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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Team Pvp Event

    I had the new client but the entire GM staff got stuck in the arena after event lol GMs downnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!! Maynard and HT...get the team to decide when they can all be on...maybe same time this Saturday night? And ill host prize event. Im definietely going to repeat this one...was a lot of fun for all and ran well. Thanks to all of you who participated
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Team Pvp Event

    uh... Event was AWESOME..we had a great time RED TEAM Captain Maynard YELLOW TEAM Captain Therapist BLUE TEAM Captain ILubator The Red Team came out on top....and then...right before their prize... Arena crashed :glare: Hoping to get an admin to reboot it IF NOT....Prize event for RED team will be tomorrow sometime. Red team, tell Maynard when you will be available and we will re-schedule it for tomorrow at some time. Thanks to EVERYONE who was a lot of fun
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Team Pvp Event

    yea but you know sure i put it in the wrong fking spot! My son is at on a new laptop...i dont even have MSN messenger yet. Im a usual.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Team Pvp Event

    Ive been trying for the last 40 mins to log in to the server and im having issues here. I will keep trying... please let them know in game, I will be there...somehow :unsure:
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Team Pvp Event

    number of teams depends on total number that attend I would like 3-4 teams if possible no more than 8 players per team 8 is my max i will be bringing the capes with me....they wont be rare color however, the winning team will get a summon event and there will be 1 rare dye cape dropped during that event.
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Monday Morning Summon Event

    yea same time.... i told you morning players i would take care of yas
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Egg Event

    No, I was back that day after Easter and traded eggs in all week long. The dead line was Friday after Easter. But see me in game....ill trade it for you
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Chat Log Event

    Nemesis Chat Log Event Beginning April 23rd and running through May 1, the admins and GM team will be monitoring the chat logs in game for insults, cursing and inappropriate language. The player with the MOST chat infractions at the end of this week long period wins a 1 month ban from game on their MAIN account. This is 1 event you do not want to win. The staff is concerned that the constant insulting, cursing in global and town chats, is a negative aspect of the game that we can control. We are offfering this event to draw attention to the matter and encourage all of you to keep the chats clean and insult-curse free. scat asked me to add that "noob" will be considered a curse Empezando el 23 de abril hasta el 1 de mayo, el administrador y el equipo de GMs monitorearan el registro de chats por insultos, maldiciones y el lenguaje inapropiado. El jugador que m?s infracciones tenga en el chat durante la semana ganara 1 mes de suspensi?n en el juego en su cuenta principal. Este es un evento que no quieres ganar. El staff es conciente de los constantes insultos, maldiciones en el chat global y de ciudades, es un aspecto negativo del juego que nosotros podemos controlar. Ofrecemos este evento para llamarles la atenci?n y alentarlos a todos ustedes a mantener limpio de insultos y maldiciones los chats. Scat me sugiri? que ?noob? sea considerado una maldici?n.
  9. Hunter[GM]

    A Place To Hunt Unicorns.

    I think they should spawn, normally, where they are supposed to. Mages need to deal with it! :P
  10. Hunter[GM]

