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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Deal Or No Deal Event

    Nemesis Deal or No Deal Event (thanks Isabelle for the idea) For the next several days, players who donate to the MA program will have their names entered into the contestant pool for Deal or No Deal. Every player who donates will be eiligible to be chosen as the main contestant. The players who accept your donations, will make sure they give me all of the names of the players who donated. On Feb 12th, the name of the final contestant will be chosen. I will then take all of those names and assign each one a number. I will ask farjat to pick a number between 1 and however many players are entered. The winning number will then be notified on forum and in game that they won and will participate in the main Deal or No Deal Event. For those unfamiliar with this game, here is an on game version. Here is how it works. The 26 briefcases are opened according to the following system briefcases= bread In each briefcase, there are various amounts of gold and items. The items will be posted in advance so that the player knows what there is at stake. One of the cases will contain a very rare item (grand prize= HP 49 plate or MP 49 chain) this will equal the Million $$ that the game uses) 1 case is choosen by the player. This case is taken out and put aside. The player then owns this case. They can keep it, or trade for another case at the end of the event. 6 cases are then opened. The Bank (GM) makes an offer based on the remaining 20 closed cases. The Finalist decides whether to accept or reject the offer ? ?Deal? or ?No Deal?. 5 cases are opened. The Bank makes an offer based on the remaining 15 closed cases. The Finalist decides ?Deal? or ?No Deal?. 4 cases are opened. The Bank makes an offer based on the remaining 11 closed cases. The Finalist decides ?Deal? or ?No Deal?. 3 cases are opened. The Bank makes an offer based on the remaining 8 closed cases. The Finalist decides ?Deal? or ?No Deal?. 2 cases are opened. The Bank makes an offer based on the remaining 6 closed cases. The Finalist decides ?Deal? or ?No Deal?. 1 case is opened. The Bank makes an offer based on the remaining 5 closed cases. The Finalist decides ?Deal? or ?No Deal?. 1 case is opened. The Bank makes an offer based on the remaining 4 closed cases. The Finalist decides ?Deal? or ?No Deal?. 1 case is opened. The Bank makes an offer based on the remaining 3 closed cases. The Finalist decides ?Deal? or ?No Deal?. 1 case is opened. The Bank makes an offer based on the remaining 2 closed cases. Here The Finalist may choose to switch with any of the remaining cases. The Finalist decides ?Deal? or ?No Deal?. 3 cases are left. The Finalist decides ?Deal? or ?No Deal?. If the Finalist decided not to deal, the case he/she currently has will be opened and the prize is shown. The prizes will include: Gold(different amounts), stones, (surprise items) and a HP 49 plate or MP 49 chain If you would like to participate in this event, please donate to the MA program. Mules- please keep an accurate list of donators and send them to me by Feb 10th at 12noon. Please translate and post questions here. If there is anything I didnt think of, let me know. The main event will be held in the arena. Players will be allowed to come and watch if they want to. Hunter[GM]
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Deal Or No Deal Event

    Waiting for BaggyBoyX to log in Will he win? will he make a deal? or no deal? Grand prize= cic 2% HP 49% plate M
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Farjat- Please Read And Choose A Number

    The winner of the Nemesis DEAL OR NO DEAL Event is............ BAGGYBOYX Congrats, BaggyboyX and thanks to all who donated to the mule. Not just for this event, but who donate on a regular basis. New people really appreciate the items you give to them.
  4. It happened 3 years ago but it's still too painful to talk about :huh:
  5. Please make sure that you routinely change your passwords. Do NOT share your account information with anyone. If you share accounts and items are stolen, we will not replace them. Also... if you play other Helbreath servers, please do not use the same acct info here. Make sure your password, at least, is different than any other servers. This is critical that you protect your items. We will do our part to keep your accounts safe. But if you share access with others, you are inviting trouble and we will not assist you. Thanks everyone !
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Should Raid Time Be Everyday?

