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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Logs Down Again?

    back up now
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Log In Is Down

    Log in is down for everyone We do not know when it will be back. Admins have been notified and we are waiting for their response. Please be patient and do not make more topics about it. Thanks
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Why Is Server Down?!

    people really need to read before making a topic this is like the 7th one closed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Server Offline?

  5. Hunter[GM]

    To Hunter: Exp Event

    ok I answered the orig poster's ques so ill close this now
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Why I Can Log In Hb?

    pls check for other topics before you make a new one log in is down for everyone
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Maybe Login Down

    Log in is down it has been reported to Sexy farjat s not available at the moment soon as we can, we will get it back up and running
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Request For Ss

    well go back and get me some ss's!
  9. Hunter[GM]

    "anything Goes" Pvp Event

    If it is, we will wait for sade to end
  10. Hunter[GM]

    To Hunter: Exp Event

    I cant make it as a general rule. I ask players not to throw someone off the drop if they helped to kill the monster but it is not something that can be made into a "rule" punishable with consequences. This is a part of the game. When you land on a drop, AMp and invis, equip tower shield, mshield wand and hold your bag. ask guildmates or friends to keep you invised. Im glad you enjoy events here.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Make Raid Time 1 Hour On All 3 Days

    Very valid point, ocean and players would still need to re-time, but not nearly as often. This has not even been discussed in the GM room i was just thinking about it.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Bans Of January 2009

    We do this already Amnesty is the same principle.
  13. Hunter[GM]


    We are in the process of re-writing the quests. see the topic pinned in general
  14. Hunter[GM]

    2-5 Second Recall Time

    We have discussed this and are not going to change the recall spell at all. Players who want to recall, should be able to. If youre good enough, youll stop them.
  15. Hunter[GM]


    it is not legal to change the paks in anyway except for large items.
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Change The Raid Days

    When the exp rate is as high as it is, most people should be max level within 2 weeks, tops. We cater to max levels because we give such a high exp rate. Raid time is available when most players, play. which is the weekend and most players= 180s
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Sade Bugged

    sorry men starting it now
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Farm Dungeon Revamp

    totally support this idea I really hate seeing maps go to waste. and i have such fond memories of my rax radier on usa with my rep 7 sharp sword lololol...ownage
  19. Hunter[GM]

    What To Do After Getting Hero Set?

    I would agree with using extra eks to upgrade armors...with caps put on max % but not the add dmg to hero idea...full hero is already very powerful and that would just get them more eks they dont "need"
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Happy Bday Elguason (squall Gm)

    Happy Birthday man See me in game I have a bday present for you.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Tab Bug

    This tab bug issue is a recent problem. We already have a fix for it and are in the process of adding it. So, can all the greedy people who want to sell their items and characters for cash stop using the tab bug as their lame excuse for why they are selling now please? It's not like we have ignored this issue for months on end and dont care about it. We have made it quite clear to you all that we are on it and fixing it. It's veru irresponsible of you to claim that youre selling your characters and items because of this one issue. Its irresponsible and unfair and it really makes me angry. I guess you feel or have 0 loyalty to the server and to the staff that works hard to keep this server bug free and up to date and reliable. That's fine. But stop trashing us in your market place topics. Sell your crap and your characters....dont blame it on something that will be a non-issue soon.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Mages Hero Set

    no please mages are powerful enough and hero mages more so with the damage bonus same as warriors get and youre wrong....when faced with a lot of monsters, most warriors will put dk set on same if theyre fighting a lot of other warriors...hero comes off after crits are used, DK on
  23. Sorry that this event is a couple of days late but we wanted to have an event for the Chinese New Year. To celebrate the new year, the minotaurs will be leaving their home in the maze and procella and entering both towns through the middle land entrances. The spawns will be random and throughout the day today, ending late tonight. Please translate to Chinese SG Zai and thanks for the idea.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Happy Birthday Jing[gm]

    Happy Birthday wuta....Hope you have a great day and an even better year.