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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event Coming....discuss

    if its going to be mage v mage....i wont allow armors if we have mage v warr i will allow mages to wear armors
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Increase The # Of Players

    well Ru...shouldnt we try and ascertain what the truth is before we make those accusations? also...IF it turns out to be a Nemesis GM acting as a NemesisGM, allow the admins here to respond and react? Im telling you...last year this very issue came up about another server...and farjat went BALLISTIC in the staff room, warning ALL of us that if we ever mess with another server, we will be fired here. so, lets take this slow please....that GM could just be blaming nemesis for their own security problems.
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Increase The # Of Players

    Well, please dont believe everything you read. Nemesis does not condone, encourage or ask their GMs to ever, EVER hack or interfere with other servers. On the contrary, Nemesis has helped several servers over the years with coding, file requests. We are not in the business of downing other servers. And, I would go so far as to say....if the admins here discovered for a fact, that a GM from Nemesis was hacking, interfering with, disrupting another server, and claiming responsibility for it AS a Nemesis GM...they would not be a GM here much longer. Please know that would not be acceptable behavior as far as we are concerned. Farjat would never encourage this.
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Who Remembers...

    he had sets for PVM and he also, like me, never carried tower/mshield in bag and wasnt it Zalaya who activated XR vs TW? rotf
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Who Remembers...

    because Donnie could PVP and spam mass trash talk at the same time lol Lew...come back
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Hey Noobs!

    Great to see Nemesis still going strong. Sorry I kind of fell off the face of the planet there...had a run in with thyroid cancer and the only thing I can say "cancer sucks". Without going in to too many details, by the time they caught this, and I knew something was wrong it was already very advanced. So I had to have the thyroid removed and some lymph nodes as well, radiation, chemo the whole shebang. I have a new found respect for any cancer survivor and how important health is. Thyroid cancer is very treatable if caught EARLY...which mine was NOT! So, get your physicals men and take care of yourselves. Most of the time I was in center city close to the hospital to avoid the commute back and forth. I have one more surgery at the end of the month to remove the last of the tumors (the smallest one) It is a "Dead" tumor, meaning it does not contain any cancer cells but they want to remove it anyway. After that, 1 more round of chemo and hopefully, I will be back hosting some kick *censored* events here at Nemesis. My first event will be " the cancer event" held in TOWER OF HELL!!! everyone who participates, will slowly lose all their hair, drop 25 pounds from throwing up uncontrollably, lose control of just about everything anddd At the end, if you win!!! Can't wait to see you guys in game and get caught up. Take care, Hunter
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Remember The Old Days?

    used to raid with a rep 7 sharp rapier and own people up and the first mage in PL with blizz got like 100 eks per day or more our whole guild would come to kill the demon in the garden...we'd have 20 guys plus 10 potters and WTB's race to 180....he was close for weeks...they would power him in ww's for hours and hours, then when he finally got 180, it took jewan like a week and a half to give the freakin DKset, like it was some big shock to them that someone did it and the summon events, were always at the town entrance to ML so we'd make mass guards to help us kill 10 ettins the good old days being a goldie with wings? were a PRO What about the early days of nem 2? Guild Rabbit hunts in town, ftw....with ButterzGN leading the way
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Mr Event

    10 minutes inside city hall this event will be repeated this APPROXIMATELY 4-5 pm sorry, I cant give an exact time for the PM event HunterGM Rules of MR event 1- stand together 2- dont kill orcs 3- have fun
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Increased Productivity For Farming When Raining!

    I like the idea but farming is already pretty fast, isnt it?
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Tired :(

    Whoever is on Tryx... consider this your warning about your language and harassment of this player or any player... I want it to stop now. And I will be checking your chat logs, weekly...starting today. Any infractions of the rules will result in consequences I dont think you will like.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Green Ball Exchange

    Ive been on every day...most of the day and night trading balls. I will trade up until the next reset. I need farjat to wipe all balls for the Easter Egg hunt coming up for Easter Event. so, dont wait too long! whisper me in game for trade
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Green Ball Exchange

    I have been exchanging balls for merien stones all day today...make sure to whisper me if you have 3 of them. If you have 1 or cannot get anything...try and offer a zem for another one then whisper me. Aresden had a guild that all worked together and got 35 balls!!! WOW! Good job men! Hope youre enjoying the events today. Everyone wearing their green this looked terrific. Well done! Still have the big summon event about 1 hour from now. Dont miss it! The monsters will be dropping special items so ...BE THERE! City hall 1 hour. I will not be making mobs in one area...causes too much lag with a lot of players so...I'll be spreading the summons out for everyone.
  13. As you know, I have a surgery in beginning of april, then some more rounds of nasty stuff and then, Im hoping to put together a PVP event. I like using various formats of PVP so that everyone has a chance to be in one that is tailored or perfect for your character build. With that in mind...what type of PVP would you like to have first? war vs war and mage vs mage naked? full armors? or rather than mass kill type...would you prefer 2 v 2 pvp event? Let me know what type you would like to see...format and rules and also what prize you think is fair for the winner(s). nothing too over-powered please. I'm open to all suggestions and will then make the final call and let you know the date. Speak up or forever hold your peace! HunterGM
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Event- St Patrick's Day

