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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    More Liches

    I really dont like to do things that upset the balance that was designed by the initial design team. Everything is related to everything else. Sometimes, a liche or 2 is trapped...once you find them and kill them, more will spawn.
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Im Back(kinda)

  3. Hunter[GM]


    Last week I offered a hellclaw clinic....teaching players how to down hellclaw using the " X-Formation " The players who came, learned a lot and by the end of the clinic they were in proper formation and killed a hellclaw. Because this was so successful, I am encouraged to offer some more of these type of clinics. I have a few in mind but need some help thinking of more. Also, I am going to need assistants for some of these. So, you can make a suggestion for a clinic topic OR volunteer to assist with helping teach one. AND...I'm going to need a translator for each one also. Farjat was there for the last one but that is not always going to be possible. If you can help out, let me know. Some clinics will be offered twice...once in the morning and again in the evening to include as many players as possible. Clinic Topics * PVP: DEFENSIVE How to be attacked and survive. How to avoid a para, how to dodge a blizz, what to do and NOT do when you are outnumbered. Places to train during raid weekends. * PVP: OFFENSIVE Suggestions, tips and tricks on how to EK successfully. How to attack a player and walk away with an EK. How to aim blizz, how to use your criticals. What to do and not do to increase your chances of getting that sought after, Enemy Kill. * Mage 101 -best stats -best builds - what to carry in your bag - how to stay alive - best places to train - best quests to take and why it is important to take quests early * Warrior 101 - discussion of various builds...we will have demonstration of each type warrior Pure,PFM,AMP, etc etc and show damage of each one...Discuss the pros and cons of each build. -Where to train - What to carry in bag - Which quests are best to do and when - Fastest ways to experience * Wyvern/Dragon Hunt 101 How to successfully bring down the big boys. All you need to know to attend and participate in a wyvern hunt. Please add your topic suggestions and include what would be discussed in it. Could someone please translate this into Spanish, Polish, Finnish, Korean...if possible.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis 1 Players

    Nem 1 Justice DaMage Nem 2 Justice Maggie wants to be added also Nem 1 Maggie fh elvine mage Nem 2 SeaWolf- pinky person wandering a town near you buying candy for 10k (lol)
  5. Hunter[GM]

    A Bad Monday

    From what I know D, yes...for sure. It will not be down all day or anything like that. We are just preparing you for some interruptions and some down time.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    To The Spammers- All Forum Mods Read Please

    not a problem and really...i know you dont mind your friends spamming your topic Im going after the chronic spammers who just cannot stay off of other member's topics. and new people here dont appreciate having some smart aleck posting insults and garbage on their threads and they should not have to tolerate it. It's not like we dont give the spammers plenty of space to do their nonsense.
  7. Hunter[GM]

    To The Spammers- All Forum Mods Read Please

    Yes, it will count because really...We dont know who is friends and just chatting and who is being annoying. Just start a new one over in spam.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    2-5 Second Recall Time

    Sorry, but i want to keep recall the way it is. HunterGM---> defender of the noobs not the cowards I fought hard for the guild tp abuse nonsense and we got that fixed. We made it so they cant recall when raiding we made it so they cant run into shop/wh and recall we have made a lot fo accommodations you guys want to change the basic nature of helbreath, as laid out by the design team. Leave recall alone...IMO and the recallers will just find some other way to play like punks That zem IS worth more to them than their reputation. And nothing we can do will change that. If they cant recall? they wont even fight at ALL and it would severely limit the amt of PVP action going on. They will stay inside and not even wander out if you take their recall away. At least this way, there is a chance of nailing them and i do not see a serious shortage of hero armors in either town. Everyone who works hard, seems to be EKing just fine.
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Elvine Blocked

    not sure who did it, doesnt matter...its fixed
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Winter Scavenger Hunt- Win A Gm!