    The Amazing Race Event

    Nemesis Amazing Race Sunday April 26 Time- after the Heldenian ends The Amazing Race Event is a test of stamina, speed, skills and endurance. Players will be put through a difficult course, with obstacles along the way. This is NOT an EK event, however, we cannot control every variable. Players not participating in the race may try to attack the racers. They need to be prepared to use their skills, to evade them, survive and continue on the race course. All players participating in the race, will be told where to report after the Heldenian. Once all players are gathered, the GM will explain to them where their first station is and what they need to do at that station. EX- Bleeding Island to Dungeon level 3 coords 100 100 At Station 1, you will be told to equip a special racer's cape and given the coords and map to Station #2. At Station #2, another GM will be there to give you directions to Station #3, etc etc. We have built in several ways to discourage cheating. Players who arrive at the finish line, must have certain items with them that they could only get if they completed each station. This will prevent players from taking short cuts, skipping stations or cheating. GM made obstacles will be set up along the race route. What kind of obstacles? Something like a pit of clairvoyant beholders sounds good to me :P Some of the obstacles will be monsters, some will be more physical in nature. The racers must decide how to handle each obstacle and work together in doing so. At the final station, I will be waiting with prizes for the first 3 racers who complete the course correctly. I will take names of the first 5 players who finish, in case anyone is disqualified. What are you racing for? First Prize- the player who reaches Hunter first, and has completed all stations MS30 wand Second Prize- the player who finishes 2nd Necklace of Stone Golem OR Defense Ratio 21% Cape Third Prize- player who finishes 3rd Whatever is left from 2nd place (if 2nd place takes the cape, 3rd place gets necklace) (if 2nd place takes neck, 3rd place takes cape) GM Staff Unfortunately, I am going to need all hands on deck for this event so you cannot participate on your players. Please try and make it in game on your GM for this event. I need at least 3 GMs for this one. I will assign you to a station and describe what youre to do in the GM room. (After I know who can participate) Rules 1- you must complete all stations 2- you must follow the GM's instructions at each station 3- you can use all spells, any armors, gems, angels, items 4- leave 3 spots OPEN in your bag 5- no HP slates Questions? Post them here Please translate this for me... Thank you! Hunter[GM] Nemesis amazin race spanish translation Asombrosa carrera del Nemesis Domingo 26 de abril Tiempo: despu?s del heldenian El evento de la asombrosa carrera del nemesis es una prueba de resistencia, velocidad, habilidad y dureza. A los jugadores se les pondr? un dif?cil curso, con obst?culos a lo largo del camino. Este no es un evento de Ek, sin embargo, nosotros no podremos controlar cada variable. Los jugadores que no participan en la carrera podr?an atacarlos. Ellos necesitan estar preparados para usar sus habilidades, para evadirlos, sobrevivir y continuar en la carrera. Todos los participantes de la carrera, se les dir? donde reportarse despu?s de la heldenian. Una vez que los jugadores est?n reunidos, el GM les explicara donde esta la primera estaci?n y que necesitan hacer en la primera estaci?n. Exbleedding island al dungeon nivel 3 coord. 100 100 En la estaci?n , se les dir? que tipo de capa especial tendr?n que usar y se les dar?n las coordenadas y mapas a la estaci?n 2. En la estaci?n 2, otro GM estar? all? para darle las direcciones a la estaci?n 3, etc. Etc. Hemos ideado varias maneras de desalentar las trampas. Los jugadores que lleguen a la l?nea final, deber?n tener ciertos tipos de ?tems que solo podr?n conseguir si ellos completan cada estaci?n. Para prevenir que los jugadores tomen atajos, salten estaciones o hagan trampas. GM har? obst?culos a lo largo del camino, Que clase de obst?culos? Algo como un pit de beholder clarividentes me suena bien  Algunos de los obst?culos ser?n monstruos, algunos otros ser?n formas f?sicas en el mapa. Los corredores deber?n decidir como manejar cada obst?culo y trabajar juntos si quieren. Al final de la estaci?n, estar? esperando con los premios para los 3 primeros corredores quienes completen el camino correctamente. Tomare los nombres de los primeros 5 en caso que haya alguna descalificaci?n. Porque estar?s corriendo? El primer premio a quien alcance a Hunter y haya completado todas las estaciones ser? un ms30 Segundo premio al jugador que finalice segundo ser? un collar de Golem o una capa dr21% El tercer premio lo que haya dejado el segundo (si el jugador 2 eligi? el collar el tercero se quedara con la capa, y si el 2 elige la capa ser? para el 3 el collar) Staff GM Desafortunadamente, voy a necesitar todas las manos que pueda para este evento as? que no podr?n participar con sus jugadores. Por favor traten de estar en el juego con sus GM para este evento. Voy a necesitar al menos 3 GMs para este. Asignare a cada uno una estaci?n y describir? que tendr?n que hacer en el cuarto de GMs. (despu?s de saber quien puede participar) Reglas 1- deben completar todas las estaciones. 2- Deben seguir las instrucciones de cada GM en cada estaci?n. 3- Podr?n usar hechizos, cualquier armadura, gemas, ?ngeles, ?tems 4- Dejen 3 lugares vac?os en sus bolsos (bags) 5- NO tabletas de HP Preguntas posteenlas aqu? Por favor traduzcan esto por m??.Gracias! Hunter [GM]
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    Sign up here (guild master or his designee) to enter Guild PVP tournament. Friday April 17th at 8pm server time in the arena You will need 5 guild members to participate. You must use 2 of each class...2 mages, 2 warriors plus 1 of your choice All items, spells, armors, jewelry is allowed no HP slates, no resu wands activation weapon only if your opponent has one Entry fee- 5 zems per guild 3/3 You dont need to list your team yet. Just register Prize- Private guild hunt All Zems MS20 Resurrection Wand Aresden Guilds Inevitable Survivors Elvine Guilds Argenlandia BiB Shroomz Drunk Fluffy Bunnies PLEASE NOTE THE DATE CHANGE ok moving the date to April 17th which is 2 Fridays AFTER the original date We will keep the time the same 8pm So, the only difference is 2 weeks after the originally scheduled date. Staying away from the 10th because it is Good Friday of Easter weekend. PS- the next PVP event will be held on a Saturday that everyone who cant play on a Fri night, can on the next pvp event PVP EVENT- GUILD 5 vs 5 APRIL 17th
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Staff Getting Tired...

