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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Ma Program Helpers

    Please list the donators this week so I can do the weekly Zem raffle. Thanks a lot Try to have the names posted here by 5pm if you can.
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Old Skool Hb

    Did he say ban blizz? woo hoo!! This man is a genius!!! I'm with him...BAN BLIZZ PLIX
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Sorry Folks....

    Guys, I have seen pics of his lovely wife and trust me, he is making the right decision lol Lew, youll always have a place here. We will wait for you, for life to not be so hectic. When the boys are a little older and your wife a little tired of you, we will see you in game, I am sure. Some of the best fights i ever had were against you. Great times as a player and as a GM. Take care and do not feel badly about this decision. Youre making the smart one. Say hi to Dannyman for me. Hunter
  4. Hunter[GM]

    To Gm's Of Nemesis

    Thanks is nice to read stuff like this from time to time. And what makes this server GREAT is our awesome players.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Hi From African.

    Toilet, Squall[GM] has some good suggestions for reducing the lag you experience. Tonight has been good but the last 2 nights, were awful with lag. So, don't judge based on the pst 24 hours. We usually run pretty much lag free for the UK area. Players in South american continue to have lag but they have all learned to play with it. I'll ask Squall to post here with the suggestions he has.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Welcome Back Veteran Players

    Guess who I saw running around Aresden? Ariel....Isabelle's warrior. It seems some dork stole the name Isabelle.... :sleep: also, welcome back to Fey It's good to see Aresden getting some of their veteran players back. Use this thread to welcome back our old time players to Nemesis
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Magical Summon Event

    MaGiCaL summon event Tues night 6pm server time Town shop This is a different kind of event....the only summons that will be made all have magical powers. SO, if you need to raise your MR%, this is the event for you. Low level players, this event might be a little tough for you. Mages- please use safe. Press home button. The shop is right there to buy new pots. All players- party UP! Full party mode gets better and more drops. Please be considerate of other players. I dont want to see people flying others off of drops, cursing, carrying on. These events are for fun...not to act childish and rude. magic on HC, TW I will make a wyvern for the mages at the end of the event, away from the warriors No EKing or raiding during event. It's only 1 minute but still....needed to be said. Thanks See you tonight at the event
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Cue And Magic Joker

    Please contact me in game as soon as possible but especially before the event tonight Thanks
  9. Hunter[GM]


    It's on the list.... We will get to it eventually
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Server Is Gettin To Be One Sided Again Gms...

    I have assisted on several Elvine guild hunts...whenever I am asked. ask wutafreek and the GM of Argenlandia
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Miner Event Middleland Mines

    On Friday, May 9th at 7pm server time, there will be a miner event in the MiddleLand Mine. Log your miners and come to the mines!!! Various items will be hidden on the Middleland mine map. Items helpful to miners. But be careful....other players will come to the mines to spoil your fun. A miner's job is not an easy one. He has a difficult task of mining and trying to stay alive at the same time. Enemy combatants combined with roaming spawns of dangerous monsters, make this a job for the brave only....not the light hearted, weak or cowardly. ITEMS that will be DROPPED include but are not limited to: Diamonds Rubies Emeralds Sapphires Mithral Gold Nuggets Silver nuggets CrystalWare 100% Merien Stones Gold HP 91% pick axe lol Hope to see you in the Middleland Mine on Friday evening
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Inside Building Paks

    I would be happy to do that farjat.... Tomorrow i'll post it as a forum event and announce the prizes
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Beginner Bag

    Since we have dropped the gold rate, it is very difficult for players new to the server to support their character. They do not have enough gold to buy basic armors, repair their weapons and buy the spells they need. Maybe the beginner bag could come with: more gold....50k? 75k? 100K? basic armor-hose, chain, berk, cape, boots full load of pots power green potion *enough gold to buy them the basic spells they will need...through circle 7 maybe Now, I know that people will abuse this and make xxxx accounts to get the gold off of them. I dont know if there is a way to prevent them from doing this or not or if it even matters. I am getting numerous complaints, daily, from the new players regarding the gold rate. I am instructing them to get a job- farming, mining, fishing sell rep go to pits, pick up items and sell to BS But it is still too hard, especially for new mages, to buy the spells they need and support their character in pots and repairs. Maybe we could drop the price of spells? Especially, when the older players have millions of gold saved in their wh's. It is a distinct disadvantage to our new players. What do you think? I dont see gold EVER being able to be used to purchase rare items. no one is going to sell a rare...they want another item for it, not gold. I dont mean zems...yes a new player will sell a zem to get gold. They wont sell an item for gold. Discuss
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Beginner Bag

