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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Progressive Demon Event

    bump Yes...same square but i will use some crops to mark it better.... Yes winning town will get summon event on the monday following the event. I dont like to do summon events during raid time. I will offer 2 times for the summon event 9am server time and 7pm server time so as many players as possible can participate in the reward
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    ok moving the date to April 17th which is 2 Fridays AFTER the original date We will keep the time the same 7pm So, the only difference is 2 weeks after the originally scheduled date. Staying away from the 10th because it is Good Friday of Easter weekend. PS- the next PVP event will be held on a Saturday that everyone who cant play on a Fri night, can on the next pvp event PVP EVENT- GUILD 5 vs 5 APRIL 17th
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Change Pvp Date- Discuss Pls

    Maggie has a concert the night of the pvp event...i cannot miss it or ill be in deep, deep trouble. So, here is my question to you... would it foul up too many people to move it to saturday night....7pm server time? Let me know guys, id rather not move it to the next weekend but if it means a guild that was registered CANT participate, I will move it, rather than have that happen. If this doesnt effect youre not registered to participate, dont comment pls. Thanks ALSO...another factor to consider.... The Korean guild cannot play on friday night but CAN come on saturday night. I would like to include as many guilds as we im sure you do also. so let me know what ya think
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Change Pvp Date- Discuss Pls

    ok moving the date to April 17th which is 2 Fridays AFTER the original date We will keep the time the same 7pm So, the only difference is 2 weeks after the originally scheduled date. Staying away from the 10th because it is Good Friday of Easter weekend. PS- the next PVP event will be held on a Saturday that everyone who cant play on a Fri night, can on the next pvp event PVP EVENT- GUILD 5 vs 5 APRIL 17th
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Change Pvp Date- Discuss Pls

    We'll far Saturday sounds like a better option for the majority of the players AND my last PVP event was a Friday night. So I would prefer to select another night of the week so include as many ppl as possible.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    To All Guild Masters

    I recently cleaned out the guild rid of the old, inactive ones and finally figured out how to appoint mods to your guilds section. So- if you have had a guild section added recently, please PM me the name of the moderator for your section. one forum account per choose one person, I assume the gm of the guild to be the moderator. Send me a pm and ill get that done right away. If your guild does NOT have a section and wants one, please make a ticket by logging into the main site and asking for a guild section. Also, indicate who the mod of your section will be AND the password you want used to enter your guild section. If your guild is ever full of spies and you kick some folks and want your guild pw changed...make a ticket. and Ill change it for you. Inevit sclaw down as moderator...that's correct right? and EP...I made HT420 your mod. Other Level? I need to know who to make the moderator. Dont PM me in game ID's only. Could someone please translate this? I know its a pain but i want them to be able to have a guild section if they want one. One more thing, guild masters.... you must run your guild sections according to server rules! You are not exempt from the forum rules just because there is a password to get in! You are responsible for closing inflammatory posts and keeping control of your section. If this is not done, we will close your guild section and delete it and you will not be given another one. The admin team checks the content of all sections in the forum from time to time. This is not to violate your privacy but to make sure that the rules are being followed. Thanks, Hunter[GM]
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Farm Experience Event

    There will be an experience event on the farm on Sunday morning at 9am Server time. (10 AM EST) This event is for level 100 and below only. We will be checking each player's level. If you are over level 100, you will be banned for the day. Only level 100 and less. If you turn level 100 during the event, recall from farm area. All new players are welcome to attend. There will be warrior summons and mage summons. Meet at the teleport on the farm. Please translate this for me...Span, Port, Korean, Chinese and Polish pls, if possible. Thanks Hunter[GM]
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Farm Experience Event

    Thanks to all who showed up. We had a great time and even did a noob gang bang on an ettin at the end lol Maxim0...lying to GM about what level you are...not too smart. and as always, thanks ken for translation
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Bring Back Old Wand Packs!

    Please let's bring back the old skool wand paks? where it actually looked like a stave and not a wooden stick with a blue speck on the end?
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Kill A Gm Event!

