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Posts posted by Divine

  1. As an ex-player of HBNemesis, for my own personal reasons, I'm fairly interested in the 'new settings' on HBNemesis.


    I read the full length of the Email, but I'm still finding myself wondering what was changed other than an unlimited raid timer?

    I feel as if this is a benefit to the game.




    Is that all that was changed? Disappointing. :-/

  2. Take note that in the "Raise $500 event" scatterp already had offered this exact process. GM's would retain 10% of the final price to guarantee a safe transfer.




    It seems as if lately there is mostly 'real life money' offerings on the Marketplace forum. I think it will be beneficial for the server to create a sub-forum for real life money listings, and to have the main Marketplace forum as an 'ingame trading only' section.



    ... or create a means of transferring items AND money through the ONLINE WAREHOUSE service. Nemesis could use an online credits system where people could put $10 in, and they would receive $9 in 'online warehouse' credits. Players could use these currencies to purchase items from other players, and at any point in time these players could 'cash out' the funds that they've received. This process would net HBNemesis 10% of all of the total SAFE transactions that go through. This funding could obviously be seen as a donation to the server as well. =)

  3. I suppose it won't really hurt anything, but what person would be stupid enough to risk such a time investment as a +15 DK item?


    I don't see this doing anything other than helping people +1 a DK item. (I highly doubt many people will go for +2/3/4/5, etc.)




    edit: I could see this being a cool/unique addition to the game --IF-- you were able to upgrade at +0.


    i.e., you type /dkset and get your +0 flamberge, and then risk xelima stones on it. You get lucky and make a +3 DK flam over time, and THEN you upgrade it to DK+2+3, then DK+4+3, and so on. Until you've reached DK+15+3.


    Let me know if I need to clarify this any better.


    -- I don't see this ever happening, but I don't think it'd be a terrible idea.

  4. I vote no.


    I've considered all aspects, and I realize that there's too little of stripping going on already -- this would add to the existing problem IMO. People would never strip, because people would repair every single stop at town like they should be doing currently. Most people (who haven't played for a long time) don't repair after every outing of the blacksmiths.


    Question: Why fix what's not broken? ;)

  5. VERY improved server -- even though i thought it was perfect before; you somehow managed to make it better!


    Thank you very much to the admin staff for using their personal money to make this server happen and to support the players in the manner that they've been so supportive in utilizing. Great job so far and I hope you guys continue to provide 150% service. :)