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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Tab Bug

    It is directed towards the market place posts form players claiming they are leaving because of this bug. When i have been told by their friends that one of them in particuluar has no intention of selling and just wants to entertain offers for his character. So rather than just saying that, they decide it sounds/looks better to take a dump on the server that helped them to make that character that is now worth something. lame...
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Tab Bug

    You want to sell your stuff and character, that's fine. More power to you...but dont slam the server that made it possible for you to be able to do so . Especially, over something we already said we were in the process of fixing.
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Change Cannibal Plant Name

    and when you summon Hellhounds for an event, you must spell it HELLBOUND with a B :blush: and Orge not Ogre
  4. Hunter[GM]

    This Snow Bird Is Heading South

    I am sick of the following, in no certain order: 1- cold 2- wind 3- wind chills 4- shoveling the snow 5- driving in snow 6- ice 7- salting the walk and drive 8- heating bill 9- wool sweaters (theyre itchy) 10- not being able to be outside for more than 5 mins without my toes going numb SO...I am combining a business trip with a stop in sunny Tampa, Florida Taking the family with because Maggie "told me" she is going too! I'll be back Tuesday. I will have laptop but I dont think ill be in game much. Take care and behave :wub: Hunter[GM]
  5. NEMESIS- HELBREATH ACCESSORY DESIGN CONTEST In the past we have had weapon design contests and spell design contest. This time we are having a Helbreath Accessory Design contest. This is just for fun, we are not implementing the winner into Nemesis. Design any accessrory to be used in Helbreath. an accessory can be: gloves, capes, boots, jewelry etc It cannot be a weapon or a spell. Winning designs will receive: First place 2 meriens 2 Xstones 2 zems Second place 1 merien 1 xstone 1 zem Third place 1 merien Please post your ideas on this thread by January 15th at midnight server time You may enter more than once. DO NOT SPAM this thread. Entries ONLY Thanks and please translate this. Hunter[GM]
  6. Hunter[GM]

    This Snow Bird Is Heading South

    Its been 0 lately out in the its 19 deg F wind chills have been brutal Its been unusually cold here. I know where we're going is supposed to be 72 tomorrow then 77 by the end of the weekend so...thats good enough for me!
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Brother's In Blood

    As I told you in game... I suggest you make a ticket to make certain that Jaapy or colo see this. I can make one for you but im not sure of the permissions, masks and all. I have to learn how to do that one of these days. Make a ticket...indicate who the moderator will be and what password you want to use. When the forum is made, tell your guild the password needed to access the forum Then only those members will be able to see what is posted there. You still must follow forum rules in your individual guild sections. Good luck
  8. nah...only a full party boosts the %
  9. I have killed a helclaw solo on my mage, with no edits, no super rare items. MS14 and DK12 wand, mp set- average set
  10. Can someone make a character, that can solo a wyvern I've always wondered I know someone came close to it in Nem 1 and I helped him test it. But he was not quite there yet. Cool topic Isa, it's SO nice to have you back.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Speed Bug Abusers

    remember, i have vista and run 43 fps on a good day
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Speed Bug Abusers

    when you are tabbing during a hunt, as a mage, you also dont require huge does of sp so even if you use it incorrectly bottom line is loss of 10 sp here and there, no big deal Ive tried "tabbing" to run faster and im still slow as molasses. Everyone on server races past me :unsure:
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Design An Accessory For Helbreath

    Sorry it took so long to get the results but I was waiting to hear from some judges with their decision. First, thank you everyone who participated. There are some really cool ideas here. We will not be implementing these ideas but it was fun to see how creative you guys are. Contact me in game for your prizes. The winners are: 1st place TIE Mythfate Soul Stone AND Demon Wings by hihihi 2nd place Cat's Grace 3rd place TIE Xray glasses Gaucho Wine Bottle
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Held Bugged

    ok..This will be looked into. I set it manually. Ares won
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Town Penalty Time During Sades

    Totally correct and why the time wont be changed.
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Best Players ?

    no no no you dont get what im saying i could care less where the items came from and how they got them. would they play AS WELL without items as they do with Could the best player on this list in BS gear and DK items, own someone who did have nice items. how much do the items matter? all? some? none, its all skills?
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Best Way To Get Maj Points

    Yes, I asked Jaapy to give me a mess of majestics so I can take a ss of the dk sword and wand at each level of upgrading and post them on forum. As soon as he does, ill get on that.
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Best Players ?