    Probably our most popular event is coming back for round 2!!!! Always wanted to kill a GM? Well, now is your chance!!! The GM staff will be raiding your town next Sunday, after the Heldenian. We will be on characters called GeeMe 1-7 You will not know which GM is on which Thief account. We have normal, unedited HP and carry NO hp pots!!! We do have full hero, dk15 and dk srt, zerk wands, medusa necks, gold capes- all bound These items cannot be dropped! this is how it works.... When the thieves raid elvine....Aresden assists us. When we raid aresden, elvine assists us. When we die we drop items. We will NOT be carrying Zems!!! We will drop items varying from: MP and HP items, exp 20% wands, flams, GS, statted GiS, hammers, meriens, xelima stones, Angels +1, capes, and other cool stuff! The person who picks up the drop, owns it. Period. We will not get into resolving disputes about our drops. We will raid both towns for an equal amount of time. All are welcome to participate. Sorry, but we have a full staff and don't need anyone to be a thief with us. Just remember...when we raid your kill us. When we raid opposite town, you are on our team and support us in killing the enemy. Questions? post them here Please translate post... Thank you, Hunter[GM] Evento maten al GM (en espa?ol) Probablemente nuestro evento mas popular esta de vuelta por el round 2!!!!! Siempre quisiste matar un GM? bien, esta es tu opurtunidad!!! El grupo de GMs atacara tu ciudad el proximo domingo despues del Heldenian. Sera con nuestros personajes llamados GeeMe 1-7 Ustedes no sabran cual Gm esta en esta cuenta robada. Sera normal, sin editar hp y no portara pociones de vida!!!! Tendran set de heroe completo, dk15 y dk srt, zerk wand, collar medusa(para el que no sabe no puede ser paralizado), capas de oro, todos estos items no podran ser dropeados! Asi es como esto funciona: Cuandos estos maleantes acechen elvine, los aresden nos asistiran. Cuando acechen aresden los elvines nos apoyaran. Cuando mueran dopearemos items, no portaremos zems. Los drops iran desde: mp y hp items,exp 20% wands,flams, Gis. Gs, hammers, merien y xelimas stones, angels+1 y otras buenas cosas. (screen shot) La persona quien tome los drops se lo queda. advertencia. Nosotros NO nos involucraremos en resolver disputas acerca de los drops. Acecharemos ambas ciudades con la misma cantidad de tiempo. Todos estan invitados a participar. Lo siento,nuestro equipo esta completo asi que no necesitamos que nos asistan con los delincuentes. Solo recuerden cuando acechemos sus ciudades....nos matan. Cuando acechemos la ciudad contraria nos asisten, se unen a nuestro equipo para poder matar al enemigo. Preguntas?? posteenlas aqui Por favor traduscan este post Hunter[GM]
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    still thinking on it There might be an entry fee 5 zems per guild and then a guild hunt for winners....I'm still thinking on that one.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    HELLCLAWS VS HUMANS!!!!!!!!!! At approximately 545pm on march 20th, you will be told to whisper the GM for teleport to the event. You will arrive in the arena and wait quietly for the event to begin. I will be using a large arena for this event. When all players have arrived, the Hellclaws will be released from their prison walls. The number of hellclaw depends on the number of player. There will be approx 1 Hellclaw per 10 players. Mages and warriors will come at the same time. You can wear any armors you want to wear. The goal of the event is to kill as many hellclaws as you can and survive. You are not allowed to use invisibility spells, potions or scrolls. You may not use slates or resu wands. You may NOT use pretend corpse or any other lame tactic I have not listed B) :P The goal is not to kill other players, but to kill hellclaws. Therefore, players that are attacking other players, will be disqualified. The drops from the hellclaws will be picked up by the GM staff. The last 2 players alive will win ALL of the drops from the hellclaws killed during the event and 5 merien stones. Questions? ask them here.... and please translate this if you can...ty Hunter[GM] Hellclaws vs humans in spanish HELLCLAWS VERSUS HUMANOS!!!!! Aproximadamente a las 5:45 del marzo 20, ustedes podran susurrar al GM (whisper lol) para teletransportarlos a este evento. Lllegaran a la arena y esperaran pacientemente haste que el evento comienze. Estare usando una inmensa arena para este evento. Cuando los jugadores hayan llegado, Los hellclwas seran soltados de sus prisiones. El numero de hellclaws dependera de la cantidad de jugadores. Habra aproximadamente 1 hc por cada 10 jugadores. Magos y guerreros vendran al mismo tiempo. podran utilizar cualquier tipo de armaduras que quieran. La meta del evento es matar tantos Hellclaws como puedan y sobrevivir. No estan permitido el invi. tanto sea como scroll, hechizo o pocones. no podran usar tabletas o resurreccion wand. No podran usar pretend corpse o cualquier otra lamentable tactica que yo no autorice. la meta no es matar otros jugadores sino matar hellclaws. por lo tanto si jugadores atacan a otros jugadores seran descalificados inmediatamente. Los drops de los Hellclaws seran levantados por el personal de GMs Los ultimos 2 jugadores vivos ganaran todos los drops de los hellclaws que hayan muerto en el evento mas 5 merien stones. Preguntas? haganlas aqui... y por favor traduscan este evento si es que pueden(????).....graicas Hunter[GM]
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    Uh...well, let's just say, i've had better events to say the LEAST!!!! It was fun but....this one needs some major tweaking! Thanks guys for coming Congrats to winners Finest and Alright
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    I have a family obligation at 6pm that I forgot about. I'll be on closer to 7pm server time. Sorry for the inconvenience
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Progressive Demon Event

    Players will tell on others if something drops and they dont give it up. also, we can check the logs and see if anything dropped during that time period on that map
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Lucky Prize Ticket

    Gives: Alchemy materials Mining Materials (e.g. diamonds) Alchemy Pots (e.g. sex pot) Manu weapons (+1 +2 etc) Fish Monster parts (alchemy materials) BS armor Shop items Farming stuff Rings- emmy, ruby, sapphire Stones Ancient pieces
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    See you tonight!!!
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Thank You Gm Thread

    Nemesis is #1 because we have THE best community :excl: Thanks to each of you who choose Nemesis to serve all of your Helbreath needs. :rolleyes:
  19. Hunter[GM]


    It's a manual that could be given as event prize.
  20. Hunter[GM]


    maybe it could be used as event prizes
  21. Hunter[GM]

    A Welcome To Our Chinese Friends Players

    球員從我們 希望歡迎您到我們的遊戲服務器的中國 我們是非常高興讓您這裡演奏 請告訴我們我們是否可以做任何東西為您 Hunter[GM]
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Hellclaw Vs Human Event

    I want to try it as is and see how it goes. If it is a total disaster, I will change it for the next one.
  23. Hunter[GM]

    St Patrick's Day Events (en Espa?ol Tambi?n)

    Out of the 132 player who ran the course, 19 were able to successfully complete it and survive. Thanks to everyone who came and gave it a try and cooperated. Unfortunately, we had some line cutting but those players were penalized and not permitted to run the course.
  24. Nemesis St Patrick's Day Events There will be several events going on in Nemesis on March 17th in honor of St Patrick's Day Wear Your Lucky Green!!! Time- all day Make sure you are wearing all green today in game, especially if you AFK in shop and wh. Some lucky players will be given a Merien Stone! PS- leave a spot in your bag. ( Just a green cape and boots doesnt count! You have to be in ALL green to win a stone) Attack of the Evil Leprechauns!!!! Time- all day The Leprechauns ( Dark Elvs) are coming to town to steal your gold and beer. All day, in town, the evil Leprechauns will be spawning in town at random times. Beware! They are poisonous and vicious! The Head Leprechaun is especially hard to kill because he is surrounded by a liche posse of body guards. The Head Leprechaun will appear at some point during the day. He is easy to spot because he is NOT poisonous, but clairvoyant. He will also be surrounded by magic liches who are also clairvoyant. Upon his death, 3 Tigerworm will be spawned AND a huge spawn of other leprechauns. At the moment of his death, he will drop his master bow ( Dark Elf Bow +1 ) DRINK UP!!!!!!!! Time- all day What would St Patrick's Day be without some alcohol? After all, the Irish do love their beer and wine. Throughout the day on the town and farm maps, bottles of wine will appear on the ground. Collect as many as you can! Collect 25 bottles of wine and win a Merien Stone. You can cash in your wine at the end of the MR event or anytime during the day that a GM is available. Or, wait for March 18th, and I will be available on BI to trade your wine in for a Merien Stone. Follow the Rainbow to the Pot of Gold Event Time 2pm On Bleeding Island a special course will be made by HunterGM. One at a time, each player can take a turn trying to make it through the gauntlet alive. This will be very, very difficult to do. Players can equip any armors, items they want. NO INVIS spell or Defensive spells...NO pfm NO amp NO GDS allowed!!! The course will be made up of all kinds of monsters . It will NOT be easy to make it through alive and you only get one chance to make it. Each player will get 1 turn only on one character. If we catch you logging a 2nd character, you will be banned for a week and forfeit all prizes. Players who make it through the course alive will win a Merien Stone AND be entered into a food game at the end of the event. What are they playing for? The winner of the food game will receive a MA 9% green cape, SP 35 green boots and 5 meriens. This is not a normal food game. Players will be teleported to the arena where a food square has been set up. Under each piece of food there will be an item. Some will have gold, some will have stones and ONE piece will have the cape, boots