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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Some Suggestions

    nice ideas....all of them
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Wanna Pvp Abaddon?

    Wanna PVP Abaddon? July 19th at 4pm you will get your chance Location: farm warehouse The farm warehouse will be the location for this COOL event. In the fire pit in the back of the warehouse, there will be either a MS14 necklace OR a DM 3 necklace. Players will line up outside of the warehouse in a neat organized single file line. One by one you will be allowed to enter the wh and try to snag the ms14 or dm3 necklace. But its not going to be THAT easy! Abaddon will be summoned to defend the rare jewelry. With him will be some liches and Dark Elfs. Players can use any spell, sets, shields, armors they want. The only thing you may not do is invis spell, scroll or pots permitted. You must make it to the fire pit ALIVE to claim your item. If you put the item into your bag, it is yours to keep even if you die. However, if you die and drop the item, you lose it. Each player will be given one chance to run the gauntlet and try to claim the item. All combatants are welcome to participate but you must choose one character only. You cannot log multiple accounts to play. We will mark the line once everyone has gathered and no new comers will be allowed to join the line. Anyone jumping the line or running into the WH before their turn, or invising and trying to steal the items, is going to be sent to BI and given a 3 day holiday. No civilians or travellers allowed!! Combatants ONLY Players jumping into the line, not waiting patiently, cheating, using invis, causing a disruption, not following the rules will be sent to BI for the rest of the event. Players must be in good standing with the GM staff to participate. Questions? post them here Please translate to Spanish and Polish Thanks Hunter[GM]
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Wanna Pvp Abaddon?

    Sorry but I cant seem to get 2 GMs to show up at the appointed time for event. Squall thanks for the help but it was not sufficient to control the event. Too many players, cutting line, fighting in line, rushing the door, sneaking in on travs for us to maintain the control enough to run the event properly. This event is cancelled and will not be re-scheduled. I'll choose events where I dont need anyone's help. Elvine...I will be coming up with some kind of event, with the same prizes to make it up to you.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    About The Korean Players

    I tried explaining to you guys that there are individual players in that guild...they are people not a country. People dont advertise in chat when the Brazlilians are in town or the Argentinians or americans. And they dont yell the Swedes are here, etc etc. When you are commenting about a certain member of the guild do so with that players name. "Player X pulled on me, etc etc" not... " that Korean did this or that" It's a very fine point and difficult to explain. I dont expect everyone to "get it" but just be aware of what youre saying that's all. We dont want any group of people to ever feel singled out or discriminated against for any reason. The Korean guild is large and they do raid and hunt as a unit. I understand that. Just use the same consideration for them as you would anyone else. Thanks
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Aealy Im Sorry

    This is what private messaging is for. Dont post things like this in the General section please as it is obviously a private message for one individual. closed
  6. Hunter[GM]

    The Solution To My Wings Being Jacked

    I still want to know how they got from omish bag to mcluvins. The current rules will cover this situation as they have many others in the past. Of course the rules will be enforced as soon as I learn how the item got from omish to mcluvin. Muxa has been asked to not trade the wings for now and keep them on his acct and he has agreed and is cooperating.
  7. Hunter[GM]


    Nemesis is the oldest, longest lasting private server with the least amount of down time. There were just 178 players in game with mass pvp action going on at the shop in Aresden If anything, we continue to grow and gain more players The racism nonsense, we are always battling ignorant people. We dont tolerate it, wont tolerate it and eventually, those individuals will be weeded out and banned. I assist anyone who asks for it. I dont have a player, so I dont have "friends" I give preferential treatment to. That is just one of the many false statements you made. You are welcome to your opinion but dont post misinformation. The GM staff at Nemesis is the best on any server. Period. If you feel a GM did not do their job or abused their GM powers, report to admins using the ticket system. the drop rate is being adjusted and we are always looking for ways to make things better.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Ban Please?