    What farjat is saying is that the GMs are tired of dealing with knuckle heads who act like they pay 100$ a week to play here, and that they can act however they want with this obnoxious sense of entitlement and disrespect. Like Lew said....the players who just play, and have a good time, have 0 problems here!! Ive known lewbowski since the 3rd week of nemesis 1, as well as a lot of other players too, and some have never, ever been a problem to the staff. Yea, they may need help, but never have they been a pita to us. We need more players to just let their skills do the talking for them. Shut your mouth and play. Leave the nerd rage at home or pull that crap in the recess yard.
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Chat Log Event

    scat said all chats will be scanned and monitored and in several languages. We have gathered the TOP 10 filthy words list from 12 different languages which will be used in the scan.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    Any other guilds want to register?
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Color Wars! Event Prize

    Color War Begins Today!!! When in town, afk, in the shop, warehouse, or hanging out, make sure to sport your town colors!! Elvine- wear all blue Aresden- wear all red Show your town support by wearing your colors! The town that shows the MOST support, by the most members wearing their town colors, will win a BIG experience event Wed night at 6pm server time at City Hall. The winner will be announced, in game on Wednesday afternoon. So, get to the shop and get your colors on! Please translate this Thanks Hunter[GM] Spanish: La guerra del color empieza hoy! Cuando est?s en la ciudad, afk, en el shop, en el Warehouse, o paseando, aseg?rate de apoyar tu ciudad usando sus colores! Elvine- usar todo azul Aresden- usar todo rojo Muestra tu apoyo usando el color de tu ciudad! La ciudad que muestre mas apoyo, por la mayor cantidad de miembros usando sus colores, ganara un evento de GRAN experiencia el mi?rcoles a las 6 de la tarde hora del Server en el City Hall. Entonces, ve al shop y ten tus colores puestos! Por favor traduzcan esto Gracias Hunter[GM]
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Color Wars! Event Prize

    Thats why i put the warriors in one place and mages in another....this helped a lot Thanks everyone for coming! and great job on your spirit win!
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Color Wars! Event Prize

    thanks to everyone in both towns who participated in this event elvine rallied together and decorated their shop in all blue they then made a path all over town of blue pots and items no denying, they took this event seriously and did an awesome job Not to be out done, Aresden also decorated their shop and made large red hearts outside of the shop/wh area Many players were seen AFKing in red I am going to declare the winner of this event as a TIE there is no way to select one town over the other because you both did such a nice job So....6pm server time there will be a summon event in Aresden Warriors inside, mages outside At 6:30, the same event will be held in Aresden again...warr inside the building mages outside
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Tp Commands

    We may use tp's as prizes we are not offering tp command to players
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Staff Getting Tired...

  20. Hunter[GM]

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    My first post has the teams registered to enter. I'll do the brackets on Friday and post them.
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Easter Week Events

