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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Dk Armor/weapon Attributes

    ok I think this is what you want DK wand +15 is a MS28 and is ms29 throughout. DK flam starts at 4d7 at the beginning when it is a flamberge and then increases to 2d10+2+15 for sm and med mobs and 2s12+2+15 when it is in its dk15 form DK giant sword form is 2d8 and 2d10 is some basic HP formulas To hit value is calculated from your DEX and weapon skill, if you have under 50 DEX, you don't get any bonuses to your to hit value. < 50 DEX: To hit value = Weapon Skill > 50 DEX: To hit value = Weapon Skill + (DEX - 50) Your defense is your DEX * 2 + any armor bonuses you get. For example Knight Plate Mail has 40 AC, and therefore adds 40 to defense value. Maximum hit probability is 90%, no matter how much DEX and how high weapon skills you have. Minimum hit probability is 10%. Hit probability is calculated as follows Hit probability = (To hit Value / Defensive Value) * 50. Examples from tricksters Your dex is 100 and weapon skill is 100%, your to hit value is 100 + (100 - 50) = 150 If your opponent has 50 DEX and no armor, his defense value is 50*2 + 0 = 100 In this case your hit probability would be: (150 / 100) * 50 = 75% Its late so im going to bed but let me know if this is what you wanted or if i answered your ques at all. :unsure:
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Who's Your Favorite Gm Of 2008

    Without a doubt.... I have a tie for my favorite of 2008 Farjat andddd....SANTA GM!!! MAGGIE! :wub: :wub: :wub: farjat took the server from near death, hanging on by a thread, and put it back on life support. Jappy came along and resurrected it....gave it a transfusion and complete organ transplant. elguason, White, MJ, Jing best team I could ever ask for. thanks guys for ALL you do and ask for nothing in return. You donate your time and talent so that others can play.
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Explain Please

    We needed to alleviate the problem of mass players camping the town shops all sade long and not participating in the intended purpose of a sade. sades are won and lost in the middlelands....not boxing the WH or shop. And this has been a success There are far less players camping and more are out constructing and defending the bases, searching for EKs in middlelands. I think it was a great idea and has worked well.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Idea For Event Prize- Give Your Feedback

    ok let me clear up some things 1- the item would absolutely be bound to the player that won 2- the pvp event would only be once a month....They generally take 3 hours, start to finish and I just cannot do that once a week. 3- The player would keep the item for 1 week? Is that reasonable? The week would include a FULL weekend of raiding. 4- the same person couldnt win over and over. First of all, the format of each PVP will be different. Some formats will favor a mage, some a warrior. Some will benefit certain builds over others. And because I will change up the format and rules for each one, this will also change the type of build that can win each time. If you win, you are not eligible the next month. You have to sit 1 month out, then try again. any of the above can be negotiable. such as the amt of time the item is kept what items are included some people WANTED edited items but I am not budging on that one. I dont want edited stuff even for 1 week. Other thoughts? questions
  5. Hunter[GM]


    omg come ON Ogre rings are CRAP! On other servers they are traded with the same value as a ROM. Since when did ogre rings become some super rare item? They were not ever meant to be rare!!
  6. Hunter[GM]


    row are giving away by the mule rom arent even worth a 3/3 zem Warrior damage rings are ALL rare ok with me if the lower dmg rings are common
  7. Hunter[GM]


    closing this because you just posted one of these a couple of weeks ago saying you were back after leaving for the 2nd or 3rd time.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Amazing Lag

    I am sorry I cannot help you and I hope someone else will be able to help. I just want to say that I hope you are able to fix this situation and make things more bearable. I would hate to lose our Malay players and especially you. Youre a good player, decent guy. Good luck
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Levelup And The Rudolf Pit...

    ok PFA'ing your own townmate so that the enemy can kill them is not allowed. He will be banned if he does it again. Let me know if he does.
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Type Of War.

    200str 191dex 59int 20mag rest to vit. do this one to start
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Pureh3mp- And The Rudolf Pit

    I spoke to pureh3mp about this and it will stop.
  12. I am tired of the spam posts on other member's serious topics, especially in the Market Place. You want to spam? it in the spam threads. Keep your garbage OFF other member's posts. They have a right to post here, without 50% of the replies being smart remarks, lame insults, sarcastic comments and what you THINK are clever comebacks. The forum staff and members are tired of it. So...December is crack down on SPAMMERS. If you spam a non-spam thread with your nonsense.... nonsense= anything not related TO the topics, or any insults, dumb comments, etc etc You will lose your forum account for a period of 3 months AND we will make sure you cannot and do not make another account to join with during that time. I will personally search and locate every single forum account registered to your IP address, email, character name and suspend them ALL. STOP it now. There will be NO further warnings and it does not matter what your warning level is. You will be banned for 3 months even if it is 0%. Forum mods...please help me enforce this consistently. Be on the look out for spammish type posts and let me know the names so I can put the ban on. Thank you
  13. Hunter[GM]

