner get? The winning town will receive a summon event at City Hall after the event is over. During this summon event, special items will be dropped in the middle of the mobs. Special Items include: Zems, Meriens, Xelima Stones 1 Crimson Red Cape 1 Ogre Ring Super Pots- mana, hp and spg GMs will be invisible and drop the above items at random times during the summon event. No civilians or travelers will be permitted to attend the summon event. The town that plans ahead ad organizes their offense and defense will most likely win this event. This event is all about cooperation and team work and the winners will be rewarded. Good luck, hope to see everyone at the event on Sunday Any questions? Post them here
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Please Read And Translate

    If you do nothing else on this server all year.... PLEASE BE IN GAME ON SUNDAY for the Heldenian and right after the Heldenian. Trust will regret it, if you are not there :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl: :excl:
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Battle Of The Colors Event Sunday 12 Pm Server Time

    First ss is the elvine base... You can see the capes buried....Aresden will have to kill the DT kits to get to the cape next 2 ss's are Aresden base Both bases are close as I could make it
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Battle Of The Colors Event Sunday 12 Pm Server Time

    Do NOT come to Bleeding Island until 15 minutes before event when I announce it. Please make sure you know the rules and that your town knows the rules. Or this event is going to be a big waste of time if people dont follow instructions. Start telling your town to come to forum and read event rules and plan accordingly.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Design A Weapon Contest

    Design a weapon contest You will be judged on: Creativity Practicality Design Explanation of weapon's attributes and damages Posting a picture of your weapon gets you more points Overall presentation of your design You may enter as many times as you want. You may win more than 1 prize. Leaving a negative comment about someone else's idea, will result in you being disqualified, and having your forum account suspended for 2 weeks. You are welcome to comment on anyone's idea but do so in a mature, appropriate way. Deadline for entry is 1 week from today...Friday April 25th at midnight. Winners will be announced Saturday April 26th Prizes First prize- Stone package 2 zems, 1 merien, 1 xelima Second prize- 1 merien, 1 zem Third prize- 1 zem Judges All GMs, farjat, maggie, scat, sexy, Diana and the 4 players who help with MA program (they may not vote for themselves but can enter) * These ideas will NOT be implemented on server. This is for fun only * Past entries will not be considered(we dont want you to post old entries you made in the past...come up with some NEW ideas. * Your design must be of a weapon...not a spell.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    About /dkset

    Divine....yesterday in game he whispered me and angrily told me a GM "LIED" to him and he demanded his majestic points back. and the GM was not ill-informed.....again, the GM gave ACCURATE information. If there is a bug NO ONE knows about, how is that "ill informed" ?
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Please Read And Translate

    well what time will it be in middle european time? No idea...check server time on the main page of forum and then convert it
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Throwing Daggers

    You should have entered this idea in the Weapon Design might have won some zems. Maybe enter it in the accessories contest in 2 weeks.
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Battle Of The Colors Event Sunday 12 Pm Server Time

    This was already suggested and will be done. MJ....someone can get as many they can and then pass them out to others. person can take 4 capes and equip one and pass the others to 3 other players. No one can keep more than 1....that would defeat the purpose of event and....your side would lose.
  16. Hunter[GM]


    I remember you also Welcome to Nemesis....make sure to read the server rules so you know what is expected of you. also, let me know if you have any questions or need any help with anything. Good luck
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Event 03.05.2008

    This event is being sponsored by me. I will provide assistance to Scofield and also provide the prize which will be announced soon
  18. Hunter[GM]

    About /dkset

    Could be a bug with the M and F...not sure why that would effect it but who knows. Perhaps Jaapy will see this and let us know what he thinks. As far as reimbursing maj points? If it could be proven, beyond a reasonable doubt that there is in fact, a bug that caused this... maybe more thing... LOSE the "I was misled by a GM" attitude right now or you wont get anything. The information given to you is/was accurate. So accusing a GM of lieing to you, will get you 0 help from any of us.
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Helbreath Nemesis Economy Ministry.

