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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Bigger Wh

    -medusa is disabled here - no to the armor dyes - I would lvoe to have more space also....but I dont see that as something worth coding and maybe messing up 4 other things unintentionally over. Just make a junk account and store extra crap in there.
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Previous Week's Top10 Ek List

    yea, Ive gotten several complaints and questions from players in game about the list this week. Thanks....Syn maybe also make a ticket so Im sure Jappy or farjat see this. Thanks
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Pvp Event

  4. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Pvp Event

    Registered Guilds Aresden We got Crabz Critical Wet Wizards Survivors Elvine Korean Brothers in Blood Double Face Oldies withdrawing from an original guild and making a new one to be able to enter more players from the same guild, is not acceptable This is the list of participating guilds. No others will be allowed to enter At the end of the Heldenian, I will call for the Guild Master of the registered guilds to contact me. That is 8 individuals only. no other member of the guild...I only want to hear from the Guild Master. I will tell you at that time where to bring your team of 5. Do not bring any other members of your guild. Only the 5 members who are entered. Since there is only a total of 40, we will use the arena to guarantee that we will not be disturbed or interrupted. I am going to choose the largest arena map we have. It resembles the towns. It is not the circular arena but a much larger space. The 40 players involved will then be taken to this arena and given specific instructions. make sure you only have on DK armors/weapons and blacksmith armors/weapons. We are going to check the winners. If anyone on the team of 5 is wearing statted berks OR if a warrior has on a BBH+3 your entire team will be disqualified. ONLY weapons from the blacksmith OR your DK sword is permitted! Wear whatever jewelry, capes, gems, angels, you want. All spells are permitted. No resu wands, tablets, activation weapons or armors. When I give the command, the 40 players battle it out. I will not summon monsters as long as there is active fighting going on. If players tower up and hide or run in circles, then I will summon non-magic monsters to encourage you to face each other and fight. The guild with ONE member remaining wins. The GM staff will then check the logs of each winning guild member to ensure the event rules were followed. At this time, the guild prizes will be distributed. I will then let that guild recall...take a 10 minute break to re-pot, repair, etc. After the break, the 5 winning guild members will be brought to the arena. They will then face each other and fight for the individual prize. The same rules as above, apply to this round of fighting. The player left standing in the end, wins. If you DC at any point in the event, you are out. Do not whisper the GMs and ask us to bring you back. Do not whisper the GMs and complain about anything when you die. If you have an issue that needs to be brought to our attention, wait for the completion of the event to do so. The last PVP event, we had to disqualify 12 players within the first 2 minutes because they did not read the rules. Please dont let this happen to YOU or your guild. Make certain your members have read, understand and will follow the rules. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable defense. You will be held accountable for the rules, whether you read them or not. The GM staff has final say in all decisions related to this event. The rules can be changed without notice but we will inform you of such. Please be on time. We will NOT wait for any member to show up. If you do not have your 5 members ready to go when called, you are out. Do not whisper us 10 minutes after we called for you and ask to be included. Questions? Post them here We are not interested in your opinion or what you dont agree with. If you do not like the format, do not enter.
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CALU!!!! From all of your friends and fans at NEMESIS
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Happy Thanksgiving Event

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of our players in the United States this Thursday. To celebrate our thanks, to all of you, please make sure you leave an empty spot in your bag if you are AFK or in game. The GM Staff will be depositing stones into random players bags as our way of thanking you for choosing Nemesis. There will also be some helclaws roaming town looking for a turkey dinner! Beware...they are hungry and NOT very friendly! Have a great Thanksgiving everyone From Hunter and the GM staff
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Pvp Event

    Registered Guilds Aresden We got Crabz Critical Wet Wizards Elvine Korean Brothers in Blood Double Face Oldies I have addressed all questions in the original thread. Unless the question you asked was already posted in the information. Guilds must be signed up by Friday 12pm EST to be entered. This is 2 events in one First you battle another guild,doesnt matter which town its from Then the 5 winning guild members battle each other for the top prize. If your char build doesnt fit into the rules, then choose someone else from your guild. I am only accepting sign ups from the guild master of each guild.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Happy Birthday Farjat
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Pl Dk Items

    I really dont think this happens often enough to warrant us coding something special. Sorry
  10. There will be a warrior event inside City Hall at 5pm server time. Wednesday...5pm no mages no travs Warriors only....see ya there.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Master Apprentice Program

    Ok Millie thanks I need someone in Elvine giggles is handling Aresden for me I will talk to you and set it up over the weekend We try to give each warrior -weapon- flam or GS..or axe...we have no hammers or anything for 200 str - 1 piece of jewelry either DF10 or RM10 - 1 shield hp or MA - 1 wand with CP% We try to give mages - exp 20% wand - jewelry row or DF10 - weapon- esterk or rapier with exp or nice stats - shield MP If we have armors, we give them first come, first serve We only give to new players....we do not give to players 2nd characters or 2nd accounts If someone tries to scam you...just tell me and i will handle them Save names of donators and each week, I will select names for Zem raffle Try to keep wh inventory organized...this isnt easy, just do your best Be available for donations and to pass items out, when you can but try for at least 2 times per week...once in morning and once in evening if possible If you are on your player, playing...and they whisper you and want items, make them wait. You are volunteers and i dont want you to be disturbed ITems donated in elvine, stay in elvine ITems donated in ares, stay in ares If we ever have way too much in 1 town, I will move them the mule accounts are not to leave not take them to BI If a player donates a stone or ancient tablet...keep them and i will have mini event with them Thanks for volunteering to help out!
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Warrior Event Wednesday, Nov 26 At 5pm