    To The Spammers- All Forum Mods Read Please

    Many suspensions were done this evening as forum mods reviewed multiple threads and found that some of you are just NOT getting the message. If you want to share your quips and what you think are clever anecdotes on life and the game of helbreath, go open a blog. Dont do it on our forum. If you want to run off at the mouth, do it on a SPAM topic only. Members who have already received 3 week suspensions and have repeatedly come back and carried on in the same manner, will now get 3 months. And if it happens after that, your forum posting priv will be permanently revoked and we will block your IP from making a new account.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Can't Explain

    yea, it does so farjat most likely locked it to avoid more damage being done....but it wasnt being hacked or anything. So...if everyone else's was unlocked, this one should be also. I dont like to un-do something farjat did but with this new info, I think it will be ok. If I am wrong, it will be locked again. Thanks Cleanser for adding this information. Account unlocked Topic closed
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Can't Explain

    I've checked for you and whoever the GM is did not make a notation on the comment section where your ban was recorded. That gives me no way of knowing who banned the acct or the reason why it was banned. I did nt ban it. Just a guess, from the timing of it all...would be EK laming since it was around the time White banned a bunch of accounts for EK laming. You can apply for amnesty if that turns out to be the case.
  16. Hunter[GM]


    This from the supposed "new" "female" player on the server who "quit" 2 days ago because someone stole "her" drop? Interesting
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Santa Wish Rigged

    The Santa GM event was not rigged. If you have proof of any GM abusing their power, post in the appropriate section. Accusations made against any GM require proof and need to put in the right place. This is not the place. whoever is claiming to be my son is a liar or pulling a joke on you You were sent to BI for making false allegations and calling a GM a liar. Closed
  18. To our wonderful, awesome community here at Nemesis We would all like to wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas and peaceful Holiday season. May you have nothing but good health and fortune in the New Year. Thank you for choosing Nemesis. We appreciate each and every one of you. Enjoy all of the Christmas Events and keep close to your heart the TRUE meaning of Christmas. Cheers, Hunter farjat Jaapy Elguason White Colo MJ Jing Sexy Scat
  19. Hunter[GM]

    More Pits

    We had an ettin pit and it was removed to keep the balance of the server in check. Possibly, in the future, we might add a small ettin pit to the BF. But, do not ask when. Future= several months away when other more pressing matters are completed.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Gm Santa's Surprise Gift