    I love the new, fancy title (bows to His Honor)
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Influx Of New Players

    We have lots of new people checking out the server recently... Please...Think to the future and be nice to them. Be helpful when/where you can. Dont go out of your way to torture, insult and harass them These people, if they like what they see...will stay and level up. We then have a whole new population of fresh meat to EK with!!!!!!!!! smart and be nice and keep them at Nemesis.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Miltanks Mock Draft Event

    1. The Dolphins signed Jake Long, Michigan, to a huge contract, so the mystery is gone from the first pick. It was a smart move by the Phins, the NFL rules allow negotiations with the first pick, so why not? The Raiders screwed the pooch last year by having QB JaMarcus Russell hold out all of training camp. I think in the future you will see the first pick almost always work out a deal prior to the draft. My advice, if the team that has the top pick can't work out a deal prior to the draft, then draft someone else, because it makes no sense to have the your first pick hold out, time is short, they are restricted free agents in three years and totally free after five, and it usually takes 2-3 years for a rookie to develop. 2. I see the Rams grabbing defensive tackle Glenn Dorsey from LSU here. Adam Carricker was their first pick last year, but he is really a defensive end. I was actually surprised they played him inside last year, I think it was more out of necessity that anything. With Carriker and Dorsey I expect the Rams defense to be much improved in 2008. Oh, and if it was my choice I would pick Sedrick Ellis, everything being equal, Ellis is just as quick and strong and has been more consistent and durable over the years. 3. This one is a no brainer here, the Falcons desperately need a quarterback and the best QB in the draft falls right into their laps. QB, Matt Ryan, Boston College. Ryan has all the intangibles you want in a franchise quarterback. The only thing that could throw this off is the Ravens, Vikings or Bears trading up here to snatch Ryan away. Matt Ryan is probably not falling to the Ravens so get that idea out of your mind. 4. It starts getting tricky about right here because the Raiders could go a number of different ways. They might grad RB Darren McFadden, who many consider the best player in this draft, but they already have Justin Vargas, who had a good year in 2008 and they drafted Michael Bush from Louisville last year, who if he wouldn't have broken his leg his senior year, would have been a first round draft pick. They also have LaMont Jordan and Dominic Rhodes on their roster. No I think they will take the best defensive player still on the board in DE/OLB, Chris Long, Virginia. He will also be a fan favorite as his dad Howie was a hall of fame Raider. 5. The Chiefs just traded Jared Allen to the Vikings. Don't get your panties in a wad Chief fans, Allen was a shot of Jack Daniels away from seeing a year long suspension and demanded a huge contract, the Viking might regret that move. The Chiefs aren't going to the playoffs in 2008 so it's time to rebuild with some youth, they get an extra first round pick and a few others. They wanted Jake Long, but he is gone and no other tackles are worthy of this high of a pick. The only other player that they might select ahead of DT, Sedrick Ellis, USC is DE Vernon Gholston from Ohio State. I think it will be Ellis though, both fill a need, but I have Ellis rated a little higher. Ellis will be a pro bowl tackle in the NFL and could be defensive rookie of the year. 6. The Jets have Thomas Jones and Leon Washington at running back, so they might take Vernon Gholston, who really fills more of a need. But sticking with the best player available theme they will likely select RB, Darren McFadden, Arkansas. This is where they will get some phone calls as the Cowboys would like to get Darren McFadden, but they are not going to give up the house for him and more than likely the Jets demands will be too high. If McFadden falls from this spot, there is a high probability that the Cowboys will try to up and get him because the next team likely to select him seems to be the Broncos at #12. 7. New England gets this pick in a trade with the 49ers from last year. They could go cornerback here, but DE, Vernon Gholston, Ohio State is by far the highest rated player left on the Draft Board. Some people have talked about Keith Rivers at this spot, first of all I think it's to early for Rivers and secondly he doesn't fit the mold as a pass rushing linebacker, Rivers is a better fit in a traditional 43 defense. If Ghoston gets taken by the Jets, the Patriots might reach a little and take Florida's Derrick Harvey. 