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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Nice Event From Bi

    It was not really an event...I dont want people to say Hey you didnt tell ME! It was a spur of the moment thing and we had a good time. I must say, no one is funnier than Dissident...we must have killed him liek 20+ times and he is such a good sport. The PVP was fun also...Im glad everyone had a good time and i agree, its a nice way for new players to practice skills.
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Capture The Flag Event

    Actually, I have held this same event 2 times....and the score issssss Elvine-1 Aresden-1 so....this will be the TIE BREAKER
  3. Hunter[GM]


    Thanks for helping us out with this one Assure him that we will get whatever help he needs.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Zems Problems

    This is not a big enough of an issue to warrant any intervention or fix.
  5. At 6 pm eastern time... approx 1 hour and 10 minutes from now There will be a BIG summon event at the shop area to celebrate Tyrone's birthday Please come and remember the common courtesies of summon events: 1- mages party....your blizz can kill other players and you will wind up in jail. So please....use safe mode by pressing the home button. The shop is right there to buy more please dont give me the excuse it cost more mana. 2- Warriors if the mages wont use safe, stand in center and send them to jail. ;) 3- When I summon the helclaw and magic spells are to be used on them such as blizz, es, etc etc 4- If things get ugly and players are acting up, we will end the event 5- lag.....some players cannot attend these type of events without a lot of lag. Please dont spam in global that youve got lag. Wait in shop for event to be over or go train somewhere else. 6- Drops....the drops belong to the person who picks it up. 7- Returning dropped is common courtesy to return an item dropped by a player who dies. After all...wouldnt you want them to do the same for you? 8- cursing 9- interference...any player interfering with the running of the event will be sent to BI for the duration of the event 10- HAVE FUN! most importantly....and dont request summons...I work from a list and make sure to hit them all eventually so be patient and your favorite monster will appear sooner or later. 11- If the above rules are not followed, the event will end and no larger monsters will be summoned. See you there!
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Master Apprentice Program

    Mules Please give me this weeks donators so I can give out the weekly zems Thanks
  7. Hunter[GM]


    Happy Birthday, Tyrone
  8. This is just an idea...I am thinking out loud here What about some kind of summon battle between towns. IE: I summon 20 ettins per town the first town to down them, wins the round gets 10 demons and some igs Then we go again.... I summon 10 gargoyles.... First town to kill them all, wins that round and gets more ggs and some liche we continue....each round gets tougher....until the end round is winning town is getting helclaw and tigerworms and wyverns. What do you think? sound like something people would attend and participate in?
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Lucky Prize Tickets

    Why not add zems, xelimas, meriens to lucky prize tickets and make them drop...not often but not so rare that no one ever gets one either. The best item ive seen from tickets is a ruby ring. Discuss
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Exp Event For Both Towns In 30 Mins

    Eldon posted this for me Thanks closed....nice event guys
  11. Hunter[GM]

    I Wan To Say Tai To Mi Eks

    hi Rast and yea that event is over...sorry
  12. Hunter[GM]


    Welcome back!
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Coming Summer 2008

    This is the 5th annual scavenger hunt or is it 6th? I cant remember :unsure:
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Wow Alot Has Changed Here! Im Back Btw :p

    good to have you back, man
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Recall Spell

    This has been brought up numerous times and decided upon already Closed
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Dye Event

    On Saturday evening, June 7th at 8pm server time, there will be a dye event held. Dyes that will be dropped are: Ivory Orange Crimson Pink Just one of each color...and also some stones and super pots. More details will be announced that night. It's not dyed is the actual dye pot- worth more in trading, so you can use it for whatever item you choose. Good luck and see you then.
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Dye Event

    So sorry guys, we had thunderstorms, torndad warnings and i had no power all night. We slept outside because it was so stinking hot inside. Sleeping outside with Labs who want to swim all night in the pool and bugs and kids and...I got 0 sleep. The Event will be tonight at 8pm server time. I apologize for missing this.
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Dragonia Is Officially Opened!

    Have fun guys, its a great map
  19. Hunter[GM]

    100% Hand Attack

    I recall there being some kind of dmg bonus to having 100% hand attack....does anyone know specifically what that bonus is? if there is one. TIA
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Experience Summon Event

    Yesterday, we reached the over 200 player mark and then some. So, there will be a summon event tonight at the shop area at 6pm server time Keep the following in mind please 1- No EKing or raiding at event 2- Mages, PLEASE use safe mode. It's not like you cannot EASILY buy more pots..the shop is right there. It's rude and ignorant to be blizzing other players who dont have AMP. *** If a mage refuses to use AMP, just let them crim. Stand under their blizz and send them to jail. 3- Use the party system....full party gets better and more rare drops 4- Lag...we know events like this cause lag to some people....dont spam global about your lag issues. Either deal with it or go do something else if your lag is that bad. 5- Please return drops If a townsmate dies and drops an item...please be decent and return it to them. treat others the way you would want them to treat you 6- do not use magic spells on the helclaw and tigerworm See you tonight
  21. Hunter[GM]

    La_suegra Banned

    This is very disappointing.....bad decision Why havent people figured it out yet? If you cheat and lame...we WILL catch you eventually Some of you have been laming and think you have gotten away with it. Trust have not. We have a list of you....watching you lame more and more. Getting higher levels, collecting your majestics and items. And right when your character is perfect...and you have just what you want. We will pull the plug and ban you for laming EKs. So..go ahead...keep laming and leveling. We know who you are and are just waiting for the right time to nail you for it.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Regarding Lag During Summon Events.

    I will not stop events because some people have lag. the events at town shop are tougher and have a lot of mobs. I also hold events on farm with smaller number of summons....come to them. and when you whispered me, you were incredibly rude and ignorant. You didnt nicely tell me your problem you were sarcastic and annoying and should be glad I didnt mute you
  23. Hunter[GM]

    To Jaapy[gm]

    I cant take credit for that one...This is what went down someone was threatening to quickly enter the new nemesis 2 and take a lot of our popular, long time players names and guild names. Sexy didnt want this happening so she did promise everyone would get their main player name and guild names back. But, I think she meant more like right in the beginning. Not after so much time. That being said....the person who took Simples name and some others, is level 1 not active. It's like they logged in, took the name, logged off and that's the last they used that acct. Situations like that, we can help with. We did for Isabelle. Someone had her name....level 1 in default zone. It was obvious that someone just wanted to jack her name. (maybe they had a crush on her :P )
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Updated Rules

    I approve of all of the changes, additions and deletions. I think what these revised rules really shows is the willingness of the owners and staff to listen to the concerns of the players and take them into consideration when drawing up a set of server rules. Also, all players will be held responsible for these rules. one of the most impprtant being...DO NOT share your account with ANYONE. that includes your little brother, younger sister, older brother, cousin, room mate, best friend from down the street, the kid you know from school or work with, your mother, your father...ANYYYY ONE. (we have heard all of the above given as excuses as they people got their stuff jacked....seriously) Dont share with anyone. Because if you do, we will know. And then if you get robbed, we will not help you get your stuff back. Simple as that. Please dont trust anyone. I have seen friends steal from a friend. People do crazy things for items. I dont want to have to say to anyone " I told you so! " and the GM staff will NEVER ask for your password. Dont give it to anyone.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Byebye Hb gotta do what is best for you...but..that being said. Cant ya just log on weekends for a few hours? or even for held? Come on man...we need good players to STAY not GO! Take some time and think about it. You dont have to be on as much as before but at least come on for small doses. Maggie is going to be very upset. You dont want that, right?