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Everything posted by Vrunk

  1. Vrunk

    Server Unstable.

    He is the devil! :wub: No but seriously, I would recommend either 1) Banning IP ranges 2) Upgrading your firewall 3) Getting a new operating system (some flavor of linux), unless you are already on a stable linux distribution. If you need help with any of this, feel free to talk to me on msn patrick13795@hotmail.com
  2. You guys should really use Doodle to arrange meeting times. It is a free service to arrange meeting times. It creates a custom poll and everyone answers the times that they are free. I believe it has support for multiple time zones if you look around the site a bit. http://www.doodle.ch/main.html
  3. Si quieres traducir del espa?ol al Ingl?s, siga las instrucciones en "Traducciones con un solo clic desde la barra de herramientas de tu navegador" en el sitio siguiente: http://www.google.com/translate_tools?hl=es ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to translate from English to Spanish, follow the instructions under "Get 1-click translations from your browser's toolbar" on the following site: http://www.google.com/translate_tools?hl=en Cheers, Vrunk
  4. Vrunk

    Multilingual Topics Are Unnecessary

    Like I said before, translators have their limitations, but they are better than nothing. They are good for a quick translation - especially if you want a rough idea of what the other person is talking about, or if you have a large block of text to translate. All of what I just said should be common sense, but people have a severe lack of common sense these days. Also, google has one of the best (if not the best) free translation services available.
  5. Vrunk

    Multilingual Topics Are Unnecessary

    I agree. Google offers some tools for that, too. The admin of the forum would just have to put them in the forum for people to use.
  6. Vrunk

    Master Apprentice Program

    How do I donate to your mule :wub:
  7. Vrunk

    Multilingual Topics Are Unnecessary

    You do if you access the forum through google page translate :blink:
  8. Vrunk

    Some Info

    You talk so smoothly :ph34r:
  9. Vrunk

    Multilingual Topics Are Unnecessary

    ...Of course it's not going to translate slang properly. That should go without saying. Technology has its limitations, and rightly so. My original idea was to have the entire forum translated, but since you have to login to the forum every time you visit it, that doesn't work. Also, I can't change the title of the topic for some reason, which I was going to do after I figured this out. But, like others have said - it's better than nothing, and it's also one of the best free translation services available.
  10. Vrunk

    Multilingual Topics Are Unnecessary

    Las instrucciones deben ser m?s f?cil seguir ahora. Suerte.
  11. Vrunk

    Multilingual Topics Are Unnecessary

    Glad someone enjoys it :ph34r:
  12. Vrunk

    Some Info

    You talk so smoothly :ph34r:
  13. Vrunk

    Town Pits

    Scorp pit heroes, yay-uhyayeyeyahuh :wub: Long live the scorpions! I love training at them.
  14. Vrunk

    The Thieves Will Raid Town.

    Siempre eres un free ek :lol: :lol: :lol: