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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Im Very Pleased :)

    Hi boys, I am Maggie writing to you.I think this is so nice you thank me.I like to see every one at the nemesis happy and having fun.I like to help.When I am bigger farjat the GM said I can have Pinky[GM] and be a real gm.I will wear all pink and be very fair.I want to come back and play with every one.I will come soon. Bye and thankyou.You are nice. Love your friend. Maggie :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Upcoming Events

    yes, you can use angels and jewelry...all spells, any weapon
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Upcoming Events

    Here are the events I have lined up 20 minutes... summons will be in town near city hall...I'll spread them around to prevent lag Tomorrow- Friday at 6pm server time MINER EVENT Middleland mines will have lots of cool miner items hidden around.... mith, gold, stones, some dye pots....all are welcome Saturday morning at 9am PVP event! naked, arena PVP All welcome to participate No armors, no capes, no mshield wands, no shields nakED meanssss naked Last man fight until there is 1 player left standing That player will get some summons made for them. See ya all there! Summon event is already running an event in game at that time, that i wasnt aware of. The other events will still be held.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Email: "new Settings On Hbnem"

    guys, it's just the armors...theyre not touching your wands or weapons What was happening was, players were carrying around a spare chest plate and parts for pvps. If it got low, they would just put on a new one.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Amazing Race Event

    Friday Sept 11 at 7pm Meet me on Bleeding island at 7pm for further details ALL instructions about this event will be given out at that time. You must be on BI to hear the rules and directions. Prizes will be given to the winners All combatants are welcome to participate- any level no civs, no travs PRIZES There are 3 prizes.... the player who gets first, chooses first second place, picks 2nd 3rd place chooses which they want, last Angel +5 - player's choice of angel HP49 hose MP14 cape
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Amazing Race Event

    ^^ what he said
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Amazing Race Event

    Congrats to Zambonnay..FIRST place Armin.. SECOND place Pyra.. THIRD place Zam chose cape, Armin the angel and Pyra the hose Thanks for participating everyone
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event For Fun

    Tomorrow...not sure when, so i cannot give specific time..depends on my work I want to have a PvP for fun event...Ill ask who wants to come, tp players to arena and we play no rules...just flat out killing, use whatever you want no prizes either...winner..or last man standing, will get a couple of summons killed for them if the summons keep...if they dont, you dont get anything no prizes just PRIDE! stay tuned and watch for announcement in GM chat tomorrow
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event For Fun

    Congrats to MrPopo about 60 players participated and popo won elvine outnumbered aresden by like 9:1 lol popo won some summons and got some drops but nothing but stones, really and a dm1 thanks to all who came we will do again, soon
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event For Fun

    starting soon
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event For Fun

    its in the arena...cant run very far
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Amazing Race Event

    no cape is the basic gray from the shop
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Need Suggestions.

    this sounds good farjat..let me know if you need anything?
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Bienvenidos A Helbreath Nemesis Argentina

    Bienvenidos a Helbreath Nemesis Argentina, todos
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Amazing Race Event

    could someone pls translate this for me? and also...I'll need someone to translate this on friday when I give the directions on BI volunteers?
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Helbreath Nemesis Expansion.

    My Argentinian children will never leave me!!!!!!!!!
  17. Labor Day is a holiday in American that honors the worker. Therefore, to honor the worker in Nemesis, you will ALL have to work!!! Town will have random summons of dragons and wyverns to keep you all busy working. Have fun!!! ONE dragon in each town, will drop a special Battle Hammer. Ancient Rep 3 BH will drop after the dragon has died, near the corpse...allowing anyone who helped to have a chance at the drop...not just the people directly on the drop. So...good luck and have fun!
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Hb Nemesis Is Now On Twitter

