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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Roll Call

    the guild master has to request one through the ticket system see the post in guild section on how to do this
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Roll Call

    no it does not have to be the guild master who posts....just please no double posts I will give everyone 2 weeks to reply...then delete the inactive guilds
  3. Hunter[GM]

    "anything Goes" Pvp Event

    This PVP Event will be SATURDAY February 21 at 7pm server time The format for this event is very simple. Anything rules - all spells allowed and potions and scrolls - all weapons allowed including activation weapons - statted capes allowed - all jewelry, gems and angels allowed - all armors allowed - resu wands allowed The only item you cannot have is ancient slate. The warriors will fight the warriors The mages will fight the mages This time the mages will go first, followed by the warriors. The 2 winners of each class will receive: Winning Mage MP set MP 28 Berk, Hose and chain MP 14 IVORY cape Zemstone Winning Warrior HP set HP 28 Berk, Hose and plate HP 14 IVORY Zemstone Please translate this post into your native language...Thanks Reminder-Events are a priviledge not a right. You must be in good standing with the GM Staff to receive a teleport to the arena. If you are sent out from the event for any reason, do not whisper the GMs until after the event. If you disconnect during the event, we're sorry but we cannot bring you back. After 45 minutes of battle, we will summon large, non magic using monsters into the arena When you arrive in the arena, wait quietly for event to begin. Do not talk in white, blue or red chats. Do not attack, touch or cast spells on anyone while waiting. Refusal to follow the above rules, will result in you being sent to BI for the duration of the event. We will not tp you back, do not ask. If you do not agree with this format, simply don't enter. The PVP formats are varied to benefit different builds/types of characters. So are the times the event is held. Cape colors changed to Ivory Event moved to Sat the 21st at 7pm server time Hunter[GM] O evento ser? realizado no s?bado, dia 7 de fevereiro, ?s 3 horas da tarde hor?rio do server A forma desse evento ? mutio simples. Vale tudo!!!! Sem Regras - todas magias po??es e scrolls s?o permitidos - todas armas, incluindo de ativa??o s?o permitidas - capas com stats s?o permitidas - todas j?ias, gemas, e anjos s?o permitidos - todas armaduras permitidas - ressurection wand permitido O ?nico item que voc? n?o pode usar s?o as ancient slates Os wars lutam contra wars Magos contra magos Dessa vez os magos v?o lutar primeiro, seguidos pelos wars Os 2 vencedores de cada classe v?o receber: Mago ganhador MP set MP 28 Berk, Hose e chain MP 14 capa rosa, crimsom red ou laranja Zemstone War vencedor HP set HP 28 Berk, Hose e chain HP capa 14 rosa, crimson ou laranja Zemstone Please translate this post into your native language...Thanks Lembrete-Eventos s?o um privil?gio, n?o um direito Voc? deve ter bom relacionamento com os gm pra receber o teleport pra arena Se voc? for tirado do evento por qualquer motivo, n?o wispe o gm antes do fim do evento Se voc? se desconectar durante o evento, sentimos muito mas n?o podemos traz?-lo de volta Depois de 45 minutos de evento, faremos grandes monstros que n?o usam magia na arena Quando voc? chegar na arena, aguarde quieto at? o evento come?ar. N?o fale no chat branco azul or vermelho. N?o ataque, toque, ou use magias em ningu?m enquanto espera Quem n?o seguir as regras acima, ser? mandado para a BI pela dura??o do evento N?s n?o o teletransportaremos de volta, n?o pe?a Se voc? n?o concorda com o tipo de evento, n?o entre nele Os formatos de evento PVP s?o variados pra beneficiar diferentes tipos de status e chars Assim como o s?o os hor?rios Hunter[GM]
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Problem Whit Acc

    yea we can help you but not here make a ticket please and we can try and help you out
  5. Hunter[GM]

