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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event "design A Holiday Tree" WINNERS ADDED

    Final Results Congratulations to the winners and thanks everyone who participated. 1st = TinkerBell 2nd = Caposotto 3rd =mrDobbs See me in game for your prizes and Merry Christmas
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Crusade Is Bugged

    yes it is :sleep:
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event "design A Holiday Tree" WINNERS ADDED

    ok closing this and letting the GM staff vote for the winners in the GM room I will announce the winner tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who participated! Merry Christmas
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Why Was I Banned?

    Can..come talk to me in game pls.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Problem With My Char

    Contact me in game please. I need to speak to you about this account. You were not hacked and youre not in trouble Whisper me in game
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event "design A Holiday Tree" WINNERS ADDED

    Extended until the 23rd to get more people participating
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Translate Pls

    thanks very, very much!
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Translate Pls

    Could someone pelase translate the christmas wish list post? Post it on that thread and ill edit it and move it up top with the original. Thanks a lot looking for Spanish Korean Polish Port Swedish
  9. Hunter[GM]

    What Happen?

    All fixed Millie was a victim here...totally innocent and did not lame any EKs
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Which Magic Circle Is The Best?

    Which circle of spells is the best and why?
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Wanna Play My Forum Game?

    ^I only like to play without amp or pfm when I have an IE neck < is on holiday for 2 weeks B) B) V is getting coal in their stocking from Santa
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down

    Farjat I know this whole situation has been gnawing at you since the beginning so I really am just as glad to stop...get it all done at one shot and be left with a more stable server with which to proceed on fixes. I think it will be a load off your mind also. We dont like doing this on a sunday, raid time, Held time...But, it's better to "bite the bullet" now and get it over with. I expect a lot of univ/college players to be logging in during their semester break so we should be busy over the next month. Better to get it over with now.
  13. Hunter[GM]

    To Gms

    There are multiple topics about this and we said it is being looked at. Please do not make anymore topics.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Wanna Play My Forum Game?

    ah ok.... I get it ^ is the newbiest of the GMs < is the oldest of the GMs v I probably muted at least once
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Spedd Hack

    bumping this up for white
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Wanna Play My Forum Game?

    I dont get it explain pls how to play
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event "design A Holiday Tree" WINNERS ADDED

    VERY good, guys! Now, that's the spirit! Keep em, comin! and NO...I am not really entering lol
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Santa GM has spent many hours recording each of your wishes on strips of index cards she cut up, and placed them all into a shoe box. She will continue to add the wishes of the "nice" boys and girls of elvine and aresden town. On Christmas morning, she will shake the box and pull out 1 player's name and wish. I will then go in game and make the item and log the winner's account. SantaGM will place the item into the bag of the winning player along with a Zemstone. How do you know if you won? Simply log in and check your bag! If your wish is there, you won. If your wish is not there, you did not win. What time? depends on when SantaGM wakes up. If the past is any indication, that could be 4am :mellow: :o
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event "design A Holiday Tree" WINNERS ADDED

  20. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event "design A Holiday Tree" WINNERS ADDED

    If we dont get a few more entries, this event will be cancelled.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Crusade Is Down

    no sade on fridays
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Ms Santa[GM] is pretty clever and she is going to be checking IPs to make sure that no one double posts. Of course, if they DID double post, they will be immediately placed onto the naughty list. They will receive an item on Christmas morning though. :D One perfectly suited for them. A nice, big, black chunk of coal, direct from the North Pole mines.
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Dear SantaMaggie, I have been VERY good this year and I would like an Ice neck please. Thank you! PS- I will leave out cookies for you and a nice, cold glass of milk. :wub: Justice
  24. Hunter[GM]

    New Year's Righteous Pvp Event

    Once a year, it's ok to award a very rare, nice item for pvp event. The prizes were discussed at length by the GM staff before the decision was made and we decided to spoil you all a little bit.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    A New Beginning For All