    I dont see a problem with the mules being not active enough. I always see them in global advertising. the problem is...they are running out of items now that gold is low, everyone is selling the items they used to donate to the mule I am going to be giving the mules a lot of gold.... If you want to sell some items to the shop because you need gold (which I totally understand) the mules can buy them from you. So..the mules will have gold on them, strictly for buying items from people who are short on funds and need to sell their items. This way the mule program will still have a constant supply of items to meet the great demand that they have experienced. Just take your items to the shop...get an approximate price that the shop would give you for your stuff, and tell the mule that amount. You get your gold, we get the items we need. win-win
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Miner Event Middleland Mines

    Guys I am sorry..I was totally kidding about the pick axe! I mean...would it even work? with HP%? I dont think it would make any difference at all. Some players have been complaining that the event should be a peace event with NO eking allowed. But, I cant in good conscience do that. The life of a miner is one filled with confrontations with the enemy and this event will be also. I recommend you bring a character that can survive while looking for loot.
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Ma Program Helpers

    no problem...we will add them in to next weeks raffle. hope youre feeling better.
  17. Hunter[GM]

    About Item Cappy(hello)

    man...come talk to me in game please We will work this out.... contact me or farjat[GM] right now
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Ma Program Helpers

    The mules announce in global when they are in the WH and able to accept donations.
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Farm Event For Level 100-below

    As I said in the first post... This is an EXPERIENCE event.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Farm Event For Level 100-below

    On Wednesday at 6pm server time, there will be an experience event on the farm maps for players level 100 and below. No higher level players are welcome....this is for low levels only. Please come to the farm map and join in this event. See you there
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Just A Thought

    I would never dream of asking the enemy for an item back after he killed me. that is part of the reward of winning...killing you, is to get the drop now i will ask a townsmate for a zem back if they got it I do expect someone from the same town to not jack my stuff.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Ma Program Helpers

    Winners last weeks JazzDaPit and Seneque This weeks Milk3 and perun ANNOUNCEMENT elvine mules need mage items ROW, low % mp and hp shields, chains, hose, etc EXP 20% ANYTHING- Wand, flams, rapiers, esterks, GS MShield wands DF10s RM10s Wands with CP Great swords with nice stats Statted flams Gold Power greens Flamberge +3 LLF
  23. This is for the players who log the mules to post the names of the players who donate items to the Master Apprentice Program. If they donate items, they should include their names also. Players, please allow 3 days, after donating, before posting here to add your name. Every week, the names of that weeks donators, will be placed into a hat and Maggie will pull out the lucky name. That player will receive a zem. It's our small way of thanking those that contribute. Your name only goes in once a week no matter how many items you donate. I dont want to make more work for the players volunteering to help in the program by having them keep track of how many items each person gives them. Thank you for your participation in the Master Apprentice Program This week we helped over 20 players get started in game and they are very appreciative.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Happy B Day Trinity

    Happy Birthday to a lovely young lady and one of the nicest people I know. I hope your day is special and that you have an even better year ahead.
  25. Just like the previous contest....but this time we are designing a spell to be used in game. Please be as complete and DETAILED as you can. Extra points for a graphic or visual. ONE change in the contest. We will only give out 2nd and 3rd prize, if we have more than 15 entries. If we have 10-14 1st and 2nd place will be awarded. Less than 10 entries...just 1 prize 1st place One of each Stone- Zem, Merien, Xelima Stone and 10 super pots 2nd place- 2 zems and 5 super pots 3rd place- 1 zem and 5 super pots Good luck to all....There is no limit to the number of times you may enter. Contest ends, next Friday and winners will be announced on Saturday Come on, us your imaginations!