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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down?

    The server misses her Daddy :P
  2. Hunter[GM]

    "anything Goes" Pvp Event

    I think some people are under the impression that an activ weapon is an automatic win. I disagree...I have seen what happens to the players who have the activ weapon. They have a huge target on their backs. I never, ever allow angels. This is the one time I am allowing players who have spent lots of levels and maj, upping an angel, to use it.
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Who's Your Favorite Gm Of 2008

    omg its a LEWBOWSKI!!!! How the hell are ya, Donnie boy? I see I have a pm from you...going to check it now and thanks for the nice words from everyone. Thanks Gaucho, Alright and everyone.
  4. Hunter[GM]


    cosign+1 sorry but its true manu is THE hardest skill to get with very little for your efforts
  5. Hunter[GM]

    New Year's Righteous Pvp Event

    On Saturday, January 3rd at 7pm server time, we will have a PVP Event. The format will be a little different than the last one. I try to make each PVP event slightly different to appeal to every build in game. This PVP will be warr v warr and mage v mage All warriors in game will fight....last man standing...wins Then all mages will fight...last man standing wins There are 2 prizes for this event: Winning mage will get MS20 Kloness Wand Winning warr will get Kloness Blade+1 Each person participating must know the rules of the event in advance. If they do not, they will be quickly disqualified from the event. Here are the guildlines/rules for this PVP: 1- No use of the following spells- no invis(no pots, scrolls or spell) no PFM or AMP no create food no Great Heal or Heal no Defense shield You CAN zerk, PFA, para * Mages you can use all offensive spells 2- all players are to report to the arena, naked. That armors, capes, boots, mshield wands, shields, towers, hats, caps no angels 3- No Resu wands allowed 4- No slates allowed 5- All jewelry and gems are allowed 6- No activation weapons allowed 7- At the assigned time, players will be told to whisper the GM staff for teleport to the arena. You must be paying attention to GM chat to know when to whisper. If youre late, you may not participate. 8- When you arrive at the arena....wait QUIETLY for event to begin. This is important and we are not going to repeat it over and over. We need you to be quiet so we can see the history box and tp players. If you talk, in white, red or blue chat, you will be sent to BI. You may communicate in guild chat or whisper only. 9- If you DC during the event, youre out. Please do NOT whisper the GMs and ask to be brought back or you will be muted. We are concentrating on the event and dont need to be distracted. 10- Only players in GOOD standing may participate. If you have disrupted events in the past or are in poor standing with the GMs on the not even ask for a teleport. Participation in events is a priveledge, not a right. 11- GM staff's decisions in all matters, are final. 12- We reserve the right to change or add to any of the rules, without notice. If you have questions, please ask them here. Do not spam this topic or leave your negative comments regarding the format. Dont like the format? dont enter Here is some information on Kloness weapons. Please note that Kloness works DIFFERENT than righteous. This is how it works exactly. Kloness gives you bonus damage based on YOUR reputation, and gives additional bonus damage based on your ENEMY's reputation. The first bonus can be up to +5. If your reputation is >0, you get bonus damage. The bonus damage is REP/100, max 5. So if you have 500 rep, you get +5 damage. If you have 250 rep, you get +3 damage. The next bonus can be up to +10. This is based on the enemy's reputation. If your enemy has NEGATIVE reputation, then an additional bonus is applied. The bonus damage is EnemyREP/100, max 10. So if your enemy got 500 rep, then you get +0 bonus damage. If your enemy has -300 rep, you get +3 bonus damage. If your enemy has -1200 rep, you get +10 bonus damage. In addition, it works indepently. So these 2 bonusses are applied for EVERY equipped Kloness item. Weapon+neck or Staff+neck DOUBLES these bonusses! Please translate this topic if you can...Thank you Hope to see lots of you participating in the FIRST event of 2009 Hunter[GM] Spanish: On Saturday, January 3rd at 7pm server time, we will have a PVP Event. EL formato va a ser un poco diferente al ultimo. Trato de hacer cada PvP event un poco diferente para que sea un recurso a costruir en el juego (o algo parecido a eso) este evento va a ser wars contra wars y mages contra mages Todos los War dentro del juego van a participar, el ultimo que quede gana y los magos lo mismo estos son los 2 premios del evento premio al mago ganador MS20 Kloness Wand premio al warrior ganador Kloness Blade+1 cada persona que participa debe saber las reglas del evento de antemano, el que no las sepa sera descalificado rapidamente del evento Estas son las reglas del evento 1.