    Cursing offenses are dealt with by muting the player, not banning them If we banned for cursing, there would be maybe 4 players left on the server. Closing this because its getting silly.
  9. Hunter[GM]

    The Solution To My Wings Being Jacked

    Like farjat said, if we do get involved, people will be banned. How did mcluvin get the item in the first place? did someone pass it to him? let him test it? How did that part happen.
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Scavenger Hunt

    strong/light are stats No, you cant swap blue grapes with a blue cape it's too late to exchange items...the list has been posted and no changes will be made.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Flame Room

    no... We decided a long time ago not to have a flame room. They get ugly and nasty and out of control.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Scavenger Hunt

    Yes, I meant claws....thanks
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Shockerz Enjoy Your Ban =)

    According to your pm to me, you said the entrance was blocked my mobs. He is allowed to block the ent with summons. Im sorry but just a SS is not enough for us to take action. You have to get a GM to come and witness it. Ill be keeping an eye on this player to make sure he isnt blocking the ent from now on.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Want A Forum Sig?

    ok awesome We'll let her get started with these and see how she does Turulo...add a few more details in there for her. To help her know what you like. If this works out well, she will do 3 more....etc etc etc
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Wanna Pvp Abaddon?

    Right...sorry I should have said no slates from the very beginning...just forgot to add it to the original post NO SLATES are allowed and no you dont get your zem back. They are donated to the mule program after :D
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Independence Day Event

    Independence Day Event Friday, July 4th Tomorrow the monsters will be celebrating their independence. From the hours of 8am-9pm and 8pm - 9pm random spawns will be appearing throughout the towns of Aresden and Elvine. No one is safe! No place is safe! Beware all Aresden and Elvine...your town will be under attack from all locations.
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Event For Players By Players

    Eldon Warning level raised for unnecessary spam. Stay on topic or go play in off topic/spam threads
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Helbreath Nemesis Promotional Video

    Nice job...I enjoyed it Thanks Jaapy...I was going to sticky it a new section is better Thanks Dilr0y
  19. Hunter[GM]

    New Armor Idea...

    a DK hat and robe are already in the works
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Capture The Flag Event

    On Sunday after the Heldenian, there will be a Capture the Flag Event at the town City hall building. The goal of the event is twofold. Each town must prepare an offense and also mount a defense. you must guard your town City Hall and prevent the enemy from claiming their flag. While at the same time, attacking the enemy City Hall and attempting to retrieve your town's flag from them and return it to your city hall. An Aresden flag will be on the steps of Elvine City hall...with a GM standing on top of it. aresden must infiltrate the base, tap the GM, who will then place the flag into that players bag. That player must make it alive, back to Aresden and give the flag to the GM on Aresden City hall steps. The first town to get their flag from the enemy base and return it to their city hall wins a summon event for their event with some extra drops- stones, etc. So, each town must choose some players to stay at City Hall and prevent the enemy from claiming the flag...and then select others to travel to the enemy town and attempt to claim their town flag from the enemy city hall building. I will need at least 2 GMs to participate in this event. Questions? Post them here and I will answer them. The winning town will be the town that organizes the best. At each town City Hall, there will be a base set up...with cannons, arrow towers, guards, Sorceress, Barbarians, etc. It is not going to be easy to get to the GM with the flag and retrieve it.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Coming Summer 2008

    Coming this summer will be a Scavenger Hunt so HUGE, and SO difficult, it will take a super-hero effort to win! Many of you have seen my Sacv hunts of the past? That's baby play compared to what is coming!!!! Start saving goodies now, guys...this is going to be a doozy!
  22. Hunter[GM]

    New Item Idea

    From my point of view when i was a player... If it was used to keep me from getting to a certain location...ok if it was used when it was me and other friends vs 1 mage...ok but when 3-4 enemies jump you...then one of them MIMs you...that is MASS stupid and I wont put up with that kind of stupid action.
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Somewhat Funny Way To Pk

    We recently had a player make a video and do this....thats why no one is surprised.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    The Nemesis Guide For Beginners

    LEt me know if you need anything like tp to other maps for ss's or whatever...I will help Great job and thanks for adding the angels info
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Hblux Ripping Off Our Ideas

    Yes USA has ripped quite a few events from us in the past. and as they say..."Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"