    Congrats ocean...It really couldnt have happened to a nicer guy. Merry totally deserve it.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Well, I approved all accounts pending before going to bed. The last one was a fake name of ghshdhahb and an email of gshfbsjs@hotmail It was not a valid email so...if that was them, they lost out. Closing topic now. The SantaGM is sleeping now but she will most likely be up very, very early. After she opens some of her presents, I will have her pull the name. She will probably want to do it first because she is excited to see who wins!! Some of you are like little kids....asking me all day long how much longerrrrrr!!! I am glad to see so many of you participate. I must say...this was a fun event. Maybe Maggie has Event GM in her blood? Merry Christmas to all and to all....a GOOD night! I will not post the name of the winner, so it remains a surprise. If the winner wants to post their item, that would be great. Log in game, if your wish item is in your bag, you won. If it is not, you did not. I can assure you this event is being handled in a very RANDOM way. We ALL have an equal chance of winning. Each of your names and the item you wish for, is on a slip of paper in a shoe box. ONE will be drawn in the morning....that person wins. If they asked for something....unbalancing, and unreasonable.... I will edit their wish to something that is reasonable. EX: They want HP 91 ancient rep 7 BH They might get an ancient BH +1 hp 35 This is just an example. 90% of the wishes were fine. and if you will get THAT item you asked for. Good luck to all!
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    English: Post your wish to Santa[GM] on this thread. You can ask for anything except for: Xelima items, Merien items or Medusa. One lucky player will be chosen and receive their Christmas wish item. You have to be on the GM " Nice " list. If you are on the " Naughty " list, you will not be chosen. The player chosen will be selected at random from all of the names submitted. On Christmas morning, Dec 25th, the item you wished for will be placed into your bag by the Santa[GM]. You do not have to be in game to win. (Santa has special powers and can access your bag) Make certain you leave your player's name and the item you wish for. HO HO HO!!!!!! Santa[GM] AKA- Maggie or SeaWolf ---- Spanish: Pone tu deseo a Santa[GM] en este topico. Podes pedir lo que sea a excepcion de: Xelima items, Merien items y Medusa items. Un jugador va a ser elegido y sera quien reciba su item deseado. Tenes que estar en la lista de los "Buenos" del GM Si estas en la lista de los "Malos", no seras elegido. El jugador elegido sera seleccionado al azar de entre todos los participantes. En la ma?ana de Navidad, el 25 del Diciembre, el item que deseaste sera puesto en tu mochila por Santa[GM] No tenes que estar conectado para ganar (Santa tiene poderes especiales y puede acceder a tu mochila) Asegurate de dejar el nombre de tu jugador y el item que deseas JO-JO-JO!!!!!! Santa[GM] ---- Portugese: Publique o seu desejo de Santa [GM] sobre este tema. Voc? pode pedir qualquer coisa, exceto para: Xelima itens, Merien itens ou Medusa. Um jogador afortunado ser? escolhido e receber o seu desejo item Natal. Voc? tem de ser sobre a GM "Nice" lista. Se voc? est? na "Indecente" lista, voc? n?o ser? escolhida. Os jogadores escolhidos ser?o selecionados aleatoriamente a partir de todos os nomes apresentados. No Natal de manh?, 25 de dezembro, o item que desejava para ser? colocado no seu saco pelo Santa [GM]. Voc? n?o tem que estar em jogo para ganhar. (Santa tem poderes especiais e podem acessar o seu saco) Fa?a certo voc? deixar o seu nome do jogador eo item que voc? desejar. Ho ho ho !!!!!! Santa [GM] AKA-Maggie ou Seawolfe ---- Polish: Możesz pytać o wszystko pr?cz: Xelima item?w, Merien item?w i Medusa. Jeden szczęśliwy gracz zostanie wybrany i otrzyma sw?j upgraniony item. Musisz być na "Dobrej" liście GM'a. Jeśli jesteś na jego czarnej liście, nie zostaniesz wybrany. Wybrany gracz będzie wyselekcjonowany losowo ze wszystkich przedłożonych imion. W świąteczny ranek, 25 grudnia, upgraniony item zostanie umieszczony w twoim plecaku przez Santa[GM]. Nie musisz być w grze, aby wygrać. (Mikołaj ma magiczną moc i posiada dostęp do twojego plecaka) Miej pewność, iż zostawiłeś imię swojego gracza oraz napisałeś życzenie. HO HO HO!!!!!! Święty Mikołaj[GM] [santa Claus:P] ---- Dutch: Post je wens aan Santa[GM] in deze topic. Je kan alles vragen behalve: Xelima items, Merien items or Medusa. ??n speler zal gekozen worden en zijn Kerstmis Wens item ontvangen. Je moet op de " Goed " lijst van de GM's staan. Als je op de " Slechte " lijst staat, zal je niet gekozen worden. De speler zal willekeurig gekozen worden van alle namen die zich opgegeven hebben. Op kerst ochtend, 25 Dec, het item dat je wenste zal in je bag geplaatst worden door Santa[GM]. Je moet niet in game zijn om te winnen. (Santa heeft speciale krachten die aan je bag kunnen) Zorg er zeker voor dat je je spelers naam en item at je wenst hier achterlaat. HO HO HO!!!!!! Santa[GM] AKA- Maggie of SeaWolf ---- Danish/Swedish: Skriv dit st?rste ?nske til julemanden[GM] p? denne thread Du kan ?nske dig ALT ! , dog er der gr?nser, du kan ikke ?nske dig: Xelima ting, Merien eller Medusa Ting. 1 heldig spiller vil blive valgt, og f? sit st?rste ?nske opfyldt. Du bliver n?d til at v?re p? GM "den s?de liste" Hvis du er p? uartig listen, vil du ikke blive valgt. Spilleren vil blive valgt af julemanden[GM], og der er ingen fortrukne som vil blive valgt. Det er random lodtr?kning P? juledagens morgen 25 december, den ting du har ?nsket dig, vil blive placeret i din taske af Julemanden[GM]. Du beh?ver ikke v?re online. (Julemanden har en speciel kraft og kan logge ind i din taske) Skriv dit spiller navn i spillet, og skriv hvilket ting du ?nsker dig, ogs? kan du v?re den heldige vinder. Korean 포스트는 산타에게 당신의 욕망 [GM은]이 주제에. 당신을 제외하곤 아무것도 요청할 수있습니다 : 실링 항목 또는 항목 Merien 메두사. 운이 좋은 선수 하나를 선택되며 귀하의 물품 크리스마스 소원이 나타납니다. 당신은 GM이 "나이스"목록에 있어야합니다. 버릇없는 경우 "목록"에있어, 당신은 선택되지 않습니다. 선택된 선수들을 무작위로 선정됩니다 모든 이름에 제출했다. 크리스마스 아침에, 12 월 25 일 산타에서 가방에 배치하려는 항목 [GM은]. 당신이 게임에서 승리해야하지 않습니다. (산타와 특수 능력을 가지고 당신 가방에 액세스할 수있습니다) 하게하면 당신이 원하는 선수의 이름과 물품두고 있는지. 호 호 호 !!!!!! HO HO HO!!!!!! Santa[GM] AKA- Maggie or SeaWolf
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Christmas Events