    HB Nemesis is now on Twitter! Add us today....get updates when events are happening, sades and Heldenians. @HBNEMESIS is the name to add We will add anyone that follows us. start tweeting today!
  19. Hellooooooooooooooooo i have new internet now so look out peeps!!!!!! to celebrate my new, faster, better connection, i am holding an event in game today it is a summons/item event i'll make summons all over town and some of these summons will drop zems, meriens and Xstones This event will be at 10am"ish" server time and then again in the evening, around 6-7pm server time Throughout the day today beware of roaming monsters....dont afk in town! that summer is over, get ready for weekly events I am always interested in ideas for new improved events...feel free to drop me a private message with ideas
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Back With An Event And New Internet Connection

    ok both towns have slaughtered quite a few monsters so far mages please remember to use safe mode and no civi is going to be allowed to just run around and steal drops civis are welcome...if you participate, help and dont just stand there waiting to steal the drop great to see so many of you in game!
  21. Hunter[GM]

    2 Vs 2 Pvp Event Sunday

    Sunday, August 16th, after the Heldenian, we will have a 2 vs 2 PVP event Here are the guidelines and rules FORMAT HAS BEEN CHANGED SO PLEASE READ!! Because of time constraints...(Sunday after Heldenian we have 200 players+ in game) The FORMAT of the pvp will be changed. We will start out with an Aresden Free for All event All aresden vs All Aresden The last 4 players remaining are allowed to progress to 1- pick a partner 2- proceed to the 2 v 2 event Then we will do all Elvine vs all elvine..same thing pick the last 4 players who are left alive they choose a partner and move to the final 2 vs 2 event The rules for the FREE FOR ALL are this.... NO RULES no rules for the town-wide free for all bring what you want, use what you want, cast what you want When we move to the 2 v 2 portion of the event, the following rules and format will apply: - Players pick their own partner.. - the Event will be in the arena. - The winners will receive a Kloness Esterk or a Kloness Blade. the winning pair can decide to share the prize OR I will do a food game for those 2 to determine the owner. - Here are the rules for the Event -* no activation weapons unless the pair youre facing has activation weapon - no PFM or PFA, no invis(spell, pot, scroll), no AMP, no defensive spells like GDS, etc, No GH no create food - You can ZERK - *no slates - *no resu wands - You can use any jewelry, armor, weapons, wands you want except where noted otherwise* - you may not cast while the fights are going on, or interfere in anyway. You must watch the fights and not become disruptive or insult others who are fighting. Anyone who cannot stand and wait for their turn without being a nuisance to others, will be sent out. - If you DC, recall on connect and continue fighting. If you DC and cannot connect back, youre out. DO NOT ask us to TP you and start over. We wont. - The winning pair, is the team with the last person alive - Please be a good sport and show good sportsmanship. No extreme trash talking, cursing, insulting - GM staff has final say and we can change the rules, add to the rules, delete a rule, as we see fit. Questions? leave them here and I will answer. If I forgot anything, let me know. PLEASE translate this into your language so that we get as many players participating as possible. ALL GMs!!! PLEASE try and be available to assist at this event. You can enter on your player, and we might need you to fight with someone who doesnt have a partner also. Thanks, guys, youre the best.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Vote In Top 50 For Event

    If 35 unique voters vote for Nemesis in HB top 50, ill give awesome summon event for both towns go go go go scroll to bottom of page HP TOP 50 find nemesis and rate and review this site GO VOTE for EVENT
  23. Hunter[GM]

    2 Vs 2 Pvp Event Sunday

    i think it would be safe to assume its gonna be ares vs point in it being town vs town with sets...none can break... correct but this way....Elvine has just as much representation in the finals, as Aresden does to keep things fair and for everyone writing me...saying that this event only rewards players with itens and skills.... I say " Good", that was the whole point. the NEXT pvp event will be naked with bs weapons only dk wand and sword- also allowed
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Vote In Top 50 For Event

    You guys ROCK! You did it..and then some. and who wrote Hunter is a sexy boi? lmao..and Free Nimda? I was rotf laughing at the comments...and when i see all the stuff SOME former, banned players wrote? Im so glad theyre banned.... :sleep:
  25. Hunter[GM]

    2 Vs 2 Pvp Event Sunday

    format has been changed due to time constraints Please read the new format now you have a brand new topic to whine/cry about :rolleyes: