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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

  2. Hunter[GM]

    Kill A Gm Event!

    Edited to add a screen shot of the prizes Sexy came to check out the prizes and asked me to add: 2 Necklace of Stone Golem 2 MR 49 crit wings M and W 2 MR 49 crit Plate M and W There are lots of items for both warriors and mages. We will die and drop an equal number of items in both towns, to keep things fair. and yes...Sexy will be playing on sunday :wub: scat too!
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    I have a datebase with old events ive done and sometimes i copy and paste from them to form a new event or new format....that's what happened. See what happens when ya try and take the easy way out? :glare:
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    ok...I dont know why I put no GH...that is wrong yes you can GH and mages can GH for you, if you want and all defensive spells allowed...just NO invis of any kind....sorry about the confusion
  5. What do you guys think of a bounty system for unattended macro'ing? We allow macro use here but you must remain with your player at all times and respond to the GM staff when directed to do so. Some players take advantage, and still use macros AFK. What do you think of a ZEM bounty? If you see someone using macro AFK, notify a GM in game, if it checks out and we verify that the person is indeed AFK, you get a ZEM. The only way to get the zem, is to notify a GM in game....not PM's on forum, not tickets. What do you all think? is there a negative to this I am not seeing? discuss Edited to add...the person reporting the offense would remain confidential if they so choose
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Dragon Sunset

    Tonight in Elvine and Aresden, the sunset will bring with it dragons. In each town, at the precise time of the sunset, which is 6:52pm server time, dragons will appear in both towns. Have fun on your sunset hunts!
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Weekly Top Ek Geemes Messing.

    wow we lamed THAT many eks???????? :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :rolleyes: :D jk
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Kill A Gm Event!

    nothing above 35% more along the lines of 21-28....I think that's reasonable and the good pieces of armor, im putting on the good skilled GMs thief characters
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Bounty For Reporting Unattended Macro?

    I did think about the making a character just to get a zem bit, or using someone to get them... I guess kids would do this. and we do have players willing to let us know what is going for free so... dead idea
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Kill A Gm Event!

    If they are smart, they will protect us and benefit from the cancel and eks we can provide them. we do give eks when we die
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Why Am I Blocked

    for stealing a mass number of items from other players he knows exactly why he is banned closed
  12. Hunter[GM]


    VISTA fixed would be a dream come true.... I could maybe for once get decent fps...decent for me is anything above 43 which is what im at now...all the time
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Kill A Gm Event!

    yessssssssssssss :excl:
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Reminder- Daylight Savings Time

    DST was last night. Clocks went ahead by 1 hour. Please check your times against server Heldenian, events, etc all event times are in server time GMC-6...NOT Eastern Standard Time
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Isn't Boxing Shop W/ Ppl Illegal?!?!

    No, I did not. I said blocking ENTRANCES with bodies was illegal. Boxes, if made correctly, are prefectly legal. You misunderstood
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Best Guild

    I would agree, the original Redemption guild was awesome. And as far as teamwork goes.... I see Milk Cow Surv, Argenlandia and Korean guild really know how to work as 1 unit. Whether you approve of their tactics or not, they cooperate and know what their team mates are doing at all times and can anticipate each other's moves.
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Master Apprentice Program

    Thanks keep them coming! anyone who donates from last week until March 21 is entered in DEAL OR NO DEAL
  18. Hunter[GM]

    I Just Have To Boast

    My addiction was Coleco football, when I was a kid. then Atari...trying to free the princess haha Then I got into Streets of Rage on Sega which to this day is still one of my favorite games. Then my wife got hooked on Tetris and I could never play anything! Then my son was born, got older and I got him a play station. We bought this game called SPYRO on a Friday night. He was 5-6. The 2 of us stayed up ALL night, trying to beat that game. (really good example to set for your kid lol) I still think spyro the first one, owns. And today, I like to play Hot shots golf! Great game
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Best Guild

    GMs Guild for ALL :P
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Hero Cape

    on USA I first saw the ares hero cape on 420man or 420boy? i forget his name but he wore it with DK and it looked awesome. He was a nub tho :blush:
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Roll Call

    I am going to be cleaning up the guild section. Post here if you want to keep your guild section. Any guild that does not post here, I will assume your guild is disbanded and you do not need a section anymore. no double posts please You have 2 weeks to reply...after which, inactive guild sections will be deleted. Anyone in the guild can reply. Thanks Please translate also...ty GMs Guild Donination Infernal Souls Min? Tuhoan!!! Critical Pollerudos Korean Guild Argenlandia Survivors African Brothers In Blood ?ox}{o?nd Inevitable rawr
  22. Hunter[GM]

    I Just Have To Boast

    yea i think i beat you by just a couple of months, Lew I went to college with the Mrs....we were married right out of highschool and went to univ together, so I had to behave myself. :lol:
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Cheaper Prices

    Quite to the enormous generosity of our owners, we are able to play for free here. Not only that, they prefer keeping this server free. It's not like they HAVE to...they truly WANT to. And...they really do not need/want any extra money at this time. Name changes, town transfers, are a pain in the butt to do and only the admins with server access can do them. So, they made the price high to deter people from doing it. With exp as high as it is on Nemesis, you can level up a new character in no time at all.
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Hero Cape

    TOTALLY agree Even if it was slight hp or mp recovery...somethinggggg to justify the INSANE amount of eks required to obtain one.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    I Just Have To Boast

    yea i am in my 30's I got married young, had kids regrets. Still married and very heppily so