    I use to restart server on Sundays nights and early on fridays just because i cant mess the apocalypse Schedule. Imagine if i need to restart server on wednesday and ppl cleaning procella for example!!! They will came home and cut my balls. And Seriously. We reboot very short time always. Perm raid Days? NO. lol+1
  7. Hunter[GM]

    *attention* All Players Please Read

    That is indeed a key logger. Please run your anti virus right away....and maybe more than 1. Run a couple.
  8. <3 Valentine's Day Events <3 Don't miss out on the Nemesis VD Events! On Saturday, Feb 14th there will be a few different events going on in game. 1- Wear Red!!!! Dress in all red and win a Xelima Stone! Make sure you have room in your bag and wear your red colors for the day! You might be chosen to win an X Stone. Not every player will win! but you could be the lucky one chosen. If you AFK make sure you leave a spot in your bag for a stone. Do not ask the GMs for a stone, dont whisper them or post in global. If you do, you wont win 1. 2- Valentine's Day Dance Throughout the day, RED creatures will be coming to town to attend the dance. Random spawns of red monsters will be roaming through town all day. These include but are not limited to: Demons, Fire Wyvern, Crabs, Beholders The dance begins at 8pm server time inside the church when all of the monsters listed above will appear. Please remember, there will be raid time during this event. So be careful when leaving the church. 3- Demon Wedding At Hell's Gate in dungeon level 4 coords 200 200 There will be a demon wedding on Valentine's Day at 2pm server time. This area is known for the mass amount of demons that spawn here. On this day, many many more demons will appear to attend the wedding of the King and Queen of the demons. The King and Queen are both Critical Poisonous Demons. The drop rate on all demons will be increased by 40% and the King and Queen will drop their rings when they die. Please translate this post. I would appreciate it. Thanks a lot Hunter[GM]
  9. Hunter[GM]

    *attention* All Players Please Read

    Calu go see my post in staff room and log in game pls when you can. thanks
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Entering Enemy Structures

    I think this is a lot of work for what? the person can go to a place where they can recall. I dont see the need for something like this when we have other things to work on and add, fix.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Help Ares.....

    ok I see the situation now and no...this is not allowed. If he does this again, please contact a GM in game to come and see it. If we observe him doing it, he will be banned for a couple weeks.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Expanding Civilians

    I dont agree
  13. Hunter[GM]

    A Good Suggestion

    You can already turn off shout and not see global and certain players spamming in town chat, you can /tooff them now as far as a guildmate, you can toff them also but id prefer telling the guys privately to pipe down a bit.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Help Ares.....

    WAs he attacking you to kill you? He is allowed to PK on you. Or was he lowering your HP so that Aresden could EK on you?
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Pm I Got From Aresden@trader

    farjat beat me to it
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Pm I Got From Aresden@trader

    banning this acct now
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Magic Resistance %

    Garden Garden, Garden and of course, my MR parties when I have one :lol:
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Armor Dyes

    I vote no to armor dyes That being said...I think a pure white cape would be cool to give to anyone who contributes to the server. Contributor's cape with an N in flames on the back. Bound to your acct so cant be traded and wont drop when you die. Scale armor from dragons... color depends on color of dragon that dropped it. And each dragon would drop a different piece of the armor IE Blue wyvern drops chain Purple drops hose Earth drops plate Green drops berks and drops mage hats helms The attritubte from each piece would reflect the magic spells used by each dragon.
  19. Hey!! To make up for the brief down time today, we will be having an experience event tonight at 7pm server time, at the shop area. Mages...please use safe mode Players, please make sure of full party system And just some basic reminders... On the ettins...please mages- PARA them for warriors...dont use magic on them. If you DO help para, then ill make igs for you! also...if the player on the drop HELPED to down the monster, please leave them alone! They helped and deserve the drop. If you get a drop you dont need from hc or tw or wyv...share it with a newer player who also helped. the above are NOT rules.....just suggestions If they are followed, then...ya get MORE monsters B) See ya tonight at 7pm server time, which is 8pm EST
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Logs Down Again?

    Server is fine we are re-starting now and will have an experience event tonight at shop in your town 7pm to make up for any downtime you experienced See ya there
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Down Time

    hey...How does an exp event at 7pm server time sound? Meet at your town shop and we'll make that missed exp up fast! See ya there
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Is There A Trick?

    there is a trick to necks ask me in game
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Request For Ss

    I am looking for 4-5 screen shots of a group hunting hellclaw using the " X formation " hunting style tanker...4 warriors on each corner and a couple mages...GHing and zerking If anyone has some, or can make some...let me know. I want to make a guide and need some ss's. Thanks
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Server Down

    server is up
  25. Hunter[GM]

    For You Jaaps!

    lmao Oni