    Thanks Leylina, I really appreciate it. Syn..ME TOO!!!!! I really like this one, too.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Hellclaw Clinic

    On Friday, Dec 5th at 11:30 am and 7pm, I will be conducting a Hellclaw Hunt Clinic for new players. We will be showing you how to down a hellclaw using the "X-Formation" method. If you are new to game, or have come back to Helbreath after a break and would like to learn how to do this, please meet me on Bleeding Island at 11:30 AM or 7PM. We will then be going to an arena where I can show you how to down Hellclaw and live to tell about it. At the conclusion of the clinic, we will attempt to kill a real Hellclaw. Any drops will be food gamed between the NEW players. Any veteran players who would like to help....I could use 4 warriors and 1 mage at each session. See you tomorrow at the clinic.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Server Files Changed.

    I hope it doesnt come to that, farjat. Crossing fingers that everything is stable...and stays that way.
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Update On Christmas Files

    Because of issues with the Aresden spawn rate...We will not be able to use the Christmas files this year. snow, no lights, no Rudy pit in town. Unless by some miracle, things are sorted out sooner, it's just not going to happen this year. Monsters are dropping candy canes.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Update On Christmas Files

    Candy cane drops are fine, farjat I have seen several of them. and no...we're not adding rudy pit somewhere else We are busy trying to fix the problem...not add more problems on top of the one we have now.
  15. Hunter[GM]

    *** Merien Stone Event For All Levels***

    The first round of Meriens were hidden and found in 40 minutes. Round 2 is tonight
  16. On Wednesday, Dec 3rd there will be a MERIEN STONE event in game. The time for this event is: 10am and 7pm server time ---- This is to include as many of our players as possible. Meriens will be hidden on ALL maps in game....all means ALL!!!!!! I won't give any hints. The meriens will be HIDDEN! Meaning, they could be under: gold, bread, meat, alch parts, small pots, large pots, items You will have to really search to find them. (No, this is not my sneaky way of clearing all the maps :P ) So...if you need a nice, new Merien Stone make sure you catch one of the rounds! See you in game, Hunter[GM] I won't give an exact amount of how many stones. It will depend on how many players are online at the beginning of the event. More players = More Meriens PS....Meriens are the GREEN ones
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Eks During Sade

    Keep the no EK in town rule. I love seeing an empty town during sades and everyone in the ML....the way it is supposed to be. Forget any limits... NO eks in town
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Pvp Event

