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Everything posted by raMz

  1. raMz

    Question about angels

    Hello Tarmo Angels are for players that are level 180. You can obtain majestic points which you need to have before you can get an angel. After level 180, you get majestic points insteed of levels. You need 10 majestic points to recieve the angel, but it will only remove 5 of your points. You can recieve Mag angel, Str. Angel, Int angel and Dex angel. You can obtain them inside the Command Hall in your town. When you upgrade you angels +1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10, you obtain the + in your stats. That means if you have 200 dex, and a dex angel +2, then you have 202 dex. --------------------------------------------------------------- Im guessing you are running the OS Vista. Unfortountly the gmae is so old, so it is not build for running Vista, thats why the FPS drop. But White[GM] has made a toturial for some kind of FPS increase, try have a look at it: http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.ph...mp;#entry239073
  2. raMz

    Im Back(kinda)

    Ye Mazon is me.. Im just new char naw lol .. Nah im off to WoW !!
  3. raMz

    Farewell Nemesis

    Hello Nemesis Players and GM's.. Since this is the what.. 6-7 time i write this, then it should be the last.. I have finaly lost my addiction to Helbreath, and found a new game, that im addicted to now s:. (WOW). I would like to thanks Hunter/white/farjat/jaapy for their time and efford they have done with this server. It is amazing how great it has been playing on this server. Already by looking at the Christmas Pack White has created, makes me sure that Nemesis can make the New Helbreath perfect. Thanks to all players i have played with. I still LUV U ! Take care for now ! I will return my addiction will never go away ;)
  4. raMz

    Haehae Chat

  5. raMz

    Winter Scavenger Hunt- Win A Gm!

    WONDERFULL !!! THanks a lot for this Hunter !!! I look forward to this !
  6. raMz

    Eks During Sade

    Crusade is made for having a fight town vs town. Ek's is always a good thing to have, but in a Crusade EK'ing is not all that you shall do.... The problem is, when ek'ing was in town, noone focused on the Crusade, they just abused it for getting eks. Even tho people is not inside a guild, they can still play the crusade. They just need to run, and hopefully getting information in global.. The fight has been moved to ML, which makes the Crusade even more exiting, and acutally possible to get eks. As you can see, most of the players in the Crusade are high levels, then you can't go after the easy eks :-).. Personaly i hate the ide to. But in some sort of way, it makes sence that it is here. Crusade is not for eking, but for winning the fight between the 2 towns. You have whole weekend to do your eks, and that should be enough :)
  7. raMz

    A Query For Players And Stuff

    Hey Eldon This has been going on for a LOOOOONG time.. It is actually possible to recall even tho your boxed, paralized or even worse.. This is about how fast your computer send information to Helbreath server, and how fast your computer can recieve the information. Some of the dmg do not show above the defender screen, but maybe on yours. He will still lose HP, but still have the chance to cast a spell.
  8. raMz

    Master Apprentice Program

    Hunter you totaly forgot me s:
  9. raMz

    To Calu On Your Birthday From: Everyone

    Very well done HUnter !!! Im sad that i was not there, but what the hell.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Calu ! Hope you have had a nice day, Nemesis are watching over you, evne tho you do know :)
  10. raMz

    Bigger Wh

    Dont do that .. Giggles would go crazy with itenx ;). It could be a good idee, but i dont know s:
  11. raMz

    Bai My Fellow Frens

    Take care old friend.. I'll be glad to see you back someday bro ..
  12. raMz

    Master Apprentice Program

    Omg week already over lol.. Totaly forgot :D.. The donaters from my side is: TheDark Gawlik
  13. raMz

