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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Ball Event

    There will be a colored Ball event going on today through Saturday. Balls will be dropped on ALL maps at random times during the day and night. Collect these balls and trade them in for prizes. 3 Yellow= Zem 3 Green= Merien stone 3 Red= Xelima stone 3 Blue= Pink or Crimson Dye 3 Pearl = MA 9 Colored Cape (you choose color) You can trade items for balls. You can exchange your balls for prizes on Sunday only. There will be 2 times during the day that you can trade your balls for prizes. 12 noon Sunday on Bleeding Island 8pm Sunday on Bleeding Island If you cannot make those times, make arrangements with someone to do it for you. If you have no one who can do it for you and cannot make it on Sunday, contact me in game and we will work something out. Good luck....Keep your eyes OPEN for balls. Questions? Ask them here someone please translate for me No SPAM on this thread
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Suggestion For Gm

    I'm always open to new event ideas. contact me thru PM here on forum explain your ideas in detail...use charts, diagrams if necessary
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Ball Event

    Balls will be dropped on ALL maps at random times during the day and night. Collect these balls and trade them in for prizes. 3 Yellow= Zem 3 Green= Merien stone 3 Red= Xelima stone 3 Blue= Pink or Crimson Dye 3 Pearl = MA 9 Colored Cape (you choose color) pink or crimson or orange
  4. Hunter[GM]

    I'm Back

    hey...we did not expect so much trouble from 1 hurricane. It was a tropical storm when it reached here....anyway we had no power for 4 days and then no isp for the balance. But..its good to see...the internet is back ON yesterday and Im back. Give me a couple of days to get the pl event organized.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Want A Forum Sig?

    Maggie is learning a photo editing and paint shop program she is also learning animations. she has offered to make forum sigs for 3 people. If you would like one...please leave the following information for her If you DONT leave the information she needs, you wont get a sig. So follow directions and make sure you give her the stuff she wants. The name you want on the sig Warrior or mage elv or ares Male or female your you want your guild on the sig Favorite colors Your hair color and type- long, short, bald facial hair...beard, clean face, mustache, Do you want animations? like sparkled stuff, noise effectsm flames, lightening, rain, snow, etc Do you like animals? mystical animals ot owls, eagles falcons.... mystical sea animals or sharks, dolphins and stuff or land based animals like big cats, elephants, mammoths, etc etc give her a few ideas to work with but dont be too specific...let her create something for you within your guidelines. she does mostly jazzed up renders for the most part. She makes some very nice stuff. I will give her that. She will make for the first 3 people who post and when she posts nice please. Thank her for it. If you hate it, just say thank you and tell her its nice you dont have to use it...just dont be rude and hurt her feelings. First 3 sign up here We'll see how that goes and there might be more.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Level 140 And Under Pvp Event

    On Saturday, Sept 6th at 12 noon All players 140 and under meet inside Promise Land at your town's safe zone. Wait patiently for GM to come and tp you to arena. If you are not there, you will not be allowed to enter. If youre running around and not present in safe, at 12 noon, youre not participating. GMs will have whisper OFF...the only way youre getting in, is to be in your town safe zone, inside Prom Land at 12 noon on Saturday. Rules? There are none....any spell, any weapon (except Xelima), any armor, any cape, any jewelry NO RULES Players must be in good standing with the GM staff to participate. Prizes are Warrior prize 1st place- Ancient Flam exp 20% and Zemstone 2nd place- DM2 necklace Mage Prize 1st place- MS20 Wand Exp 20% HP 70% and Zemstone 2nd place- ms12 necklace When you arrive in the arena, wait quietly for the event to begin. Follow ALL directions from the GM staff Failure to follow directions, will result in you being sent out of arena. If you DC during event, I'm sorry but we will not bring you back. DC= out Questions? Post them here. Spam posts, insult posts= no event for you and 15 day suspension from forum
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Banned :(

    No, sorry I gave you one chance and you went right back and did it again.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Mr% Event

    MR% event inside Guild Hall 11am server time Wednesday, Sept 10 This is not a summon event. Players are not allowed to kill orcs and must follow directions from the GM
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Level 140 And Under Pvp Event

    no slates
  10. Hunter[GM]

    I Will Say It In Other Words.

