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Everything posted by Hunter[GM]

  1. Hunter[GM]

    1 Sugerencia

    There will be no re-set
  2. Hunter[GM]

    Summon Event

    Summon event in game...right now. Get going
  3. Hunter[GM]

    Nemesis Obstacle Course Event

    Event will be on Sunday May 2nd.,..same time, same place sorry for any inconvenience this may cause
  4. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    Evento del foro Disena un arma Usa tu creatividad, e imaginacion para disenar un arma de Helbreath. Entonces nosotros vamos a votar a los concursantes eligiendo las mejores armas. Asegurense de que sea un arma y no un hechizo o accesorio (botas capa) Haganlo lo mas detalladamente posible para ganar puntos extras. El ganador se lleva un pack de 3 meriens, 4xelimas y 5 zems el arma no se incluira en el server, ea para diversion. pero nunca se sabe.. por ahi nos inspiran asi que Hagan su mejor dibujo muchas gracias, HunterGM Antes del 1ero de Mayo, fecha limite Forum Event Design a weapon Use your best creative, imagination skills and design a weapon to be used in Helbreath. We will then vote on all of the entries and choose the best/favorite weapon. Make sure it is a weapon and not a spell or accessory (boots, cape) Make it as detailed as you can and a graphic image gets extra points. The winner will receive a stone package of 3 meriens, 4 Xelima stones, 5 Zems The weapon will not be included on the server, this is just for fun. But you never may inspire us. So, do your best to impress can someone translate this please? Thanks, Hunter Entries must be posted by May 1.
  5. Hunter[GM]

    Summon/item Event Tonight

    I apologize for missing the item event this morning. As many of you know, I'm battling some thyroid cancer and last week started chemo up again. It's not been going so great, especially in the mornings ive been sick as a dog so...sorry for missing it. It is difficult to plan in advance since i dont know how ill feel. in 25 minutes we will do an item-summon event to make up for it. 18:00 hours I will repeat the event Friday morning for the AM players at 8am server time. The monsters will drop 50% more stones and 40%more items during the event only, on the town maps only. Good luck and see you at the shop area in 20 minutes
  6. Hunter[GM]

    Stay Tuned For....

    The return of the weekly item event !!!!!!!!!!!! *applause* - every week an item is given as a prize - each week is different format... sometimes its hide and keep, sometimes a monster will drop in event, sometimes its a race, etc - there is one prize, sometimes one prize per town - the prizes are like this: -mp14 hose, hp21 chain, ms20 exp20 hp wand, Pzn GiS, Exp 20% BH, ma 12 berk -The item event will always be posted on the forum in advance. -The day of week and time will change each week -all players have an equal chance to get the item, it will never be a PVP event Questions? comments? post here Hunter[GM]
  7. Hunter[GM]

    Ball Exchange

    If you have balls to exchange, please whisper me today and we will exchange your easter eggs for stones. To make the process go easily, go to wh with balls in your bag. Make sure you have room in your bag and whisper me. I will come as soon as I can. Thanks Balls will be wiped this weekend...Sunday will be the last day you can exchange them.
  8. Hunter[GM]

    Forum Event- Design A Weapon

    I did say it...May 1st is the last day to post entries then we will vote on the top 10 in the GM room then the server will be asked to vote on those 10 to decide the final winner voting will be done privately....thru PM here on forum so players can vote for themselves if they want
  9. Hunter[GM]

    Return Of....weekly Item Event

    weekly item event !!!!!!!!!!!! *applause* - every week an item is given as a prize - each week is different format... sometimes its hide and keep, sometimes a monster will drop in event, sometimes its a race, etc - there is one prize, sometimes one prize per town - the prizes are like this: -mp14 hose, hp21 chain, ms20 exp20 hp wand, Pzn GiS, Exp 20% BH, ma 12 berk -The item event will always be posted on the forum in advance. -The day of week and time will change each week -all players have an equal chance to get the item, it will never be a PVP event Questions? comments? post here Hunter[GM]
  10. Hunter[GM]

    Return Of....weekly Item Event

    Moha...see me in game and i will give you the prize.
  11. Hunter[GM]

    Ball Exchange

    I cant take them out of the wh have until this weekend and then all balls are being wiped to make way for a new event.
  12. Hunter[GM]

    Return Of....weekly Item Event

    no...Smith = person from Elvine i dont know why he used an Ares for the event but his main is elvine. I was going to post his char name from elvine but then realized, maybe he would not want me to share that information here on the forum for all to see... anyway, he is..was elvine and i knew he was elvine just using his ares
  13. Hunter[GM]

    Contacting Boogyman

    he stops in from time to time and always whisper me....if he does, ill send him ur way also..shaggnut may know...
  14. Hunter[GM]

    Return Of....weekly Item Event

    The first weekly item event was held in toh2 MJ[GM] and I fooded the entire map and hid under the food, zems, super pots, meriens and Xstones and of course...the BIG prizes! Elvine's Smith won the sharp BH exp 20% and Aresden's Sergia won hp 21 helm The prizes for the first item event were extra good since it's been so long. In the future, the item for that week will be announced in advance. Thanks to everyone who came, thanks to MJ for helping me food that map! (took us 2 hours to food it, and it took all of you, 5 minutes to eat it all!!!) And... Next week item event is already on the calendar. It is at 10am to give other time zone players a chance to participate.
  15. Hunter[GM]

    Flood Control For Forum Posts

    Market topics are allowed to be bumped ONCE a day
  16. Hunter[GM]

    Return Of....weekly Item Event

    better check the calendar today.... There MIGHT be something going on later today
  17. Hunter[GM]

    Sv Down/super Lag?

    esta NO lag!!!!! es server perfecto!!!!
  18. Hunter[GM]

    Ball Exchange

    I will accepting them the rest of the week.
  19. Hunter[GM]

    Stay Tuned For....

    The players chose which item they wanted this week. Next week, and the weeks following, the item will be announced and there will be no choice.
  20. Hunter[GM]

    Black Dragon Spotted On Bi

    Villagers are reporting a Black Dragon sighting on Bleeding Island!!!!!!!!!
  21. Hunter[GM]

    Stay Tuned For....

    57 players participated in the event tonight Aresden winner Lennon- sharp BH exp 20% Elvine winner Rico- MS20 HP84% wand Thanks to everyone who came out to play and congratulations to the winners! Next item event will be next week....keep checking the forum for you know when and where Also...much thanks to Chichinero for helping me translate for the event. I appreciate it. is server down? I cant log It is my pleasure to make events for you guys. Everyone has been very nice and respectful. When players are grateful and show appreciate and respect, it makes us want to do more events.
  22. Hunter[GM]

    Black Dragon Spotted On Bi

  23. Hunter[GM]

    Am Summon Event

    Elvine won the crusade so....summon event at shop now....and since Ares fought so hard? they win one, too Shop area....5 mins... go go go
  24. Hunter[GM]

    Return Of....weekly Item Event

    This weeks item event... Time and date posted on the calendar....go see I want to get players used to checking that calendar, everyday
  25. Hunter[GM]

    Stay Tuned For....

    is 6pm too late? I was told that 6pm is a good time for the server? The player does not get to choose every week...but this week I will allow them to pick what they want, since it is the very FIRST one :D