    Happy Birthday Farjat

    Merry berrry day !
  14. There is rumours about this, and for what the code says it should not increase anything, but as shown before by Khelben, it actually increase +1 dmg or more. But as we can say, this might not be the truth either. It is pretty hard to see if it has an increased attack or not, thats why we look out for the code, and it says nothing. Yet can the game be bugged, by noone has any chance of knowing. That depends on the luck to. Even tho GM's/admins says that there is no form for luck % in a character, i will still believe there is :P. There is way to cheat the system to get you good drops, but will you figure it out? There is no illegal why, cause you are not using any form for programs by doing this. You are actually only playing ingame.. But for now, i will agree with i dont believe the dmg increase with 100% hand attack.
  15. raMz

    Auto Updater

    Well about the fail with the update, that was probely my own *censored*ed computer lol :P. Cause it do not show anymore But when you log out (ingame) it close down the client, insteed of going back to Login - Create an account - Exit menu.
  16. raMz

    Auto Updater

    Well new problems is here.. When you log out, it close the whole client down now.. While it updates, and it's finish, then the windows shows a message wit a fail.
  17. raMz

    Help Needed By Staff.

    I have seen this problem before.. As far as i remember, there were a little change in the code, so the massive object counts were interfeared with some of the other maps. As i am not quite sure of this, then don't hook me up with this. The map it was binden with to was: Garden and Dungeon inside Aresden map.. But it only took a certain number of 1 exact monster.. I am not sure of this, so please dont shit me :P --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've seen a lot of death monsters to ingame, do they count as "a monster" to.. Maybe server restart would clear it?? And even tho the monsters body has dissapered, they can actually still be there.. Try have a look at city hall, if you can do a /monstersleft only for city hall? Or where Hunter have had a summon event.. (And no Hunter im not blaiming you) :)
  18. raMz

    Survivors - Raid Movie!

  19. raMz

    New Autoupdater

    I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT ! GREAT JOB !!! Now just missing skins xD
  20. raMz

    Master Apprentice Program

    Hello new players of Nemesis By the GM staff and by the Nemesis Master Apprentice program staff, we will thank you for have chosen Nemesis as a game server. In Nemesis the GM's respect the players, and wants to help new players as good as they can. But as all know GM's can't be online every single day and time. Therefor by the players at Nemesis demand, and a huge succeed from Nemesis 1, then will the program be opend again. We have had it opend before, but the users had to choose to leave the post. (Thanks for the time KochaKoi and MagicJokeR (Aresden Mules, Badingmage and Wutafreek Elvine Mules). The time has come and new mulers are at the spot. Aresden Mules Giggles And raMz Elvine Mules Mazon If you are a new player you are more than welcome to whisper us, and state questions on how this works, or if you have some ingame quiestions. If you want to donate items to us, so we can give out to beginners at Nemesis you will be awarded. From a thanks to be in a competetion of a Zem stone, and who knows, some day the prize will be bigger :-). Every week we will find a new winner, so dont miss the chance ! In this time, we would like to thank you for your time, and we hope you will enjoy the game. Giggles Mazon raMz
  21. raMz

    Ek Laming Bans November 2008

    I am a scorp killer like the rest of the HB players is (Most of them). And you know your one of them Whiteangel. But yet the hypocrit comment you come with, has nothing to do with what i wrote..
  22. raMz


    Mar 31 2008, 12:16 PM Seriously, stop open an old topic.. Moronic.
  23. raMz

    Ek Laming Bans November 2008

    If you want to pvp your friend, and you are at the same house, go to BI, and make sure your not getting any eks for that. It is a risk YOU take, by making it su*censored*ious of laming. One of the pictures is one of them naked (Saad) Yet you dont use BBH, how come is he naked then? 3 of all, There is no N...[GM]. Call him by hes name, or just be silent. Im acutally happy for you to be banned. Then you finally can choose a site..
  24. raMz

    Korean Gm

    Actually i dont think there is a GM needed for this. Some koreans do speak english, and there is translator online to help translate to the koreans. If you think someone insults you, then use /tooff... You are not better your self not to insult other players.. Use the /tooff more often, and there will be no problems.
  25. As far as i know it has the high HP. And it should be around 84-91. But i might say i am actually not quite sure =/