    March 17th is St Patrick's day...a holiday celebrated with GREEN and BEER and sometimes even GREEN BEER. To mark this holiday we will be having an event. From now until March 17th Green balls will be dropped in game. You can find these green balls on ANY map in game. Balls will be dropped at random times. On March 17th, you can exchange 3 green balls for 1 merien stone. There is no limit to how many you can find. You can trade these balls or give them to another player. Also, on March 17th, there will be spawns of monsters in town. They have come to town looking for the pub to get some green beer. After they drink this beer, they will be very poisonous and will inflict poison on anyone who touches them. At 6pm server time on March 17th there will be a big summon event at City Hall. Also, anyone dressed in green on March 17th, may find a Zemstone in their bags. So, make sure when you are AFK in the warehouse, that you sport your green colors. Do not ask the GMs for a zem...just make room in your bag and hope you get lucky. Not EVERYONE will receive a zem. Some special prizes may also be given out during the day so make sure you log in on the 17th for lots of cool stuff. Questions? ask here Please translate into your language...thanks HunterGM Spanish: El 17 de MArzo es el; dia de San Patricio. Un dia celebrado vestido de VERDE y con CERVEZA! Para conmemorar este Dia tendremos un Evento. Desde Hoy hasta el 17 de Marzo seran dropeadas GREEN BALLS Puedes encontrarlas en CUALQUIER mapa en el juego. Seran dropeadas en lugares y hora aleatorios. El 17 de Marzo, puedes cambiar 3 GREEN BALLS por 1 merien Stone. No hay limite segun cuantas obtengas. Podes tradearlas con Hunter[GM] o con otros players. Tambien, el 17 de marzo, Habra Spawn de monstruos en las ciudades que vienen en busca de la Cerveza verde. Luego de beberla, los monstruos estaran MUY envenenados y atacaran. A las 6 pm Server time el 17 de marzo habra un Gran Summon Event frente al Citihall Tambien, los que esten vestidos de verde el 17 de marzo, pueden encontrar Zemstones en sus Bags Asique asegurate de quedarte vestido de verde cuando quedes afk en el warehouse y tendras suerte/ No le pidas al GM la zemstone. estas seran dadas aleatoriamente a la gente vestida de verde. No olvides dejar lugar libre en tu Bolsa Tambien seran dados algunos premios especiales a lo largo del 17 de marzo, asique estate atento! Hagan las preguntas aca. HunterGM
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Goodbye Nemesis

    good luck will be missed
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Event- St Patrick's Day

    whisper me to exchange your balls for stone....and beware in town! Those monsters got their drunk on and are roaming around town maps looking for more green beer!
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Retaking Of Dk Set.

    You would have to re-take the dk set after you use the sex change pot and it would cost you another 200 pts.
  18. Hunter[GM]

    All Who Are Happy With Hunter Post Here

    There is also a language barrier coming into play here also but I gotta tell ya... This kid makes me smile. It's nice to see someone that excited about Helbreath and Nemesis. It is so nice to be back amongst my friends. I am doing ok and taking it easy. One day at a time type of deal. Some days I have energy and others I dont...just depends. Right now, they want my blood cell count up so I'm enjoying no bad medicine and eating whatever I want. Thanks for asking and I'll see you in game.
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Idea For Events.

    its never been possible to use mana collectors outside of a sade and eldon's event was done with variations
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Race Event 4pm

    Race Event at 4pm server time come to BI for details and... there will be prizes for winning individuals and for winning town
  21. Hunter[GM]

    (Fixed!) Server Isn't Saving Data

    problem solved thanks farjat
  22. Hunter[GM]

    How To Get Married?

    no...I meant to send me a private message on the forum and we could work out a time when I could do this for you. whisper me in game...and we'll pick a date and time.
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Beer Fest Event

    On Monday, Sept 21, bottles of beer will be hidden all over the game maps. You can find beer on every map in the exclusions. Collect bottles of beer and turn them in for prizes at the end of the day. I will be available on monday evening at 7pm on Bleeding Island to accept your beer for prizes. Prizes will be anything from Zems, Xstones, Meriens, to special potions, mithrals, Gold pockets, jewelry, etc The player with the MOST bottles of beer will win a special item..... They can pick either a MP or HP 35 hauberk, chain, or leather. M or W Good luck everyone! and have fun getting loaded !
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Name That Tune Event!

    On wednesday, Sept 23rd at 6pm there will be a name that tune event! This is how it works. Players gather in the town wh. Everyone has to be very quiet. I will come invis, morphed as a monster. I will walk around so you can hear the sound the monster makes. The first player to correctly identify which monster I am, in global chat, wins a point. We will have several the may cash your points for prizes. Meriens are 3 points Xelima stones are 2 points Zems are 1 point so...say you end up with 7 could choose 2 meriens and a zem...or 2 Xstones and 1 merien... etc can spend your points any way you want The key to this event is knowing how the summons sound...without seeing them. And remaining quiet inside the WH so that everyone can hear properly. Please translate this event and thanks...see you there!
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Beer Fest Event

    congrats to Nocny! collected 80 bottles for the win...good job!