and 5 meriens. Magic Resistance Event 7pm City Hall Come and get some MR% in an old fashioned magic resistance party. There is only 1 problem! Some of the evil leprechauns will also be attending and will require you to kill them so you can level mr skill in peace. At the end of the event....if your town successfully kills all of the evil leprechauns in town and inside City Hall....Dragons will be summoned outside City Hall. ( green ones, of course :rolleyes: ) Please translate this event for me. Thanks very much Hunter[GM] " This event is based on the time in Texas, USA, which is where our server is located. If you want to know to when the event will happen in your time, please go to this website to find that out." Spanish: Eventos Nemesis en el dia de San Patricio Habran una gran cantidad de eventos llevandose a cabo el dia 17 de marzo en hono al dia de San Patricio Usa tu verde de la suerte!!!! tiempo-todo el dia Asegurate de estar usando todo el dia verde, especialmente cuando estas afk en el shop o en el wh. Algunos jugadores afortunados se les dara una merien stone. Pd: deja espacio en tu bolso (sola la capa y botas no cuenta! tienes que estar todo de verde para ganar una piedra) Ataque del malvado leprechaun tiempo-todo el dia El leprechauns ("elvs"?? oscuros-supungo ke habra querido decir elfs)estan viniendo a robar tu oro y cervesa, el malvado leprechauns aparecera en la ciudad en horarios al azar. Cuidado!! Son viciosos y venenosos! El lider leprechauns es especialmente duro de matar debido a que rodeado y protegido por una guardia de liches. El lider leprechauns aparecera en un punto todo el dia. El es facil de ubicar porque el NO es venenoso, pero si clarivente. El esta rodeado por por liches magicos que tambien seran clarividentes. Ocurrida su muerte, 3 tigerworm apareceran y un ENORME spawns de otros leprechauns.Una vez muerto, tirara su arco maestro(dark elf bow +1) A Beber!!!!! tiempo-todo el dia Que seria de la fiesta de San Patricio sin algo de alcohol? Despues de todo, el irlandes ama su vino y cervesa. A trves del dia en al ciudad y en la farm, botellas de vino y cervesa apereceran en el suelo. Gunta las que mas puedas! juanta 25 botellas de vino y gana una meerien stone. Puedes cobrar tus botellas al final del evento MR o en cualquier momento del dia si un GM esta disponoble. O, espera al 18 de marzo, estara permitido cambiarlas en BI las botellas por las meriens. Sigue el arco iris al punto del evento del oro tiempo-2 de la tarde(hora del server) En Bleddin island un curso especial sera llevado a cabo por Hunter[GM]. Uno a laves, cada jugador tendra su turno para pasar el deafio vicos. Esto sera muy dificil de hacer. Los jugadores pueden equiparse con cualquier armardura, items cualesquiera, NO invis NO pfm NO amp no GDS no HP slates Cada jugador tendra 1 turno solamente con un personaje. Si te atrapamos logeandote con un segundo personaje, seras banneado por una semana y perderas todos los premios. Los jugadores que logren atraversar vivos ganaran una merien stone y entraran en un juego de comida al finalizar el evento (food game) Porque estaran jugando??Elganador se llevara una capa verde ma 9%, botas verdes sp35% y 5 meriens. Este no es un juego normal de comida, los jugadores seran teletransportados a la arena donde un cuadrado de comidas se ha preparado. Bajo de cada pieza de comida habra un item, algunas tendran oro, otran tendran piedras y UNA sola tendra la capa, botas y 5 meriens. Evento de resistencia de magia 7 de la tarde city hall (hora del server) Ven y gana algo de MR% en la antigua moda de party recistencia a la magia. Hay 1 solo problema! algunos de los malvados leprechauns asistiran y requirira que los mates asi podras aumentar tu habilidad en paz. Al finalizar el evento...Si tu ciudad ha matado al malvado leprechauns en la ciudad y dentro del city hall...dragones seran aparecidos fuera del city hall (verdes por supuesto) "Porfavor, tradusca este evento pr mi. Muchas gracias." Hunter[GM] "Este evento esta basado en la hora del servidor en texas, USA" tengan esto en cuenta para ver en que hora se hace en sus lugares( esto es resumido comentario mio)
  25. Hunter[GM]

    St Patrick's Day Events (en Espa?ol Tambi?n)

    Edited to say the Gauntlet course on BI.... NO invis, NO amp, NO pfm, NO GDS, NO pfa no defensive spells at all