    On December 24th, Christmas Eve there will be several very special Christmas Events The Christmas colors of red and green will be the main theme. 1- Random spawns of red and green monsters will appear throughout town in search of candy canes and some nice human meat to serve up for their Christmas feast. Beware, these monsters have magical powers of Clairvoyance so it will be difficult to hide from them. 2- Merien Stones and Xelima Stones will be given to random players wearing a RED or GREEN cape and boots. You must have both on..cape+boots, and they must be red or green. Make sure you leave room in your bag if AFK, for the SantaGM to be able to give you a present. 3- Town present Santa[GM] will be hiding a pink and an orange cape somewhere in game. This will happen immediately after the Giant Lizard Fairies invade town. 4- Giant Lizard Fairy Parade Santa Claus uses reindeers to pull his sled. Well, the Nemesis SantaGM uses Giant Lizards to pull his. Giant Lizards will come to your town at approximately 10pm server time. The lizards will be carrying all of their Christmas loot so look for special items to drop when and IF you kill them. The King Giant Lizard Fairy will drop a Christmas Angel upon his death. The Nemesis Staff wishes you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, wealthy New Year. Please have a safe, happy holiday season and stop in and play on your vacation. We look forward to seeing all of you. Peace, The Nemesis Admin and GM team Polish: 1.Losowe respy czerwonych i zielonych potwor?w pojawią się w miescie w poszukiwaniu ludzkiego mięsa, w sam raz na ich swiateczna uczte. Strzezcie sie! Potwory maja magiczna moc antyniewidzialnosci (?), wiec ukrycie sie przed nimi bedzie bardzo trudne. 2. Merien Stones i Xelima Stone dostaną losowi gracze, ktorzy zalozy czerwona/zielona cape, oraz czerwone/zielone buty. Musicie miec cape oraz buty zalozone w tym samym momencie, oraz musza byc one czerwone lub zielone. Musicie rowniez miec pewnosc, ze macie wolne miejsce w plecaku, gdy jestescie z dala od komputera, wtedy Santa[Gm] ma szanse aby wrzucic wam ktorys z kamieni do plecaka. 3. Santa[GM] ukryje gdzies w swiecie Helbreath rozowa, oraz pomaranczowa cape. Stanie sie to zaraz po zakonczeniu eventu z Giant Lizardami. 4. Nemesis Santa[GM] uzywa Giant Lizardow, do ciagniecia jego san. Ich masowe spawny nadejda o 10 wieczorem, czasu servera. Jaszczurki beda mialy w sobie specjalne itemy, ktore mozecie zdobyc ... musicie je tylko zabic. Z Kr?la Giant Lizard?w prawdopodobnie poleci Świateczny Aniolek. GM Team HB Nemesis zyczy wam wesolych swiat, szczesliwego nowego roku, i takie tam bzdury i glupoty jak co roku.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Christmas Screens

    You guys looked SO awesome Put a HUGE smile on my face when I logged in this morning. :D Thanks to everyone who participated. Some of you..check your got stocking stuffers.
  25. Design a Holiday/Christmas Tree using items in game. The more creative you are, the higher your score will be. You must make your design and take a screen shot of it. Post it on this thread by Dec 23rd at midnight. Do not spam this topic or add anything insulting or negative or you will be suspended from forum until next year. There will be a First place prize, Second place prize and Third place. First Place= 3 meriens, 2 Xelimas, 1 Zem Second place= 1 merien, 1 zem Third place= 1 merien Let your imagination take over and post up a cool Yule design. The judges will be friendly neighborhood GM Staff! Good luck and get those creative juices flowing. Deadline extended to get some more entries