8. This is the most difficult pick for me, conventional wisdom has the Ravens believing all the so called draft experts and passing on QB, Brian Brohm, Louisville. They might just draft a cornerback here and then try and trade back into the bottom of the first round and getting Brohm or maybe Joe Flacco. That's not a bad idea, but it's no guarantee that you will be able to get back into the first round and get Brohm or Flacco, the Vikings or the Bears could snatch one or both players away and then the Ravens would look pretty stupid for passing up a potential franchise quarterback in Brian Brohm. I guess it all depends if they consider Brohm a franchise type quarterback, I happen to think he can become that player. 9. The Bengals are praying that Sedrick Ellis will fall down to them, but that is highly unlikely. They really need defensive tackle help, but this is a little early for Kentwan Balmer, so I look for the Bengals to select OLB, Keith Rivers, USC. Rivers is a very athletic linebacker, highly rated and a good value here. He would be an upgrade for either Rashad Jeannty or Dhani Jones. They would like to get a wideout to replace disgruntled Chad Johnson, but no receiver presents good value here. 10. The Saints need help at cornerback, outside linebacker, defensive tackle, tight end and yes even running back. With the best defensive back still on the board they snatch him up in a heart beat. CB, Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie, Tennessee State is a small school talent and wasn't even valued as a first rounder until the Senior Bowl and NFL Scouting Combine. He has everything you could want in a corner except experience against top competition, which he will get in a hurry in the NFL. Leodis McElvin from Troy or Mike Jenkins from South Florida are also right there neck and neck with Cromartie. 11. This is one of those picks where the Bills might try to put a square peg in a round hole. WR, Devin Thomas, Michigan State isn't really rated this high, but this receiver class is so weak and the Bills are so desperate for receiver help they might reach for him. Not that Thomas isn't talented, he is a big play waiting to happen and has nice size at 6' 2" 215 pounds. His 4.43 speed teamed up with Lee Evans on the outside would give the Bills a dangerous pass catching duo. 12. Do the Broncos like Chris Williams or Ryan Clady? One of those two tackles will likely be selected by the Broncos, but they also need help at defensive tackle, safety, wide receiver and running back. Coach Shanahan loves to draft running backs and Rashad Mendenhall will draw a long look. I think however, Clady would be the highest rated player at this point and would give young quarterback Jake Cutler some much needed protection. 13. I was real high on DeAngelo Willimas when he came out of college, and I still think the Carolina Panthers made a good choice, but the NFL is a two back league and Williams isn't a big back. RB, Rashard Mendenhall, Illinois however is, and he brings an impressive size speed, package to the table. Mendenhall is 5' 10" 225 pounds and runs a 4.46 forty! I even think the Cowboys will consider trying to trade up here to get Mendenhall if he starts to fall. 14. The Junior OL, Branden Albert, Virginia really rose up the draft boards once he declared for the draft. The Chicago Bears will take a long look at Albert if he is still on the Draft Board. They also need receiver and quarterback help, but Albert would be too good to pass up here if he fell this low. Chris Williams or Jeff Otah might even get the nod if Albert is gone at this spot. If Mendenhall falls down to the 14 spot I think the Bears will strongly consider drafting him, Cedric Benson has been a huge bust. Watch the Bears shock the world by drafting QB Joe Flacco here, I wouldn't be all that shocked, Flacco has a cannon for an arm and the Bears need a quarterback. 15. The Lions have so many holes they could go a number of different directions here, but linebacker Jerod Mayo, from Tennessee makes the most sense if he is still available. If Phillip Merling is still on the board he is the other prospect that fits the bill, but Mayo is the only inside linebacker that looks like a first rounder at this point and that's just what the doctor ordered for the Lions, unless Lion fans, you really think Paris Lenon is the answer on the inside? 16. The Arizona Cardinals never seem to be able to break out of the woulda, shoulda, coulda cycle. They actually haven't drafted that bad over the years, but owner Bill Bidwell just doesn't show the commitment to keep his good players from leaving. DB Antrel Rolle has been a disappointment, but I said it when he came out and now my prognosis is coming true, Rolle was, and is, better suited to play safety and reportedly they are going to move him there this year. That leaves a hole at cornerback and the Cardinals should get lucky as one the top four, first round caliber, cornerbacks should still be available here. I like CB, Leodis McKelvin, Troy, he possesses blazing speed and can return punts. They might select Mike Jenkins or Aqib Talib also, it just depends which corner they like more and if they have devalued Talib due to his addiction to the wacky tobaccy. Bidwell will probably play paper, rock, scissors to decide which corner to select. 