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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Who Is The Stronger *guild* In Hb Nemesis?

    From seeing a lot of guilds succeed and many more fail The first KEY to a successful guild is one clearly defined leader who is respected by the guild members. That person then has 2-3 KEY captains to take care of diff parts of guild business. 1- membership and recruitment- someone actively screening new members. Stealing good people from other guilds, constantly being on the look out for the next key member of the guild. 2- the guild inventory- someone who knows what the guild items are and where they are at all times. someone who checks items out, decides on guild hunts, which items go to whom and when. 3- training the new members (and this isnt done once or by posting rules on a board. It's a painstaking process that never ends, really. This is an ongoing educational plan of action that is role-modeled by the leader GM and his captains. And not a "do what I say not what I do" type deal. The guild members must see the GM and his captains living up to the expectations they set down for the members. 4- Hunt and Raid leader...may or may not be the GM. The person in the guild who calls the shots on hunts. Their word on a hunt is accepted without question or arguing. If a member hesitates, or ignores directions from the hunt leader, they should be removed from the guild immed. No questions asked. Hunts and raids must run like well oiled machinery. They are tactical battles and everyone has to be on the same page. This doesnt happen over night. Practice, practice, practice. 5- Clear Set of Guild Rules and Expectations AND consequences outline and spelled out for breaking rules. the rules should be clear, consistent, easy to understand and reviewed with each new member. A guild uniform is an excellent idea and should be done by ALL guilds when hunting or raiding. I dont care if you have a cute pink HP cape...on a raid or guild hunt, wear your colors. 6-The GM has to be active. Period. No way around this one. A guild master must be there for sades, heldenians and events. He also must show up to support hunts and raids, solve disputes, and play cheer leader to his squad. He should also make sure that frequent training sessions are being held in the guild and that each newbie has a mentor in the guild that is showing him the ropes. Let new members in under a probationary period. When they show they can handle it, have a ceremony once a month, admitting your new members in. Give them their colors at this time and maybe some items the guild has saved for these occassions. 7- Guild forum or website and a TS or irc channel where the guild can communicate during hunts, raids, events and also for every day things like birthday, who became max level, who got hero items etc etc
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Design An Accessory For Helbreath

    Weapon designs will be deleted. This contest is for accessories only. No weapons or spells.
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Market Place Posting Rules

    Pinned to the top of the market place board are rules for that specific board. As you may have noticed, we have been cracking down on infractions and spams on that board. We feel we give you plenty of other areas where you can spam, etc and the market place is to be kept free from all of that. When someone makes a post in market place, they really don't care what you think of their items or their player or their play. They want to see offers for their items only. Several players have been issued a 3 week suspension for violating the rules in MP. But, it seems the message is finally getting through. The amount of spam and nonsense on MP is way down. If you are suspended, you are not to make another account and continue posting. This is against the rules. Suspension means no posting for 3 weeks. Dont borrow someone else's account or you will get that person's account banned. I see some of you currently on suspension posting on new accts as if nothing happened. Do not do this. Wait for the end of your suspension to being posting on the forum. Forum membership is a priviledge not a right. Thanks to everyone who has gone along with our request by not spamming up the market place. If you have a thread on MP and someone posts spam on it....or an insult, etc..Please DONT quote it or respond to it. Bring it to the attention of one of the moderators and we will take care of it. Hunter[GM]
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Design An Accessory For Helbreath