    Question for everyone.... How many of the players on this list would still be here, IF they were using BS items only, no jewelry, no items. just dk and bs stuff. Would anyone be deleted from here if they were playing with no items? Do items make the player good? or does the player have to know how to use the items to be good? This is directed at no one in particular. I was just wondering how good some ppl could/would be if they had awesome items.
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Ahem... Hunter, What Happened?

    I have not heard back from all of the judges yet.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Picnic Event

    Saturday, January 17th, we are hosting the FIRST Annual Nemesis Picnic When you are told, (not before) come to Bleeding Island on Saturday at approximately 2pm. Keep checking GM chat for instructions. Wait at the safe zone until I give the "GO" command. Bleeding Island will be covered in food. Bread, Meat, Monster meat of all types, Wine and Beef Ribs Under SOME of the food, there will be items. What kind of items? You will find everything from: Candy, Zems, Meriens, Xelima Stones, Mithral, Super Reds, Super Blues, Sex Change Potion, Underwear Pots, Gems, Orange Dye, Crimson Dye, Black Dye, Emmy Ring, ROM, Necklace of Liche, Ogre Ring, DM1s, MS10 Necklaces, PINK BOOTS, Ginseng, Invis Pots, Gold Pockets and ONE lucky player will find an ICE SWORD ELEMENTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a peaceful event. I will set the map for no attacking so everyone can come and have fun. When all of the food is picked up, I will turn attack mode back on and some dragons will be summoned. -Please do not come to BI until we call you - Please do not log a character off on BI and try to log in to sneak stuff. Accounts that log in to BI before the event begins on Saturday, will be sent to jail automatically, for 24 hours. We will look up your main account and you will not be allowed to participate in the event. - All levels are welcome to come. Everyone has an equal chance of getting something. Please translate this event Thanks Sabado, 17 de enero, hemos preparado el 1er encuentro anual de picnic de Nemesis Cuando seas avisado, (no antes) ven a Bleending Island(BI) el sabado aproximadamente a las 2pm (6pm en argentina si es que el tiempo del server no cambia, lol). Esta atento a los dialogos del GM. Esperen en el Safe hasta que diga "GO". Bleeding Island sera cubierto por foods. Panes, Comidas, Comidas de mounstro de todos los tipos, Vinos y Costillas de carne Debajo de algunas food, estaran algunos items. Que clase de items? Podras encontrar cualquiera de estas cosas: Candy, Zems, Meriens, Xelima Stones, Mithral, Super Reds, Super Blues, Sex Change Potion, Underwear Pots, Gems, Orange Dye, Crimson Dye, Black Dye, Emmy Ring, ROM, Necklace of Liche, Ogre Ring, DM1s, MS10 Necklaces, PINK BOOTS, Ginseng, Invis Pots, Gold Pockets y alguno con suerte podra encontrar una ICE SWORD ELEMENTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Este evento sera de modo pasivo. Deshabilitare el ataque en todo el mapa asi podran participar tranquilos. Cuando todas las foods sean tomadas. volvere a habilitar el ataque e invocare algunos dragones -Por favor no vengan a BI hasta que los llame -Por favor no deslogeen en BI para tratar de acceder a escondidas .El char de la cuenta que este en BI el sabado antes de que comienze el evento seran mandad automaticamente a la jail por 24 horas. Veremos la cuenta principal y no podras participar en el evento. - Todos los level son bienvenidos para entrar. Cualquiera tiene oportunidad de conseguir algo Translate to portuguese Ap?s a Heldenian acabou no s?bado, 17 janeiro, estamos hospedando o PRIMEIRO Anual Nemesis Picnic Quando lhe ? dito, (n?o antes) vir a hemorragia Ilha de s?bado em aproximadamente 2. Manter controlo GM bate-papo para obter instru??es. Espere na zona segura at? eu dar o "GO" comando. Sangramento Ilha ser? coberto nos alimentos. P?o, Carne, Monster de todos os tipos de carne, vinho e carne Ribs Em algumas das alimentar, haver? itens. Que tipo de itens? Voc? vai encontrar de tudo: Candy, Zems, Meriens, Xelima Stones, Mithral, Super Reds, Super Blues, Sex Change Po??o, Underwear Potes, pedras preciosas, Orange Dye, Dye Crimson, Black Dye, Emmy Ring, ROM, Colar de Liche, Ogre Ring, DM1s, MS10 Colares, PINK BOOTS, Ginseng, Invis Potes, Ouro bolsos e um afortunado leitor ir? encontrar um ICE SWORD ELEMENTAR !!!!!!!!!!!!! Este ? um evento pac?fico. Vou definir o mapa para n?o atacar assim que todos podem vir e se divertir. Quando todo o alimento ? pego, eu vou virar ataque em modo de volta e alguns drag?es ser?o convocados. -Por favor, n?o chegou at? n?s chamamos BI para voc? - Por favor n?o acessar um personagem off sobre BI e tente fazer login para sneak coisas. As contas que efetuar login no BI antes da evento come?a no domingo, ser? enviado automaticamente para a pris?o, por 24 horas. Iremos verificar a sua conta principal e voc? n?o ser? autorizado a participar no evento. - Todos os n?veis s?o bem-vindos para vir. Toda a gente tem uma igualdade de chances de alguma coisa. Por favor traduzir este evento Gra?as
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Picnic Event