    During the week of Easter there will be many events going on in game. From April 5th thru April 13th EASTER EGG HUNT April 5-12 I will be dropping Easter Eggs of all colors, on all maps at random times. Collect these eggs and trade them in for prizes. 3 Green eggs= Merien stone 3 Red eggs= Xelima stone 3 Yellow eggs= Zemstone 3 IVORY eggs= Necklace of Stone Golem OR Necklace of Liche (player's choice) The eggs will be hidden on ALL maps. Hidden means under something (gold, item, alch part, food) The eggs are actually colored will know it when you see it. Eggs can be traded. Guilds can collect eggs together but only 1 prize will be given per 3 eggs. Eggs will be hidden at RANDOM times- meaning, I will not announce when I am hiding them. On April 12 - after 7pm and April 13 - all day, you can message me to exchange your eggs for the prizes. Find the Easter Bunny!!!! Thurday time: April 9th 12pm- 1pm On Thurday from 12 noon- 1pm, rabbits will be spawning all over town. One of these rabbits is the Easter Bunny!!!! Find him and win a Zemstone! How will you know which one is the Easter bunny? The Easter bunny cannot be killed and will talk to you :D and let you know you won. Wear your Easter Best! Time ( All day ) On Easter Sunday, the Easter Bunny will be making the rounds in the town WH and Shop. He will be giving Easter Eggs (ZEMS) for the best dressed players. Wear Easter colors and look your best! If you are AFK, make sure you leave a space in your bag!!! (note- any player stuffing things into other player's bags to fill them up while they are AFK, will get no prizes and be banned for the day) What are Easter Colors? Yellow, Violet, Pink, Green The Easter bunny will also be dropping candy in town for all the good boys and girls. Easter Monday Time- all day Location- town The Hellclaws found out there is a lot of Easter Candy in town. They will be spawning in town off and on all day in search of some leftover Easter Candy!!! Guard your candy well! PLEASE translate this! and Happy Easter! Hunter[GM] Espa?ol: Durante la semana de pascuas habra varios evento desarrollandose en el juego. desde el 5 hasta el 13 de abril Cazeria de los huevos de pascuas Abril 5-12 Solatare varios huevos de pascuas de colores, en todos los mapas en diferentes tiempos al azar. Colecta estos huevos y cambialos por premios. 3 huevos verdes = merien stone 3 huevos rojos = xelima stone 3 huevos amarillos = zemstone 3 huevos aperlados* = collar de golem o collar de liche (a eleccion) Los huevos se esconderan en todos los mapas, esconderan sigifica debajo de cosas (oro, items, partes , comida) Los huevos son en realidad bolas pintadas, las reconoceran cuando las vean. Los huievos pueden tradearse, los guilds pueden recollectarlos pero solo se entregara un premio cada 3 huevos. Los huevos se esconderan en tiempos al azar, significa que no anunciaremos cuando los escondamos. El 12 de abril, despes de las 7 pm y el 13 de abril todo el dia, puedes mensajearme para cambiar los huevos por premios. Encentra al conejo de pascuas!!!! tiempo aabril 19 de 12 a 1pm El jueves a las 12 en punto y hasta la 1 de la tarde, los conejos apareceran por toda la ciudad. Uno de ellos es el conejo de pascuas!!!!encuentralo y gana una zemstone! como saber cual es el conejo de pascuas? El conejo de pascuas no puede ser matado y hablara contigo y te hara saber que has ganado Usa tu mejor ropa de pasucas! tiempo todo el dia El domingo, el conejos de pascuas hara rondas por el shop y el warehouse. Estara regalando huevos de pascuas (zems) a los jugadores vestidos. Usa el color de pascuas y lucete los mejor. Si estas AFK, asegurate de dejar espacio en tu bolso!!( nota: algunos jugadores estan pponiendo cosas para llenar el de los otros cuando estan afk, no obtendran premios y seran banneados por el dia) Cuales son los colores de la pascua? Amarillo, violeta, rosa, verde El conejo de pascuas estara dejando caer tambien dulces para todos los ni?os y ni?as buenos. Lunes de pascuas tiempo todo el dia lugar la ciudad Los hellclawsestan encontraron afuera una gran cantidad de dulces de pascuas en la ciudad. Apareceran y deapareceran de la ciudad todo el dia en busca de sus amados dulces de pascuas!! Cuida tus dulces muy bien!!!! Por favor traduscan esto! y felices pascuas! Hunter[GM]
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Easter Week Events

    omg...calm down all of you I was returning from vacation with my family...geez
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter, everyone hope you have a blessed happy day with your family and friends
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Angels Need To Go.

    We are not going to disable angels.
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Whos The Best :d?

    Mega has nice skills and so does Belv. also...most improved player would have to be ocean. He is raiding alone and EKing a lot. Just a note here.... When you admire a player's skill or say so-and-so is a good mage/warr....It doesnt mean that everyone else sucks or that YOU arent good....It just means youre secure enough in your game skills to compliment others. the last pvp event, i admired a brand new player, NightWar....who was playing on a warrior, in the event...he was only lev 120 and did extremely well....lasted until final 3. I dont know how he has progressed, but i remember being impressed at the time.