    2 more days to get your design ideas in
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Helbreath Lingo

    yw= youre welcome brb= be right back AFK= Away from Keyboard, also refers to training skills away from the computer lol= laughing out loud jajajaja= noob way of laughing pt= slang-curse, unkind way of insulting someone 19= agree with BI= Bleeding Island ML= Middlelands toh= tower of hell IB= Icebound DC= Drunc city APOC maps= refers to dc, infernias A and B, Procella and maze Abby= Abaddon Drags= Dragons PL= Promise Land sell rep= sell a reputation + to someone for gold - usually around 20-40k lize= Paralysis, paralize lizzies= Giant Lizards noob= Gimlin ^_^ ROD= Ring of Dragon Power ROGM= Ring of Grand Mage ROAM= Ring of Arch Mage IE = sword of ice elemental or necklace of ice elemental GIN= Ginseng ROM= Ring of Mage ROW= Ring of Wizard CAD= Consecutive Attack Damage or you may hear this refered to as "rep" ex: Selling Sharp GiS rep 3 dd= demons
  6. This event is pretty simple and just for fun. Tomorrow my team, the Philadelphia Eagles, travel to take on the New York Giants to determine who goes on and who represents the Beast of the East. These 2 teams hate each other. They played twice this season...Giants won 1, Eagles won 1. So, this game is HUGE and gives bragging rights and a conference title. Post what you think the total score of the game will be without going over. Whoever is closest....wins.... Let's see. Eagles colors are green and silver so: Whoever wins will get 2 merien stones and a 100% silver bar you must make sure that someone did not already post your score. The first score posted is the one I will take. You must post your guess before kick off tomorrow, which is 12 pm server time. No guesses taken after 12 pm Sunday Good luck! Hunter[GM] And GOOOOOOOO EAGLES PS- any insults to the Eagles, and you are disqualified B) Hunter 21-17 Eagles Maggie 27-24 Eagles
  7. dude..did you SEE week 13? :ph34r: us
  8. Here is the winner right here Point differential 5 from the final score of 23-11 EAGLESSSSSSSSSSSS If you chose the Giants....too bad so sad :lol: Eagles ARE going to the SUPERBOWL after a brief stop in Arizona next week B) It's FLORIDA...HERE WE COME Im going to Tampa on business the weekend before. If the Eagles are going to be in the Superbowl, I will stay and GO to the game. Ive been a life long, bleed green Eagles fan. We have never won the Superbowl! Our baseball team are World Champions this year and it would be AWESOME if our football team was also. Thanks for playing everyone Svafnir, see me in game for your prizes.
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Name That Tune Event!

    Name That Tune!!! On Sunday at 12 noon server time, meet in your town's main warehouse for a fun event called Name That Tune! Make sure you turn your sound on and volume UP for this event. The GM will polymorph into various Helbreath monsters and walk around the warehouse. One problem...the monster will be invisible! Judging by the sound the monsters makes, be the first player to name that monster in global chat and score 1 point. Only the FIRST correct response in Global chat will be accepted. Do not spam Global during this event or you will be muted and unable to play. At the end of the event you cash in your points for prizes. 7 points Merien Stone 5 points Xelima Stone 3 points Zemstone of Sacrifice Good luck and see you on Sunday at noon, in the town warehouse. Please translate this post and ask any questions here. Hunter[GM] Nombra aquel sonido!!! El Domingo a las 12 del MEDIODIA (Hora del Server), nos encontraremos en el warehouse de tu ciudad por un divertido evento llamado: "Nombra aquel sonido" Asegurate de subir el volumen bien para este evento Un GM tomara la forma de varias criaturas del HB y caminara dentro del warehouse. Pero hay un problema... el monstruo sera Invisible!. A juzgar por el sonido que el monstruo haga, el primero que lo identifique y diga el nombre de la criatura en cuestion, en el GLOBAL CHAT, sumara 1 punto. Solo la PRIMERA respuesta correcta en el GLOBAL sera aceptada. No spameen el global durante el evento o seran muteados y por ende, no podran participar. Al final del evento podras cambiar los puntos adquiridos por premios: 7 puntos = Merien Stone 5 puntos = Xelima Stone 3 puntos = Zemstone Buena suerte y nos vemos el Domingo al mediodia en el warehouse. Hunter[GM] Nombra aquel sonido!!! El Domingo a las 12 del MEDIODIA (Hora del Server), nos encontraremos en el warehouse de tu ciudad por un divertido evento llamado: "Nombra aquel sonido" Asegurate de subir el volumen bien para este evento Un GM tomara la forma de varias criaturas del HB y caminara dentro del warehouse. Pero hay un problema... el monstruo sera Invisible!. A juzgar por el sonido que el monstruo haga, el primero que lo identifique y diga el nombre de la criatura en cuestion, en el GLOBAL CHAT, sumara 1 punto. Solo la PRIMERA respuesta correcta en el GLOBAL sera aceptada. No spameen el global durante el evento o seran muteados y por ende, no podran participar. Al final del evento podras cambiar los puntos adquiridos por premios: 7 puntos = Merien Stone 5 puntos = Xelima Stone 3 puntos = Zemstone Buena suerte y nos vemos el Domingo al mediodia en el warehouse. Hunter[GM]
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Name That Tune Event!

