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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    Removing Worthless Items From Drop List.

    I LIKE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Events At Nemesis

    ok guys green balls were wiped accidentally tonight. farjat thought my event started tomorrow...sunday so, i will be putting down a lot more green balls tonight and tomorrow sorry for the inconvenience but we cannot replace them, as i have no way of knowing who had what and how many... Also, there is no way to recover them, as we tried. So, forgive the mistake and let's have fun.
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Warehouse Space

    yea we're not adding more storage space...120 is fine really. now...the clan wh is an excellent idea that we have talked about and discussed how to code, who would have access, how we could keep it secure, etc
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Upcoming Events For Arg Server

    Dej? caer 40 huevos hoy en 2 tiempos diferentes y har? m?s hoy mismo m?s tarde y ma?ana tambi?n.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Upcoming Events For Arg Server

    hey!!!!!!!!!! go find some EGGS!!!!!!!!!!!! (colored balls)
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Events At Nemesis

    yes it will be 7pm the site only allows me to select ONE time for 4-5 events so...i didnt want to do that. thats why i write more details on forum
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Suggestion To Make Nemesis Better!

    Agree with 1 and 2 disagree with 3 disagree with your assertion that USA is the's a ghost town and it cost money to play in a ghost town
  8. Hunter[GM]


    right....go invis to the bottom and then take on what you can, at your pace or work the sides until youre stronger...OR party with some folks and kill everything
  9. Hunter[GM]


    no sorry we wont change this map it was designed this way for a purpose and we wont mess with it
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Who Remembers...

    damn....that sucks, K! Isabelle!! so good to see you :)
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Who Remembers...

    omg mad AND dead? lmao wow donnie mowedddddddddddddd great ss's JIMJONES was pr0...that kid would NEVER recall from a fight. We had him outnumbered, medusa'd, no pots, and he still would not back down
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Who Remembers...

    got already 2 new pcs since hb nemesis 1 i got that screen from old stuff forum :) I bet Kefka has it!
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Question About Donate

    Paypal is can set up an account in a few minutes and it is very safe for both the seller and the buyer.
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Upcoming Events For Arg Server

    yes server time is HB international time Monday in the morning is not a good time? ok....I am used to having to hold events at all times because of players we have from around the world. I will change it to the evening hours. Thanks for letting me know.
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Events - Algo.

    I want to thank everyone for coming out to the summon event tonight. It was nice to meet you guys and summon some beasts for you. Tomorrow, I will make some more summons for the morning and evening also. I dont know exact times, sorry! :wub: Please make sure you stop and say hello and introduce yourself. Also tomorrow, we will do some hide and seek event for elv town and ares town
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Easter Events At Nemesis

    yw yw glad everyone is having fun
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Who Remembers...

    oh oh post those babies up, MJ! Sardi i cannot believe you saved those old ss's jajaja too funny does anyone have one of me re: mexican liches? lol
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Events - Algo.

    ok got it all fixed and sorted... but how do i transfer my acct over to there? when i log in and stuff, it disconnects me
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Events - Algo.

    says BOXFILE ERROR??
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Events - Algo.

    ok now i just have to figure out how to get there jajajaja
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event Coming....discuss

    evocator this sounds good for spur of the moment PVP events which I am going to be doing at least once a that I dont have to teleport 200 players to the arena for pvp event, we will have more remember those days? I'd teleport 150 people to the arena, then they'd get force recalled.... teleport 150 players AGAIN to the arena and there would be a crash. teleport 150 players AGAIN to the arena and finally, we'd have event lol I am NOT in favor of adding things statted armors... I feel players should be allowed to wear what they have gained and not be penalized for it I also dont feel like checking 100 people to make sure they dont cheat so...whatever is easiest is best I dont like 3 v 3 for the BIG pvp events...its going to be like this all mages vs all mages and all warr vs all warr OR Ares mages vs Ares mages Elv mages vs elv mages then take the top 10 from each town and let them fight each other for the prize OR one prize per town? what do you think? repeat for warriors
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Events - Algo.

    I certainly wouldnt mind doing some events on the Arg server, it's just my spanish is realllyyyy bad... muy muy mal! And, I know some players speak eng but not all so that would be a problem :blink:
  23. Hunter[GM]

    Events - Algo.

    Ohhhh well I'm sorry to hear that man...when I press view new posts, it shows all posts and I thought this was over on int board that's why I responded. Hope things get better for you all and have a nice Easter
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Events - Algo.

    QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ??????????????????????????? translation por favor :D oops! wrong forum....sorry!
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Pvp Event Coming....discuss

    it will be mage v mage war v war im asking for format suggestions