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Posts posted by Trader

  1. well, if stated cape is impossible to find (only trade) and the gings can have only one person atm. It looks like the event can be won only by certain ppl.

    anyway nice idea, nemesis needs more scavenger events :)

    i think i stop searching for scav event items.

    congratz for who wont give up and will win :)

  2. B- blue cape with stat% on it, COULD IT BE SWAPPED WITH BLUE GRAPES?



    blue grapes coz high % of farming is needed, cape out coz if someone havent already got it he wont have it, its almost impossible... but scav event should be fair for everyone


    ginseng could stay( just money and time needed) but if there would be blue grapes,(high % of farming) it could be replaced.

    its only suggestion... discuss or forget it

  3. if u make prices x25, new players will never start, specially mages who has to buy spells.

    make some evnts, spawn wyv in the city or something, pick the drop, and put it in auction, get money from winner and food it:)


    more drops more money will be deleted :)

    ppl is happy and minister of economy is happy:)

    and we dont need to change anything :)


    or just say in global u have some stons for sale:

    starting bid: 4kk

    bid: 500k

    and money problem disappears

  4. "U cant enter enemy Structure" fix added.

    its no retimes no recalls.


    HOW about swapping scorp pit with snake pit in Aresden?

    it would be nice change i hope, no more 1 min eks for Elvines


    or swapping pits in Elvine to let Aresdens have some 1 min raids;p


    leaving pits as they r is a little bit unfair against Aresdens and gives advantege for Elvines ;/

  5. Walla dude, if i remember ur char had already been banned for 1 week, so this time u got 1 month

    and eat it, next one will be permanent :) so watch what r u doing and saying, i wont miss u oO


    ad1 u cant start cast spell after me and cancel it befor me like u do, so what does that mean? speeder?

    ad2 u cant hear ppl walking inved in the middle of ogre spawn, in the middle of ogres which r doing fiking noise. so wtf is this? c8? oO


    enjoy ur holiday and stop crying muahaha

    and remember GM= GAMEMASTER= GOD :P