    We have agreed that some of you just are not getting the message. Some of you actually run around town bragging about your latest mute. You all know, I mostly mute for 15 mins. I guess that's a joke because it is not working. We're tired of muting the same offenders all of the time. Farjat has decided, to go right to a ban rather than waste our time muting over and over, mostly the same people.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    A Cape Crusade

    Like they have in Guild Wars? I really dont think we would be able to code something like this and have it come out reasonably well....but the amount of time it would take, would not be equal to the end result
  12. Hunter[GM]

    No Eks In Town At Sade Time

    Or...I could summon mass beetles at both shops to make the shop campers actually be forced into playing sade properly :P
  13. Hunter[GM]


    If a topic on the forum is written in English by the original poster, ALL replies MUST be in English. If the topic is started and Spanish is used, ONLY Spanish should be used in the replies. People are getting sloppy and not following this policy. Further violations will receive the agreed upon ban.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    10 Second Recall

    Eldon no one is forced into PVPing. It's completely optional and up to the player to accept or decline the offer of a PVP Im not a big fan of them, either. I just dont see the point.
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Leveling Advice Please!

    It amazes me that more people dont train in the dungeons. You can find a quiet area there and not see another person for hours. Or...Garden...trains skills, get levels, and get items mon-thur no enemy kill giant plants and trolls Or...get a warrior and party at ice golems fast exp here
  16. Congratulations to the winners Elvine top Guild=Argenlandia Aresden top Guild= Civil Disorder Tomorrow, after the Heldenian, these 2 guilds will face each other in the ultimate showdown. The guild with the last man standing...wins it ALL -matching orange capes - ie sword - private guild hunt in procella map **Spectators GM can we watch? Please gM can we see the fight? I will stand there and wont talk Unfortunately, I tried today to make a ring on BI so that players could watch the PVP matches. The ONE rule was...dont cast any spells near the ring. 5 people casted a spell within 1 minute of reviewing the rules. Then people started to attack each other and act rowdy. Soooo....i moved the event to the arena where I can control things. NO spectators will be allowed to watch. I will give a play by play in global to let you know what is going on. Good luck to Argenlandia and Civil Disorder!
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Olympic 08!

    Totally agree....that chinese runner faked that whole thing. Im sure he was IN's called mental anguish knowing that your $millions of dollars in sponsorship and contracts is about to come to an end. The gravy train is coming to a stop and rolled right over his freakin foot maybe? I never saw ANYONE carry on so badly about an injury like he did. The grimacing, and the limping, and the moans as he warmed up....yet he kicked the crap out of that wall pretty well, didnt he? He knew he was about to lost in front of a billion fans and just couldnt handle it. MICHAEL PHELPS- no words....ok one word...EPIC and Messi is just absolute prefection. I really enjoy watching him play. Congrats to Argentina on a sparkling win. Its a shame but it just looked like Brazil didnt even show up. And the red cards at the end were selfish and stupid. They still have a bronze medal match to play and now let their team and country down because they just had to have a temper tantrum on the field and possible really injure someone. I do think Arg coach waited too long to pull his stars out and let them get rested for Nigeria. I will still always admire and respect the play of Ronaldinho but he cannot do it alone. Diego was a no-show...the Brazil coach needs to get canned.
  18. Summon event for low levels on the farm near portal to town Players level 100 and below only We can check and see youre level so please dont come dressed as a noob and try to scam us. You will be sent to BI if you do. Monday 4pm server time
  19. Hunter[GM]

    10 Second Recall

    It's a good suggestion but it is one made here before, many times. It just isnt gonna happen. We got the guild tp abuse issue straightened out but this issue will remain. I would prefer a PVP system that once you accept a PVP you cannot recall, or log or pull or the items you wagered automatically go to your opponent.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Guild Event Winners- Argenlandia Vs Civil Disorder

    BanaNoN your signature is inappropriate and has been removed do not replace it
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Guild Event Winners- Argenlandia Vs Civil Disorder

    lol yea that was fun event After the fights...Aregenlandia challenged....well, the entire server to come fight them. I tp'd as many players as quickly as I could, and it was Argens vs....everyone else hahaha about 30+ players...and they did DARN good, too! then it turned into The Whole server bs JoshCOOL event lol We had a good time.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    Guild vs Guild PVP Event Choose your best 5 players for this PVP/Arena style event Register your guild on this thread....we will only accept the first 8 guilds from each town. Choose the 5 players who will represent your guild in this PVP. August 16th Aresden guilds will battle Aresden guilds Then Elvine guilds vs Elvine guilds Then August 17th, the winners of Elvine will battle the winners of Aresden for the Nemesis Guild PVP Champion title Prizes for the winning guild is: WINNING Guild - 5 matching orange capes (or pink or crimson) -IE sword - Private Guild Hunt for your entire guild on the Procella Map for one hour 2nd place- winners from opposite town 5 zems You must register for this event by August 10th We will take the first 8 Guilds from each town who register first The actually PVPs will happen on Sunday August 17th Match ups will be done randomly. You cannot request what guild you will battle against 4 guilds vs 4 guilds then the 4 winning guilds will battle each other to move on Guild 1 vs 2 and 3 vs 4 will battle winners then battle each other for the right to represent their town in the final PVP Rules - each guild must have at least 1 mage no more than 2 - no invis, spells, scrolls or pots - no activations unless the 2 guilds fighting each have an activ weapon - no tablets allowed - no resu wands - winning guild is the one with at least one player left standing - only registered guilds may participate - 5 guild members must be present at the beginning of the PVP - the 5 members who start the event must finish it- no substitutions (meaning, if you start out fighting, you must stay to finish all of the rounds until the end. I will allow amp and pfm but no other defensive spells, no GH no create food. Questions? post them here or see me in game Please do not spam this thread. Questions and registrations only Thanks Hunter[GM] I will start at 7pm server time with the Aresden guilds when they are finished, I will move to elvine Sunday, after the Heldenian, we will have the champions fight top elv guild vs top ares guild for the title and prizes The prizes will be given to the guild master of the guild The guild master character does NOT have to fight but i will give the prizes to him/her to distribute. only ONE person in your group can communicate or talk to me during the matches the other 4 members of the guild must use guild chat only no blue chat, no red chat, no white chat This will keep communication clean and accessible Final decisions will be left to Hunter My call is final
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Scavenger Hunt

    Welcome to the 5th annual NEMESIS Scavenger Hunt You must gather the items on the list and be the first person to finish to win. You may work with a group but only one player can win the prize. When you have obtained every item on the list in the right quantity, contact me to check out. If I am not available when you are ready, post screen shots of your bag, showing the items on the list. You may have to take more than 1 screen shot. Post it immediately and this will hold your place. The time on the forum post will stamp your place. What do you win? You can submit to me any statted item and receive 2 upgrades of that item. For instance...if you give me a mp 49 berk...I will return it to you as a mp 63 berk. You can only receive up to you cannot give me a 91% item and get 105%. 99% is the max PA and MA items work the same way....2 upgrades with the max being 45% You cannot give me a non statted item, such as a Giant Battle Hammer and ask me to make it HProb% +14 The original item must already be statted. First place receives a 2 position upgrade of any statted item Second place receives a 1 position upgrade of any statted item Third place will receive a set of Stones 3 zems, 2 xelimas, 1 merien If 2 players contact a GM in game but there is a forum post with an earlier time stamp on it the forum post receives the prize All items collected will be returned to the player who is checked out. When you are checked out, if you are missing ANY must wait 24 hours before being checked out again. So make SURE you have everything before asking for a check out. Translate this please, into Polish and Spanish. Any questions? ask here Good luck to all of you Hunter[GM] The List of items A- 5 pieces of statted armor B- Blue Cape with any stat% on it C- 10 crystalware 90% purity or higher D- 3 Demon parts E- Exp 20% wand F- Fish- 5 Carp of any color G- 5 Ginseng H- 5 Hellhound leathers I- 10 invisibility potions J- 100 slime jelly K- 10 pairs of Knee Trousers- dyed with each dye available in the shop L- 5 Lucky Prize tickets M- manu helm, wings or horn and 5 manu weapons higher than short sword(no daggers or short swords) N- nuggets 10 gold and 10 silver O- 10 ogre teeth and 10 orge claws P- 5 Poison weapons and one must be a Great Sword Q- Quantity of Mithral- 3 R- 5 Radish S- 5 Sapphires T- 50 troll leathers U- 2 unicorn parts V- 5 Virtuous or Righteous weapons and one must be a Righteous Flam with Hp% W- 5 Werewolf Leather 5 WereWolf Teeth X- Xelima Stone Y- Yellow Chinese Bellflower Z- Zemstone of Sacrifice
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Elvine And Aresden Need To Join To Kill Abby!

    I'd be glad to help keep the peace, etc when I'm on How we did it in the past.... Each town elects a player representative to take their drops for them. We monster down-Aresden drop next monster down-Elvine drop When those players were full, I took them to the GM office in the God H map to drop the items. We laid them all on the ground. At the end of the Abby hunt, the GMs covered all of the items with a piece of food. Each player who helped in the hunt, was then teleported one by one to the map and they were allowed to stand on a piece of food. This was their drop. Some got stones, some got ancient piece, some got a ns item, some got awesome rares. It was all a matter of luck as to what you got.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Happy Birthday Justice

    Hey thanks men This was a nice surprise Cakes...too late, man...I am OLD already :blush: haha If my family party ends at a decent time tonight, Ill be in game to make a summon event for each town....we'll have a party. Thanks again for the nice wishes....and the others ones too :D