    I am shooting for a mage vent Friday morning....around 10am server time stay tuned depends on how much turkey i eat ;)
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Server Cleanup

    they underestimated what our capabilities are...and now, they lose busted...owned...down for the count lame and we WILL catch you and NOT come in game whining to me about your innocense and how unfair this is you knew the rules and chose to break them and try to be more clever than we are.... and ya got burned. killing levels 80s...oiver and over with the SAME IP as you LAMING, people!
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Happy Birthday Farjat

    ah ha...youre a Scorpio...that explains a lot! Happy Birthday, my friend. I hope you have a great year. You totally deserve everything good.
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Master Apprentice Program

    I'll take care of it why did you even accept the position if you were going to leave within the week? it was a huge waste of time for me to get the accounts ready, train you, get stuff set up and then you turn around and split. thanks a lot, dude :angry:
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Events For Week Of Nov 17th

    Monday, Nov 17th at 8pm server time or 7pm EASTERN TIME zone There will be MR% event inside City Hall for all players. Here are the rules 1- Stand together in a group. You may not run off alone and attract orcs to yourself. Stay with the group in the center of City Hall 2- You may not kill the magic orcs. This is NOT an experience event. It is to raise your MR%. *** You might want to leave your zem in the WH in case you die. Wednesday at 10 am server time or 9AM Eastern time there will be an experience event held at your town shop. All players are welcome to attend. Rules for Summon event - players should party to take advantage of the full party drop rate - mages must use safe mode - no travellers permitted - no creating food on top of the drops Friday Nov 21st, there will be an item event at 6pm server time There will be a mage prize and a warrior prize Each town will have 2 winners. Mage prize= MP 35 chain Warrior prize= Ancient hp28% Giant Sword All players will be allowed to participate. I will post more about this event later this week. I do not want to post it now and give anyone an unfair advantage. So....stay tuned, same bat time, same bat station. Questions? Post them here... Hunter[GM]
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Events For Week Of Nov 17th

    Congratulations to kreke and HitPoint for winning. Thanks to everyone who participated.
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Events For Week Of Nov 17th

    Thank God server time is EST... Jaapy got sick and tired of my dumba$$ messing up the times all of the time lol Events are held when the majority of the players can participate and when I can do them. Seriously, I have events at ALL different times and still people complain. The weekend PVPS are always around 2pm or 3pm So i try and make other events at diff times than this time. I cant come in the middle of the night to do an event....just not happening.
  19. Hunter[GM]


    invis pots ftw!!! The server knows when a certain area of a map is being occupied by a player....and it will purposefully try to assassinate you. Just so ya is true. And 100% farming helps you avoid these kinds of random, murderous spawns.
  20. Hunter[GM]


    I changed this ban before this drama post was even posted. This is what I saw... you running around PFA'd shouting "FREE EK FREE EK OVER HERE, FREE EK FOR ARESDEN" Now tell and I supposed to think? as I watch you get owned for the 2nd time? CLOSED...this was not posted in the proper location anyway
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Master Apprentice Program

    We have a new mule staff.... MUCH thanks to Giggles and ramZ from Aresden and mazon in elvine for agreeing to volunteer their time to help collect and pass out items. This is truly a THANKLESS job. They get nothing for doing this. So, I really appreciate their effort. This weeks winner of Zem raffle Trashy Videl and i already forgot the other 2 :blush:
  22. Hunter[GM]


    I'll keep an eye on the wh and shop.
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Very Very Tragic, Sad News

    It is with great sadness, regret and sorrow that I share with you this news. Calu's love, his girlfriend, Coneja, passed away from heart failure. I am sure now his heart is broken also. I will be calling Calu as soon as I can get this number I have sorted out. I have 2 extra digits. Needless to say, he will not be in game for awhile. We will figure out what we, as a staff, can do to show our respect to Calu. Please join me in praying for Calu, coneja's family and friends and all who knew her. She had a smile as big as Abaddon and a heart like gold. I cant imagine the pain that Calu is in. He is going to need a lot of support, prayers and I want him to have as much privacy in this time as possible. I will let you know when I speak to him. If anyone has his home number..can you PM me it so I can figure out what is wrong with this number I have. Thank you.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Pvp Event

    Edited to tablets 1 resu wand 5 zems I am leaving it on that Sunday because that's when I can do it.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Pvp Event

    only DK wand DK sword Blacksmith weapons, GS, BBH no activations because no xel blade, rapier, allowed