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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]


    yo tengo lag 24-7 so, im not the one to comment about it :ph34r:
  2. Hunter[GM]

    I Just Have To Boast

    nope....oceaneagle beats me in that dept! so does Giggles! (ducks)
  3. Hunter[GM]

    See The Game From A Different Angle!

    I like the ones who raid and then when people arent coming out of the shop and dieing for them with 1 blizz, they get frustrated and start screaming for pvp's or complain that there are too many ppl. s'cuse me? you RAIDED! take whatever numbers you get!
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Statted Bows

    no no and no maybe poison arrows would be fun though! I can make them on my GM but they dont work.... i can make PD75 meat and fish too lol
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Change Time Thursday Sade

    The idea was never to make it easy for one time zone to play every single sade. The goal was to change the times so that ALL players could play in at least 1 sade.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    I Just Have To Boast

    hahaha congrats old man! It's kind of fun isnt it? Addictive even! makes you look forward to raid times. Except dealing with the sh$t talkers is not fun. seenightmare's post.
  7. Hunter[GM]

    *** New Quests Suggestions ***

    Please make suggestions for new quests. I think we need some new ones for every level. Make them reasonable, please and appropriate for the level. Don't make them too easy or too difficult. Consider each level, skills, maps, and the number of monsters dead, needed to complete. also...the number of contribution points your quest will get. NO SPAM Suggestions only DO NOT comment on anyone else's suggestions!! Translate please...thanks Hunter
  8. Hunter[GM]

    How To Boost Fps When Using Angels

    Pinning this
  9. Hunter[GM]

  10. Hunter[GM]

    See The Game From A Different Angle!

    and it is usually the SAME people doing the majority of the kind of talking totally agree+1
  11. Hunter[GM]

    A Very Meaty Event

    The goal of this event is to collect 1 warehouse and bag FULL of meat from the following monsters: WereWolves, Cyclops, Demon, Ogre, Unicorn Both the wh and bag must be completely full, with no empty space. The bag must have at least 35 pieces of meat in it. You must have at least ONE of each monster's meat AND only 25 meats can be from cyclops. When you have reached the goal, you are to PM me on the forum, the character name, that is holding all of your meat. Meat will not be returned. Make sure you have followed all of the terms of the event before messaging me this information. Since, private messages are dated and timed, this is how I will determine the winner. I will log the acct and check out the bag and warehouse, then declare a winner. What do you win? You win some very nice prizes! MP or HP 21 horns or wings and a BBH+3 OR HP or MP 21% Chain or Hose and a Necklace of Liche You can enter as a guild but only 1 prize will be given. The prize will be given to the person who messages me about the win. If you choose, I can make a food game for all of the participants to select 1 winner. Or, the items can be kept as guild items if you choose. The winner will get his food deleted. Please translate this event. Thank you HunterGM TRANSLATE TO PORTUGUESE O objetivo deste evento ? coletar 1 armaz?m e saco cheio de carne a partir dos seguintes monstros: Lobisomens, Cyclops, Demon Ogre, Unicorn Tanto o wh eo saco deve estar completamente cheio, sem nenhum espa?o vazio. O saco deve ter pelo menos 35 pe?as de carne na mesma. Voc? deve ter pelo menos um de cada monstro da carne e s? 25 a partir de carnes podem ser Cyclops. Depois de ter atingido a meta, voc? est?-me a PM sobre o f?rum, o login e senha do acct eo car?ter nome, que est? mantendo toda a sua carne. Certifique-se de que voc? seguiu todos os termos do evento antes de mensagens me essa informa??o. Uma vez que, s?o datadas de mensagens privadas e datados, isto ? como eu vai determinar o vencedor. Vou registrar a acct e check-out o saco e armaz?m e, em seguida, declarar um vencedor. O que voc? ganha? Voc? ganhou alguns pr?mios muito bonito! MP ou HP 21 Horns or Wings e um BBH 3 OU HP ou MP de 21% ou Chain or hose e um colar de Liche Voc? pode entrar como uma guilda, mas apenas 1 pr?mio ser? dado. O pr?mio ser? entregue ? pessoa que me mensagens sobre o ganhar. Se voc? escolher, posso fazer um jogo para alimentar todos os participantes para seleccionar 1 vencedor. Ou, os itens podem ser mantidos como itens guilda se voc? escolher. O vencedor ir? receber seu alimento suprimido. Por favor traduzir este evento. Obrigado HunterGM
  12. Hunter[GM]

    A Very Meaty Event

    Congrats to White for winning event. I will get your prize to you when the server is up.
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Mr% Party Wednesday Morning 9am

    MR% Party City Hall 9am server time Rules THE DONT! 1- Do not kill orcs, do not hit orcs, do not slap orcs, do not touch the orcs. 2- Stay together with the main group. The GM will show you where to stand. Do not run off and stand alone to attract more orcs to you. You will be sent to BI and not allowed to return. 3-Dont bring any rare items or zems. You very well might die in the event. Just come naked with red pots and maybe some low MR items you would not mind losing. 4- Do not spam about lag. If there is lag and you cannot handle it, just wait in shop for event to conclude. 5- Do not PFM anyone. Now for the DO's Please do come and join us, its a great way to raise your MR % quickly and we have a lot of fun at these events. Please do assist your townmate in trouble if he needs it. Make him food, heal him, take his drop and return it if he should happen to die. Please come ready to get some MR % and to have a good time. Please treat everyone at the event the way you would want people to treat YOU!
  14. I disagree i had 200 dex...changed to 191 and noticed a huge difference in dmg dished out to me vs a warr i much prefer 200 dex
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Possible Idea Ill Donate For.

    We arent interested in selling maj points at this time. some donation ideas are being considered amoung the staff...we will let you know when we decide on something
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Well, My Last Good Bye Elvine

    no we dont do name changes....unless you pay :ph34r:
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Thanks Hunter[gm]

    You are very welcome Im glad you enjoyed.....I am now planning our St Patricks Day events
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Mardi Gras- Carnivale Event