-no usar las siguientes magias y cosas no invis(no pots, scrolls or spell) no PFM or AMP no create food no Great Heal or Heal no Defense shield Puedes dar/te zerk, PFA, para * los magos pueden usar TODAS las magias de ofencivas 2- todos los jugadores seran reportados al arena desnudos quiere armors, capes, boots, mshield wands, shields, towers, hats, caps no angels 3- Los Resu wands no estan permitidos 4- Las Ancient Tablets no estan permitidas 5- todos los necks, ring y gems estan permitidos 6- No activation weapons allowed 7- En el tiempo asignado los player le diran al GM que lo teletrasporte, debes prestar mucha atencion a lo que el gm dice para saber cuando whispearlo, si lo haces tarde no podras participar (o algo asi) 8- cuando estes en el evento espera quieto y sin hablar, los GMs deben tener la caja de dialogo sin charlas para ver que player pide tp, eso quiere decir no hables en General, ni por Town chat ni normalmente, puedes usar el guild chat, whisper o party chat. 9- Si se te desconecta durante el evento estas fuera, y no trates de desconcentrar a los GMs pidiendo TP nuevamente por q seras muteado. 10-Solo si estas en buen estado puedes participar, si sos un bobo o estas en un estado pobre con los GMs no participaras."Participar en los eventos es un privilegio no un derecho" 11- La decisiones de los GMs en todos los asuntos son definitivas . 12- Reservamos el derecho de cambiar o agregar cualquier regla sin previo aviso si tienes preguntas postealas aqui no spamees o dejes tus comentarios negativos sobre el formato no te gusta el formato? no participes... Portugese: No s?bado, 3 de janeiro ?s 7pm servidor de tempo, teremos um evento PVP. O formato ser? um pouco diferente do que o ?ltimo. I try to make each PVP event slightly different to appeal to every build in game. Esta ser? PVP guerra contra guerra e contra mago mago Todos os guerreiros no jogo vai lutar .... ?ltimo homem em p? vit?rias ... Ent?o todos os magos ir?o lutar ... ?ltimo homem em p? vit?rias Existem 2 pr?mios para este evento: Ganhar mago vai buscar MS20 Kloness Wand Ganhar guerra vai come?ar Kloness Blade 1 Cada pessoa deve conhecer as regras que participam do evento com anteced?ncia. Se n?o o fizerem, eles ser?o exclu?dos da rapidez do evento. Aqui est?o os guildlines / regras para esse PVP: 1 - N?o use uma das seguintes feiti?os - N?o invis (sem vasos, rola ou feiti?o) PFM ou n?o AMP N?o crie alimentar Nenhuma Grande Cure ou Heal Defesa sem escudo Voc? CAN ZerK, PFA, para * Magos que voc? pode usar todos os feiti?os ofensivos 2 - todos os jogadores t?m de prestar contas ? arena, nua. Isso quer dizer ... n?o armors, capas, botas, mshield wands, escudos, torres, chap?us, bon?s N?o anjos 3 - N?o resu wands permitido 4 - N?o permitido Lousas 5 - Todas as j?ias e pedras preciosas s?o permitidos 6 - N?o ativa??o armas permitidas 7 - No tempo atribu?do, os jogadores v?o ser dito para sussurrar a GM pessoal para teleport para a arena. Voc? deve estar prestando aten??o a GM bate-papo para saber quando a sussurrar. Se voc ? tarde, voc? n?o pode participar. 8 - Quando chegar ? arena .... aguardar tranquilamente para o caso, para come?ar. Isso ? importante e n?o vamos repeti-lo, uma e outra. Precisamos de voc? para estar quieto, para podermos ver a hist?ria ea caixa tp jogadores. Se voc? fala, em branco, vermelho ou azul bate-papo, voc? ser? enviado ao BI. Voc? pode se comunicar na guilda bate-papo ou apenas sussurrar. 9 - Se voc? DC durante o evento, voc ? fora. Por favor, n?o sussurre as GMs e pedir para ser chamado de volta ou voc? ser? silenciado. N?s estamos concentrando-se sobre o evento e dont precisam ser distra?dos. 10 - Somente jogadores podem participar em boas condi??es. Se voc? tem perturbado eventos no passado ou est?o em p? com os pobres GMs no servidor ... nem ao menos pedir um teleporto. A participa??o nos eventos ? uma priveledge, n?o um direito. 11 - GM decis?es do pessoal em todos os assuntos, s?o definitivas. 12 - N?s nos reservamos o direito de alterar ou adicionar a qualquer das regras, sem aviso pr?vio. Se tiver d?vidas, consulte-los aqui. N?o spam neste t?pico ou deixar coment?rios negativos em rela??o ao seu formato. Nao gosto do formato? dont entra Aqui est? alguma informa??o sobre Kloness armas. Observe que as obras Kloness DIFERENTE do que justos. Isto ? exatamente como ele funciona. Kloness lhe d? b?nus dano baseada na sua reputa??o, e d? b?nus adicional, com base no seu INIMIGO danificar a reputa??o. O primeiro b?nus pode ser de at? +5. Se a sua reputa??o ?> 0, voc? obt?m b?nus danos. O b?nus ? REP/100 danos, no m?ximo 5. Ent?o, se voc? tiver 500 rep, obter? 5 danos. Se voc? tiver 250 rep, voc? obt?m 3 danos. O pr?ximo b?nus pode ser de at? +10. Esta ? baseada na reputa??o do inimigo. Se o seu inimigo tem NEGATIVO reputa??o e, em seguida, ? aplicado um b?nus adicional. O b?nus ? EnemyREP/100 danos, no m?ximo 10. Portanto, se o teu inimigo tem 500 rep, ent?o voc? obt?m b?nus 0 dano. Se o seu inimigo tem -300 rep, voc? obt?m 3 b?nus danos. Se o seu inimigo tem -1.200 rep, voc? est? com 10 b?nus danos. Al?m disso, trabalha h? indepently. Ent?o estes 2 bonusses s?o aplicados para cada item equipado Kloness. Arma Pessoal + + pesco?o ou duplica estes bonusses pesco?o! Por favor traduzir esse t?pico se voc? puder ... Obrigado Esperan?a de ver voc? lotes de participantes no primeiro evento de 2009 Hunter [GM]
  6. Hunter[GM]

