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Everything posted by Divine

  1. Divine

    Return The Herds

    To a GM, Is there any specific reason that Unicorns were removed from Garden? I could see their removal being justified if too many Giant Swords were being dropped, but I highly doubt that their being in the Garden would drastically increase GiS drop numbers. Were players (mages specifically) hitting Unicorns on accident with their spells enough to make the staff remove them from the server? With the knowledge of rep being spread around the forums, I only see it fair to bring back Unicorns to the Garden map. Players that choose to have negative rep will be hit harder in PvP by righteous weapons, but maybe they won't care because their preference is to PvE. Likewise, players that choose to not kill Unicorns will not suffer from the extra damage dealt in PvP. With the ?bug? of everybody having ~500 rep, I see it only fair to implement Unicorns in to the Garden map again in order to start fluctuating the communities reputation rating. Without a way to lose rep other than becoming a Criminal, most players will continue to gain rep and the effect of righteous weapons will be very useless. I would also like to be given the opportunity to obtain Kloness weapons. ;)
  2. Divine

    Bersek Time.

    I could see how the 45 second Zerk vs. 60second amp/pfm makes sense for PvP. If a warrior is chasing a mage, the warrior will have to stop more often to Zerk himself than the mage will have to stop to pfm himself. I like this because it adds more variables to PvP timings. When fighting in PvE a different situation occurs. As a warrior in the dark-elf pit, having to PFA and Zerk at different times becomes very annoying and interrupting. The same situation occurs as a BMage/Amp warrior in the Ice Golem pit. My original thought was that changing zerk to 60 seconds would be a very smart implementation, but after thinking about it and weighing the PvP difference vs. the PvE difference, I feel that the zerk time should remain at 45 seconds.
  3. I've been aware that the 300 seconds imprisoned in town is a post-crusade bug, but at the same time I can't agree with removing it. If you die two times in a row within what, 10 minutes? Something is usually up. I think it helps prevent laming during non-raid days.