    MARDI GRAS- CARNIVALE EVENTS!!!!!!! In the USA, we are celebrating Mardi Gras and in Brazil and other parts of the worls, it is Carnivale time. To honor these celebrations, we will be having several Mardi Gras themed events going on. On Wednesday, FEB 25th Mardi Gras-Carnivale Masquerade Ball Time- all day Dress in the appropriate colors of Mardi Gras- purple, green and yellow If you are in the shop or WH, make sure you are wearing your Mardi Gras colors! GMs will be circulating throughout the day, to check for players who are sporting the colors of the event. Lucky players will receive a Zemstone in their bag. - do not whisper the GMs and ask for Zem - do not ask when we will be giving the zems It is completely random. Not every player will receive one. Just the lucky ones! So, if you AFK in game on Wednesday, make sure you have your Mardi Gras colors on AND a space in your bag! Mardi Gras Parade!!!! Time- 2pm server time There will be an offical Mardi Gras parade in town at 2pm server time. Just like the real mardi gras, everyone is welcome to participate, including the Monsters from the Middlelands. The gates to town will be open wide so the monsters from the ML can come and join our parade. Beware in town! Monsters will be spawning randomly throughout the day today but at 2pm there will be a large spawning at the town shop, featuring the King and Queen of Mardi Gras. The King and Queen of Mardi Gras are 2 Explosive Hellclaws If you kill the king and queen, search near the corpse for their rings! They will each drop a Ring of Ogre Power and an additional drop. Beignets!!!!!! Anyone who knows New Orleans and the Mardi Gras, knows that beignets, or square donuts, are a special sweet bread that the people love to eat. It is customary to eat them before Lent begins and people have to give up things for Lent. Following this tradition, we will be planting beignets all over town and the farm for the players to eat. Some beignets will have special items under them such as Super Pots and Stones - Zems, Meriens and Xelima When you see bread in town on wednesday, make sure to pick it up and eat it! There might be a pleasant, valuable surprise under it! VOO DOO Event! Time 8pm server time Place- City Hall Voo Doo is a powerful black type of magic used by a witch to put a curse on someone. In order to prevent someone from putting voo doo on you, it is important to have 100% magic resistance. Come to City Hall at 8pm server time for a special MR% Event. Orcs and hell hounds and cyclops will be used to raise your MR%. What is special about this MR event ARE allowed to kill the orcs, hell hounds and clops. Unlike other mr CAN kill them this time. There is LOTS going on today in honor of Carnivale and Mardi Gras I tried to make sure that the events were held at different times so as many players as possible can participate. Please translate this post. Post questions here See you on Wednesday!Hunter[GM] Eventos de Mardi Grass-Carnaval En los Estados Unidos, celebramos el Mardi Grass y en Brasil y en otras partes del mundo es tiempo de carnaval. Para honrar estas celebraciones, tendremos una gran cantidad de eventos relacionados al Mardi Grass. el miercoles, febrero 25 tiempo de disfras de mardi Gras-Carnaval todo el dia vestirse de forma apropiada del Mardi Gras- purpura, verde y amarillo Si estas en el shop o en Wh, asegurate de estar usando la ropa del color del Mardi Gras! Los GMs circularan todo el dia, para fijarse los jugadores quienes vistan los colores del evento. Los jugadores afortunados recibiran una zemstones en su bolsa -no usen whisper para pedir zem -no pregunten cuando ellos van a dar los zems Esto es completamente al azar. No todos los jugadores recibiran uno, Solo los mas aforunados! Entonces, si estas AFK en el juego el miercoles, asegurate de tener los colores del mardi gras Y ESPACIO en tu bolsa (bag) Fiesta del Mardi Gras hora- 2 pm tiempo del server Habra una fiesta oficial de Mardi Gras en la ciudad a las 2 pm tiempo del server. Como el mardi gras, todos estan invitados a participar, incluyendo los monstruos del middlelands. Los portales a la ciudad se abriran para los monstruos del ml puedan venir y unirse a la fiesta. Cuidado en la ciudad! Monstruos seran aparecidos al azar a traves de todo el dia pero a las 2 pm seran masivos en el shop de la ciudad, invitando a la Reina y al Rey del Mardi Gras. El Rey y la Reina seran 2 explosivos Hellclaws Si puedes matar al rey y a la reina busca cerca de sus cuerpos sus anillos! Tiraran cada uno un anillo de poder de ogro y drops adicionales. Bu?uelos!!!! cualquiera que conosca New Orleans y el mradi gras, conoce de los bu?uelos, o donas cuadradas, son un pan especial dulce que la gente adora comer, Es costumbre comerlos antes que comienze la cuaresma y la gente debia regalar cosas for la ciaresma. Siguiendo esta tradicion, ppndremos bu?uelos por tosa la ciudad y la farm para que los jugadores las coman. Algunos bu?uelos tendran debajo items especiales tales como super pots y pierddas(zems, merien y xelima) Cuando veas el pan en la ciudad el miercoles, asegurate de levantarlo y comerlo! Sera un placer, valiosas sorpresas tendran debajo! Evento Voo DOO tiempo 8 pm tiempo del server lugar City hall Voo Doo es un poderoso tipo de magia, usados por algunos para poner maldiciones sobre alguien. Para prevenir que alguien ponga un voo doo sobre ti, es importante tener el 100 % de magic resistence. Ven al City Hall el miercoles a las 8 pm hora del server para un evento especial de mr%. Orcos, perros del infierno y ciclopes seran usados para incrementar tu mr%. Que es lo especial acerca del evento mr,,,estas autorizado a matar los orco, perros del infierno y ciclopes. No como otros eventos mr...tu puedes matarlos esta vez. Hay muchas cosas el dia en honor al mardi gras y el carnaval. Tratare de que estos eventos se realizen en varios momentos asi la mayor cantidad de jugadores que sea posible pueda participar. Por favor tradusca este post. pregunta del post aqui Nos vemos el miercoles!!Hunter[GM]
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Mardi Gras- Carnivale Event

    Thanks a lot, Reaver. And I saw your one char in shop....alls i gotta say is WINNER WINNER WINNER! lol purple hair, green drawers and yellow booties....youre a French Quarter dream come true
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Ewvento Del Martes Gordo (mardi Gras) Y Carnaval

    Please keep the translations in the original thread. Thank you
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Roll Call you need a guild section made? Is that what youre saying here? If so...just make a ticket and ask, or if you are having a problem making a ticket, PM me here on forum with name of guild and password you want used.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Roll Call

  23. Name the best Helbreath drop you ever got and if it is different...the best Nemesis drop you ever got. What was it? What dropped it? Did you keep it or trade it? What would be your dream drop?
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Roll Call

    Does this guild have a guild section? If not, then i do not need their name here.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Updater Problem

    I have the same issues, ocean. I cant even load the Dragonia maps. The updater just wont run for me at all.