    I Think Gms

    I can do it Ill set to 45 minutes
  7. Hunter[GM]

    New Year's Righteous Pvp Event

    Vampyr I was told server time is my time zone. Jaapy did that to make it easier for me to plan events. But, We have Daylight savings time and the time changed in nov. I did not realize the server time did not also change. I am really sorry you missed the event. It's totally my fault....I just never thought to check it. Never had any reason to think it was different than it was set to. I apologize.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    New Year's Righteous Pvp Event

    Congrats to Lii and MaynarD for winning the PVP event. About 120 players participated....or more. It was a tough event to win and they deserve a lot of credit. Good job, guys
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Best Players ?

    Adding a category Promise Land Raider Elvine- Abraxas Aresden- I forget the name...but will add when I remember
  10. Hunter[GM]

    New Year's Righteous Pvp Event

    Note to guild masters If you know you have members of your guild participating in the event tonight...PLEASE encourage them to come here and read the rules before entering the arena. Last time, we disqualified 3-4 people before it even began, which is just pathetic. They did not take 2 mins to come and read the rules and got /closeconn before it even started. Make sure they know its naked event..dont report in armor, capes, boots, mshield wands, towers. Make certain they know to arrive in arena and wait QUIETLY for the event to begin. Talkers will be sent right out of the arena. We need to be able to tp everyone there and use the f9 box to do this. We cant have everyone there talking and make this difficult job harder. Encourage them to use guild chat instead. Go over with them, which spells they are not allowed to use. Tell them to clear their hot keys of forbidden spells so they dont even cast one that is not allowed. Good luck everyone! Event begins in about 12 hours.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Amnesty Request Update

    the GM staff is in the process of discussing the amnesty requests received to date. We will let you know our decision within the next 2-3 days.
  12. Hunter[GM]


    Yes I passed out some wine in both towns on new years eve right now, it is useless effect but who knows? maybe someday it will "do" something ;)
  13. Hunter[GM]

    New Year's Righteous Pvp Event

    I have been asked to vary the time of the events. To not always pick at sade or Held to include players from other parts of the world. I pick diff days of the week, different times of day so that eventually, everyone can attend one. also...I would like to draw to attention this rule 10- Only players in GOOD standing may participate. If you have disrupted events in the past or are in poor standing with the GMs on the not even ask for a teleport. Participation in events is a priveledge, not a right. so those of you who disrupted the base camp event and did not follow directions...dont bother asking for a TP to the PVP. You know who you are.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Stated Hats/caps

    moved to suggestions and no..we arent changing the original weapons, armor attributes
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Leveling Guide
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Best Players ?