17. In case you have been living in a cave, the Vikings traded this pick to the Kansas City Chiefs for DE Jared Allen. If the Chiefs pass on a tackle with their first pick (#5) they will almost certainly pick a tackle at this spot. They would be ecstatic if OT, Chris Williams, Vanderbilt was still on the board. If Ryan Clady, Branden Albert, Jeff Otah and Williams are already gone, the Chiefs will be in a little trouble, but I expect one of those guys to be available here, so despite what the experts are saying, they don't really have to take a tackle with their first # 1 pick. The only other three players the Chiefs might consider here are defensive ends Derrick Harvey and Phillip Merling and cornerback Mike Jenkins. But remember, the Chiefs now have six picks in the first three rounds, they will fill their roster with young talent and should be able to get 4-5 quality starters out of this draft. 18. The Houston Texans, like the Chiefs, are another team desperately needing help at the offensive tackle position. By this time in the draft, the top tackles will almost all be gone, so if one of the top dogs is still on board, they might grab him, but more than likely they will grab running back RB, Jonathan Stewart, Oregon. Reggie Bush can't do it alone and Stewart is a special talent at running back, he had toe surgery on March 10th, but I don't think it will hurt his draft stock because he ran a 4.48 at the 2008 NFL Scouting Combine. Stewart is so good I think Dallas will try to trade up here and get him. I only rate 3 running backs (McFadden, Mendenhall, Stewart) as true first round material and Dallas really wants one of them. 19. Most people have the Eagles taking a receiver here and that is a possibility, but the receivers are very suspect this year, if you want a receiver you are better off waiting until the second round. They are going to get at least two receivers in this draft, probably in rounds 2-4, but the best player still on the boards will likely be Phillip Merling or Derrick Harvey. DE Phillip Merling, Clemson is a little bigger and fits the Eagles system better. Since the release of Jevon Kearse the Eagles are very thin at defensive end after Trent Cole. They also need free safety help, but there isn't one worthy of being drafted this high. 20. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers could go in a number of different ways here, maybe a running back like Jamaal Charles, Felix Jones or Chris Johnson. They also need help at cornerback, Ronde Barber is entering his 12th season. However, receiver is by far their biggest need, the only problem is the receivers in this draft class all have issues. Joey Galloway is their only weapon and he is 36 years old. WR, Limas Sweed, Texas looks like the safest bet, (if there is such a thing). DeSean Jackson will also draw a lot of interest due to his return ability, but Sweed is a big receiver that can go up and get the ball. Sweed suffered most of the year with a wrist injury, if not for the injury, Sweed would have likely emerged as a top 15 pick in this 2008 NFL Draft. I am adding a 3/3 zem to the prize
  22. Hunter[GM]

    5 Years Of Nemesis This Mouth

    Summon abby? seriously...sometimes the towns cannot cooperate enough to down a wyvern in town, next to the you really think they can down abaddon? I do not 1- we have the cape event planned for that day. 2- Heldenian winning town of cape event gets a special summon event...When that is over Maybe a summon event for both towns with a surprise added. A very cool, special surprise to celebrate the 5th year of Nemesis. Please dont insult the events we plan and carry out. If you dont like them, dont come. But it is uncalled for to make insults like this. Grow up, please.
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Bi Down,

    Hunter is stuck also....I will let them know.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Design A Weapon Contest

    Winners First Place My Destiny- volvo2 Excellent graphic and story line...well explained Second Place Maggie's Axe- Magic Joker (might seem trivial but i love the idea of turning players into could develop this even further and make them able to be killed...very creative) Third Place Panic Hammer- Raquzz thorough in your description of attributes..graphic not creative but you did provide one and this is a realistic weapon Choosen Wand Magic Joker very the graphic Congrats to the winners! See me in game for your prizes See me in game for prizes
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down Again

    Quick re-boot to apply a patch.... 5 mins max