    SEE BELOW FOR NEW INFORMATION AND DETAILS FOR GUILD MASTERS On Sunday, Nov 30th (that is Thanksgiving week-end in USA) after the Heldenian, we will have a guild PVP. I will announce the location to the members involved and bring them to the area at the time of the PVP. (see below for additional information) Each guild must select their top 5 players to participate. There is only 1 rule. Only DK armors and weapons, wands will be allowed. no tablets allowed no activation weapons or shields no other berks except DK berk no other BBH except BBH from +1, no +2, no +3 (you will be checked at the end....if you have a bbh+3 in your will be disqualified) no other wand but DK wand You must register by Friday to enter. There are no other rules. This is truly a Last Guild Standing type event. The 5 members of each guild will be teleported to the event location. Directions will be given and the event will begin. No one can come and watch. Too hard to control. There will be 1 match. Each guild in game will be going up against every other guild. You must sign up on this thread to be able to participate but you do NOT have to give the names of the 5 guild members who will fight. Each Guild master, sign up on this thread or assign one of your members to sign up. DO NOT sign up before speaking to your Guild Master. The winner is the guild who is left at the end with at least 1 member. That winning guild will be given a MS20 Resurrection Wand each player will get a zem The winning guild will then be brought back to the PVP location. Those 5 members then participate in a final fight for the TOP prize. Again, the only rules are DK sets and weapon/wand only. You will be checked. You can wear any jewelry, you can use any spell, including defensive spells. Anything goes. Those 5 guildies then fight each other. The LAST MAN standing from that guild match will win: Mage- choose either Mass Fire Strike Manual or MS30 wand and MP 21 hose Warrior- choose either Lighting Blade or Dark Executor Questions? ask here Registered Guilds Aresden We got Crabz Critical Wet Wizards Survivors Elvine Korean Brothers in Blood Double Face Oldies withdrawing from an original guild and making a new one to be able to enter more players from the same guild, is not acceptable This is the list of participating guilds. No others will be allowed to enter At the end of the Heldenian, I will call for the Guild Master of the registered guilds to contact me. That is 8 individuals only. no other member of the guild...I only want to hear from the Guild Master. I will tell you at that time where to bring your team of 5. Do not bring any other members of your guild. Only the 5 members who are entered. Since there is only a total of 40, we will use the arena to guarantee that we will not be disturbed or interrupted. I am going to choose the largest arena map we have. It resembles the towns. It is not the circular arena but a much larger space. The 40 players involved will then be taken to this arena and given specific instructions. make sure you only have on DK armors/weapons and blacksmith armors/weapons. We are going to check the winners. If anyone on the team of 5 is wearing statted berks OR if a warrior has on a BBH+3 your entire team will be disqualified. ONLY weapons from the blacksmith OR your DK sword is permitted! Wear whatever jewelry, capes, gems, angels, you want. All spells are permitted. No resu wands, tablets, activation weapons or armors. When I give the command, the 40 players battle it out. I will not summon monsters as long as there is active fighting going on. If players tower up and hide or run in circles, then I will summon non-magic monsters to encourage you to face each other and fight. The guild with ONE member remaining wins. The GM staff will then check the logs of each winning guild member to ensure the event rules were followed. At this time, the guild prizes will be distributed. I will then let that guild recall...take a 10 minute break to re-pot, repair, etc. After the break, the 5 winning guild members will be brought to the arena. They will then face each other and fight for the individual prize. The same rules as above, apply to this round of fighting. The player left standing in the end, wins. If you DC at any point in the event, you are out. Do not whisper the GMs and ask us to bring you back. Do not whisper the GMs and complain about anything when you die. If you have an issue that needs to be brought to our attention, wait for the completion of the event to do so. The last PVP event, we had to disqualify 12 players within the first 2 minutes because they did not read the rules. Please dont let this happen to YOU or your guild. Make certain your members have read, understand and will follow the rules. Ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable defense. You will be held accountable for the rules, whether you read them or not. The GM staff has final say in all decisions related to this event. The rules can be changed without notice but we will inform you of such. Please be on time. We will NOT wait for any member to show up. If you do not have your 5 members ready to go when called, you are out. Do not whisper us 10 minutes after we called for you and ask to be included. Questions? Post them here We are not interested in your opinion or what you dont agree with. If you do not like the format, do not enter. Please translate thanks
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Pvp Event

    We tried this and no one showed up. There wont be any PVP events until after Christmas. I just dont have several hours on a Sunday to do one until after the holidays are over. Unless we have one over the Christmas break, spur of the moment, no prizes, just pride.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Ring Of Dragon Lost

    I think I said I would help in my post above.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    *** Merien Stone Event For All Levels***

    lol...scratch and sniff forum event?
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Ring Of Dragon Lost

    I can talk to whoever took it and try to convince them to return. But you willingly handed it to him. There is not much we can do here, unfortunately. Who else has access to marclorc's account?
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Pvp Event

    Congrats to WeGotCrabZ and their Guild Master Ganksta for winning the Guild PVP Event. Everyone had a great time and it was a successful PVP event. Thanks to all of the guilds who participated.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Master Apprentice Program

    Winners this week Lu and Closed Enloo and AhBeng
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Insulting Family Members? Can This Be Tolerate?

    This will be verified in chat logs and then a mute will be issued. Closing this before it becomes a circus. and to answer the ques...No, we do not tolerate this kind of nonsense.