    Aresden: - Mage: jinxzii, zoro, Kefka (Badassmage when he played) - Warrior: Rast, NoC,DeZ. Cleanser - Bmage: pyra and the one im making :P Elvine: - Mage: elguason Maynard, Hello - Warrior: donnie, whitefang, Shaggnut - Bmage: JoshCOOL whatever build he is on this month, excellent player, whiteangel
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Dk Armor/weapon Attributes

    the goal of upgrading is to receive the extra damage and hitting probability and yea i meant ms28 not 29
  18. Hunter[GM]

    New Year's Eve Experience Event

    Why go out and spend a lot of money tonight on watered down drinks, crowded bars/pubs or banquet food at the big parties? Stay in and log into game! On New Year's Eve from 8pm- midnight, there will be summons in town. Something for everyone! Warriors- you have a couple of killing zones Check the church for large monsters and city hall for smaller ones. Mages....outside the shop is where the action will be for you! I recommend that you all party and take advantage of the full party drop rate bonus and also use SAFE MODE so you do not spend your time in jail!! The monsters tonight are 4 times more likely to drop stones on the town maps. Stones= merien, xelima, zemstones I hope to see you all tonight! And Happy 2009 everyone! Hunter[GM]
  19. This is only an IDEA ... I want to get feedback/opinions from everyone. What do you think of this. PVP event..Last Man Standing (format will vary ie: some will be naked, some with bs armors, some with all items, etc etc...we will vary the format of each pvp) The winner of the PVP gets to pick ANY item in the game.... any weapon, any jewelry, any spell and use it for exactly 1 week. At the end of that week, the item is deleted from their account. The item will be bound to their player for 1 week. They cannot pass it, share it, drop it, trade it. I do not know if it possible for Jaapy to delete a spell from someone's character. If he can do it, then we can also include ESW, inhib, and cancel. If he cannot do it easily or without causing issues, then rare scrolls would not be included. ANY other item will be included however, they can only be given in their natural form. NO EDITS....ex: no Ancient BBh+15, no zerk wand MP recovery 105% What do you think? I am trying to come up with prizes that people really want to win...but that don't upset the balance of the server's economy. Post your opinion. All opinions welcome as long as they are appropriately phrased and not insulting or spammish. Do not post anything about anyone else's opinion. Just your own.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Darn Bug

    ok ocean when you go to drop something...that box that comes up on the bottom says NO ASKING FOR SAME ITEM if that is checked ON instead of OFF, you will auto drop without being asked Players use this to drop a load of pots, quickly I'm sorry you lost your shield. I have MP 28 you can have :unsure: sorry its not more
  21. Hunter[GM]

    New Year's Day Base Camp Event

    On New Year's Day Thursday at high NOON server time Bleeding Island There will be 2 base camps developed on BI by the GM staff Come help your town defend your base !!!!!!! You will not drop items no EKs on BI do not attack from outside mana stones/base camp The winning town will receive 3 dragons summoned at their City Hall 2 outside and 1 inside WINNER= ELVINE
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Looking For- Another Aresden Ma Program Volunteer

    raMz when I forget names it means nothing other than I forgot a name. If youre going to quit because I forgot to say your name in a post or message in game I will look for someone else....seriously. I cannot remember everything all the time and the mule names change pretty often. You cant understand that? smellz-Tsolis2 has offered to help in Aresden Thank you! closed
  23. We are getting more and more new players to game who NEED some nice items. Fortunately, Aresden is generous and gives quite a few nice items to the MA program. We need some more help with taking donations and also distributing the items once we have them. If youre interested, please contact me in game or thru a PM here. I am looking for someone who I know and can trust. The items are given to us by the players and I want to make sure that a trustworthy person is in responsible for those items. If you can help us out, that'd be great.
  24. Hunter[GM]


    Shylar was not who "she" represented herself to be and was certainly not "new". Just a scam to get items, levels and attention.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Master Apprentice Program

    If you are elvine.... Look for Millie or wutafreek If you are Aresden Look for giggles (JustManu or PottyMouth) or raMz or ask me in game Also..I am looking for someone else in Aresden to help out on the mule. Send me a PM if youre interested. It has to be someone I know and trust.