    "anything Goes" Pvp Event

    BIG Congrats to our winners: PVP Champion Warrior- mythfate PVP Champion Mage- Inner The warrior event went on for close to 2 hours. The mage event, over an hour. :o Congrats to the winners but also to everyone who participated. The level of skill was impressive in both events. Thanks to MJ-GM and whiteGM for the help. I appreciate it a lot Winners....I will make your sets tomorrow. Please let me know do you want W or M sets. You can choose but has to be all the same. If you disconnected during the event, I am sorry. I feel your pain. Really...but at this point, it is not possible to bring back players who DC. In the future, we hope to add a connect on recall option for pvp events. As long as you log back in within 20 seconds, you will return to the arena. I know this will make many of you very happy. Thanks again, guys...You all did an awesome job! Hunter
  6. The Anything goes PVP Event has been moved to Saturday the 21st of Feb at 7pm server time. The event will being precisely on time. Mages be ready to be called for teleport at 6:45 PM. If you are late, you cannot enter. If you talk when you enter the arena, you will be sent to BI for not following directions. PLEASE PLEASE go read the pinned topic about the event, in this section to get familiar with the format. So many do not bother to read the rules and format, and they wind up being disqualified for it. If they had only taken 3 minutes to READ before entering!!!
  7. Hunter[GM] is stuck. I cant log into that account now at all....says game server not available. This has happened before when i am tp'ing from town to ML map. anyway....if it's not unstuck before the event, we might be delayed or post poned. If its not unstuck before 7pm server time, the event will be held tomorrow after Heldenian. Im hoping that wont be necessary.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    My Gm Is Stuck- Event May Be Delayed

    my GM is still stuck...I guess no one saw the ticket or post. Sorry guys...I cant do the event without Hunter[GM] character I apologize for this...I tried to get it fixed today leaving messages for admins, but no luck.
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Anything Goes Pvp Event Sat 21st At 7pm

    Not sure I understand the question. This is a brand new event. All are welcome to participate. What happened at the last one, doesnt matter. todos nueva evento
  10. Hunter[GM]

    ~195'int~ (scammer Warning)

    he whispered me in game and said NOW he would play fair...I said too late. you had your 2nd chance and abused it. no amnesty
  11. Hunter[GM]

    ~195'int~ (scammer Warning)

    Our rules state no scamming this person clearly scammed multiple players for multiple items He and all of his storage accts, characters are now banned. He can play again in 2030.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    "anything Goes" Pvp Event

    This event is re-scheduled for Saturday Night at 7pm server time
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Marking Enemies

    yea back in the day those red circles were on all the time AND you could see if they were amped, poisoned, pfa'd etc etc It does make a large pvp more difficult this way but i think that was the idea. To make it more challenging to pvp in large groups. Which is why a lot of guilds not are smartly using uniforms.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Low-level Spells

    what IFFFFF.... each cast of blizz cost 300 mana AND reduced the caster's vit by HALF! yeee hawwww! Now that'd be a NICE spell tweak!
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Low-level Spells

    I know what you meant, Wuta, I just dont believe that 99% of the mages will ever use any other spell besides blizz. Even if we gave it more this or that, tweaked a bit and upgraded... they will still click click click
  16. Got a plate mail M drop in igs today....I got all excited...picked it up and glanced at it quickly to move to a safe spot to really examine it....and I saw a 56 omg....Im thinking is it MP56? HP56? omg this is AWESOMEEE!! what an AWESOME drop omg!!! run over to the side and take a better look.... :unsure: :blink: :angry: endurance 56 <_< :( :excl:
  17. Hunter[GM]

    A Very Meaty Event

    no because that is kind of the best prize from each class
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Bring Back Town Eks.

    I think you set the poll up wrong... Add an option for bring back eks, but no other reward for winning sade and you might get more accurate results.
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Low-level Spells

    Sorry, I feel the mages are powered quite nicely here and probably OVERLY so! When the BBH can hit as hard as it is supposed to for a dk15 200 str warr, then we can chat about the mages!
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Monster Kill Statistics

    That demon event went very well, I thought. I will be repeating that type of event in the future. Where we choose 1 mob, and up the rate and everyone comes to kill it. There were complaints that there was a lot of EKing going on, but players knew that going in to it. It was a built in part of the event. I knew there would be fighting going on when I made the event. Increasing the pvp action was an intentional part of the event. Not all events can be 100% "safe" and EK free. I saw Aresden kill a demon, then get flown off the drops. I saw elvine lure a demon and have it stolen by Aresden. I think everyone who went, had a good time.
  21. Hunter[GM]


    yes...i will start sade in 20 mins
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Want To Ask Where Can Mage Solo At Lvl120++?

    please read the guides in the GUIDE section Good suggestions are made there
  23. Hunter[GM]

    A Very Meaty Event

    No its Neo talking to the machines
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Gm Help Account Is Blocked

    go to main website, log in and create a ticket
  25. The mules i both towns have given me a list of every player who has donated to the mule since this event was posted. I have the names listed, and numbered. Only I have seen this list. I am asking farjat to choose a number between 1 and 47. The name listed on that number....wins. Good luck to all of you!!! Please make sure, if you are the winner...that you will be able to be in game on Sunday at the event time. If not, contact me and we can work out a better time on Sunday, but it must happen sometime on Sunday.