    This was a lot of fun....thanks for participating! The winners were: Elvine Elite- zem Amon- zem Glenda- merien RalliGer- zem Aresden jinxii merien and zem (DEz) KirbsWar 2 Zems Dragonoid zem Saliski zem We will definitely be repeating this event in the future.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Goodbye Hb

    good luck man you are always welcome back here Take care of your business first. Life first, games second. And remember....there are lots of fish in the sea.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Winners of Guild Hunt Please READ

    Is this for the winners of the scav hunt? The prize= guild hunt? Im not sure when I am available in the morning. Can you give me a closer time? more exact? I can probably make it at 9am server time or later. Let me know H
  13. Hunter[GM]

    *** New Quests Suggestions ***

    Great ideas so far... One thing...and this is just me. I do not want to make IG quest. Too easy. I want to stay away from any monster that has easily accessible pits. Frost is ok...but igs..way too easy. Also...We wont be giving any stones with any of the quests. Keep em coming and absolutely use the other maps like DC infernia A, B, Battle field, etc
  14. Good luck everyone!!! 1 more hour to post your guesses. This is closed 12 noon server time Game begins then also
  15. ok someone asked me in game here is how the game is scored Touchdown= 7 points Field Goal= 3 points Safety = 2 points (these are rare)
  16. Hunter[GM]


    no i was just joking....notice the ;) <---- that rumor was going around for a long time tho
  17. Hunter[GM]


    Excaliber+3 in the waters of Nemesis ;)
  18. Hunter[GM]

    "anything Goes" Pvp Event

    i agree BUT if you ask me , this is not an anything goes event , since you have 1 item not allowed Im not asking you. what is the point of an event when 1 person can eat a read slate and drastically increase their chances of winning it? That's pointless.
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Off Global Chat

    Individuals can choose to disable global chat already if they want. No need to do this and not leave the option.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Defend Your Colors Event

    Time changed to 3pm server time Please make note of this change. This is so I can have GMs at the event.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Design An Accessory For Helbreath

    lol B)
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Defend Your Colors Event

    Thanks very much for the translations.
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Design An Accessory For Helbreath

    LOL never thought about adding attributes to undies! I think we need a picture of this one, Deck
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Design An Accessory For Helbreath

    yes...if you provide a drawing or graphic of your idea, you will get more points. As it says in the directions jusxtapoz, you can enter more than once.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Winter Blues Experience Event

    Winter Blues Experience Event Winter blues got ya down? Cabin fever setting in? Come hang out at the Winter Blues Experience Event for a break from the boredom of winter. This event will be held at your town City Hall- outside The monsters of the Icebound map and Drunc City are also tired of the cold. They will be entering town through the City Hall portal. Monsters include but are not limited to: Ice Golems Dire Boar Skeletons Beholders Nizies Frost Giant Crayfish Claw turtles Stone Golems Hellclaw Tigerworm Wyvern Make sure you use the full party system for better drops and rate. Mages are encouraged to use safe mode so they stay out of jail. Don't wear a Zem to summon events. Put your goodies away and just come ready to kill. This event will take place on Wednesday January 7th at 9am server time and 6pm server time Hope to see you there! Please translate this post. Hunter[GM]