    Thanks to my guys are awesome. I really appreciate it and i know the non-English speaking players do as well.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    "anything Goes" Pvp Event

    This PVP Event will be SATURDAY February 7th at 3pm server time the prize for warrior is a plate chain is for mages
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Defend Your Colors Event

    DEFEND YOUR COLORS EVENT Jan 15th 3pm This event is similar to the base camp event but with a twist. An arena will be set up in Bleeding will look a lot like the one we used for the Base Camp Event. On each town's side of the the back behind the summons, will be 10 of the enemy town's color capes. So on the Aresden side, there will be 10 blue capes. On the Elvine side, there will be 10 red capes. These capes are not statted. Just colored. A GM will be posted at each spot where the capes are. The goal of the event, is to infiltrate the enemy base camp and retrieve YOUR town's colors. When you get close enough to the capes, put one on. When all 10 of the capes are being worn by a member of the correct town, that town wins. This is critical information: - you may NOT touch the capes on your side of the base....the enemy capes that will be on the ground on your side of the base, can only be touched by the enemy. - You may NOT stand on top of the capes, or make food on them or drop an item on them. If you do any of the above, you will be closed out of the event and not allowed to participate. Each town must invade the enemy area, claim their colors (capes), equip the capes, and LIVE. If you die, you can return to the base and continue to play. The event continues until all 10 capes have been equipped. What do you win? The winning town will then be told to line up in a certain location. A GM will stand at the beginning of the line and the end of the line to assure that no one who did not participate, tries to enter the event at this point and cash in on the prize. I will then go down the line and run a game to select a winner. You will have to pick a number between 1-500. The player who guesses the exact number, wins. The number will be known only by me. The player from the winning town who correctly guesses the number will win an Magic Resistance 21% Cape in the color of their town. Ares= red Elvine= blue The winning town will receive an experience event to celebrate their victory, on the Monday after the event. I do not do experience events during raid weekends. So, the exp event part of the prize will be on the Monday evening after the event at 4pm server time. It is important that each town cooperates and works together to be successful. One town may have more members, but if they dont communicate and show good teamwork, they wont win. Please translate this into your language so as many players as possible can participate. Post any questions you have here. GM staff, please let me know if you will be available to help out. I need 2 of you. Thanks TIME changed to 3pm server time!!! Please make note Hunter[GM]
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Defend Your Colors Event

    sorry guys...postponing this for another time. I tried to make it earlier to accommodate players from various time zones but this event requires more than 1 GM. Events I do at this time, Ill just have to make formats that I can do alone.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Defend Your Colors Event

    ok...I am hoping we have the GM support we need to pull this one off. If I dont have help, Ill have to postpone this. No you cannot touch more than 1 cape