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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Miner Event Middleland Mines

    You were muted for good reason. Stop crying so much, ChupaVulva. You knew in advance there would be EKing...yet whisper me to cry and whine and insult as soon as things dont go your way. I will be adding to the mute time since you think 1 hour is so LOL
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Miner Event Middleland Mines

    On Wednesday, Dec 17th at 10pm server time, there will be a MINER'S Event in the Middleland Mines. Items will be hidden and dropped throughout the map. Prizes that can be found include but are not limited to: Zems Meriens Xstones 100% Mithral Bar Mithral Gold Nuggets Diamonds Rubies Sapphires Emeralds Red and Blue Candy And....the mother of all miner items an endurance 70% Hitting Probability 21% PICK AXE!!!!!! EKing is permitted but not encouraged. See you in the mines on Wednesday! Please translate this...ty Hunter[GM]
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Civilian Crim Making Spy During Sade

    yea I agree this is a real pain normally, you cannot do damage to civs but during sade you can This should be in suggestions... maybe when the other big issue is resolved, we can talk about coming up with a resolution to this You know, if I am in game during sade, just whisper me and ill come and send them to BI.
  4. Hunter[GM]


    We cant make rules to govern how people choose to play the game. If they have no skills, no pride, no honor...nothing we do will change that. Scorp pit heroes will do anything for an does not matter to them what you or anyone thinks.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Winter Scavenger Hunt- Win A Gm!

    The Winter Scavenger Hunt is going to be a little different from other scavenger hunts held here in the past. The list of items is going to be long, numerous and difficult to obtain. Here is how it will work. On December 15th, the list of items will be released. They will be posted here, on this thread and I will announce in game, that the item list is now available on the forum. The first player(s) to gather ALL items on the list wins. There are 2 ways to collect your win. Contact a GM in game and ask for them to check you out. The GM will teleport you to a safe map where you can lay out all of your items. OR, if a GM is not available when you have finished...go somewhere safe and display all items on the list and take a screen shot. Take multiple screen shots, if necessary to show all items and the number of each item you have. There is only one prize for this scavenger hunt. The winner will receive a private hunt for them and 6 others. (Total of 7 people can participate, plus the GM. So...Winner, GM, 6 friends or guild mates) The party will be teleported to any map they choose. The GM will then join the group's party in order to share experience. GM will use power ring to help kill the monsters on the map. (see below for restrictions) Winner will get to keep any drops AND also share in the experience. The 60 minutes cannot be split into 2 sessions. The 10 players cannot be subsitituted during the event. Whoever you choose to start with, must stay and finish. If they leave for some reason, no one else can be added to the group. The time of the hunt must be mutually agreed upon by the GM and the winner. The winner must choose ONE character to receive the prize. ALL drops belong to the winner of the prize and will be given to the winner. GM will hold all drops and give them to the winner at the end of the event. At that time, the winner can distribute, share the drops if he chooses to. Restrictions: - Dragonia Map cannot be used at all - APOC maps can be used IF they are open on the day you choose. (so pick carefully) - Wyvern limit- 3 - Hellclaw limit- 5 - Tigerworm limit- 3 Please translate this..I would appreciate it. Questions? Post here Stupid comments? Spam? Do not post here Here it is.... "THE" List of items you must obtain to win. Dont bother making suggestions telling me what I shoulda done, coulda done or that it is too hard, or too easy. Just get the items if you want to win. 1- A dagger in 5 colors ex: silver, black, purple, blue, green 2- 5 poison short swords of any type 3- Experience 20 wand and weapon 4- Demon eye 5- Unicorn part 6- Demon leather 7- 25 ogre leathers 8- 5 meriens 9- 5 Xelima stones 10- 3 Mushrooms 11- Capes in every color of the rainbow, 1 must be a statted cape 12- 5 Gold Nuggets 13- 5 Mithral 14- 5 100% Crystalware 15- Any manu product 190% comp or better 16- Statted horns m or w 17- 10 werewolf nails 18- 10 werewolf teeth 19- magic sapphire, ruby and diamond 20- 1 of each type Angel 21- 5 summon scrolls from the Heldenian 22- Your town flag 23- MP or HP chain m or w 24- 5 Super Reds and 5 Super Blues 25- 5 Red Candy Canes 5 Blue Candy Canes 5 Green Candy Canes 26- Chinese Bellflower 27- Poison flam 28- Skin Color Potion 29- Ultra Coal 60% or better completion 30- 5 Salmon 31- 3 Red Carp 3 Green Carp 32- 3 balls any color 33- 1 MP/HP item to be donated to the Master Apprentice Program All items, but #33 will be returned to the player(s) Good luck! Hunter[GM]
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Winter Scavenger Hunt- Win A Gm!

    Yes HellBeast, you can return all now except for item #33. You and I will arrange a time, day, etc Please make sure you read the restrictions on this event also and that each of the people you choose to come with you, also understands the guidelines. Congrats for winning.
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Brother's In Blood For The Win

    I congratulated you guys on the other thread. I will speak to White or one of you in game about picking a time and day for the hunt. Make sure you guys know the restrictions on the hunt, such as which pits we can and cannot go to, how many of the big mobs, number of participants, etc. I wont let someone come on 1 char for 30 mins and then another for another 30...has to be the same one, for the entire hour. Should be a lot of fun, and I hope you get a nice item out of it and some exp. You guys did a great job and ruutu, sorry ya fell asleep man.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Double Exp

    No...experience is high enough now
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Winter Scavenger Hunt- Win A Gm!

    Congrats White... We will talk in game and discuss the time and date for the event and which players you will be bringing. Ruutu...that's a shame man...soooo close! I really did not think anyone would win it this quickly. I thought it was a fairly tough list. But if you have skilled guild members, in a variety of occupations, it could be done pretty fast. For 1 person to do this alone would be almost impossible. But that is why the prize was more group related. Congrats again and thanks for participating everyone.
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Miner Event Middleland Mines

    Please note the time change on the event. I have a family obligation tomorrow night until about 930pm so the event is being moved to 10pm server time.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Bug Trackers

    Post all bugs you find in game here. Thanks
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Winter Scavenger Hunt- Win A Gm!

    List added to original topic**
  13. Welcome to Helbreath Nemesis As you start to learn the game of Helbreath, no doubt you will have questions about the game. This is the place to post all of your questions and get accurate information. GMs and players will respond to your question with accurate information posted in a polite manner. Do not be afraid to ask. If you dont know then trust me, someone else also is wanting to know. There is no dumb question. Except the one you DONT ask. Hunter[GM] Note to current players This is a help section for NEW players, and beginners. If you would like to assist us by answering a player's question, please do so in a polite manner. If you do not know the answer or are not sure, please do not post. Only post answers to issues you are certain of and do it in a nice way. Anyone posting here and being rude, condescending or ignorant will lose their forum account. No warnings Thank you for helping us help the new players.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Question About Skill %

    If you mean youre an AMP warrior and then lower your intell to add vit will you keep AMP? No, you will not
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Nomad Play Mode

    I had the contest just to hear some cool ideas. There was never any intention of implementing them. We do not want to become some fruity server with a ton of edits and customized items and such. We really are devoted to the original game, making adjustments only to improve game play.
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Question About Skill %

    I am so impressed. you guys are doing an awesome job answering ques...THANK YOU!
  17. On Monday, Dec 15th, on the farm map, there will be an event. Players level 100 and below are welcome to attend. Your level will be checked by the GM staff. If you are NOT 100 or below, you will be suspended for 3 days. Items will be hidden on the farm...under objects and some in the open. Prizes include: Zems, super pots, candy andddd 1 Sharp exp 20% flam 1 MS20 exp wand All new players, please feel free to attend and meet some new people. At the end of event, there will be some summons available to kill
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Cilin Leaves For 3 Months

    Where in the US are you headed?
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Stop Ppl Loging Out In Enemy Town

    No We made it so they cannot run into shop and wh to recall.....that is sufficient.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Old Bug?

    If you have vista it is not fixed Jaapy may work on something over the Christmas holiday if he has time.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Doubt Section On The Forums

    It is a good idea...hopefully colo will see this and add it One thing....If we have this section....I am going to be ruthless about spam on it anyone posts a reply to a new player, that is rude, ignorant, spam or tells them to do the wrong thing... no warnings, no level going to suspend the acct. I only want accurate polite info going up as replies no matter how simple, or basic the question is. maybe we can set it up for GM reply only....but i value a lot of the knowledge in this community so we will try it with anyone able to respond. See how it goes.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Party Lvling & Hunting

    There is already a drop bonus for hunting in a full party. and I do not want the rate increased...for full party or otherwise. I think it is just fine now. There are other ways to increase your chance of getting a drop. For example...a little known fact about certain maps... areas on a map with a cross and a dead skel on them....have higher chance of drops.
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Miner Event Middleland Mines

    Thanks very much!
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Re: Boy And Slyone

    Good job, Tyrone B)
  25. Hunter[GM]

    New To Helbreath

    There are Beginner guides right here on the forum designed and written based on HB Nemesis. Welcome to Nemesis