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Posts posted by TripleKill

  1. Being called a hacker sucks... it does. I've been called a hacker plenty of times. I don't like it. YET, it is OKAY in this server to call who ever you want a hacker.... EVEN if they don't hack. I Called GM a hacker (JOKINGLY!!!), to try to prove a point. I got banned. Not Sent to BI for Xx time and muted. I did NOT get a warning to stop. I got a penalty of 1 month... I read the rules and it says that 1st offense would be Xx time in BI and muted... 2nd offense would be banned for 1 month... 3rd would be perm ban (If i remember correctly...).


    I got 1 month. I was wondering if I should maybe have gotten a warning first or something (even though I was joking.......). HUNTER.. WE all know you don't lame. WE all know you don't hack. I was joking. I'm sorry if you got offended.... I'm Sorry. I was just trying to have ppl stop calling me a hacker for being good. IT SUX to be called a hacker.... I just didn't think it was okay for ppl to call ppl a hacker. That is all.. I tried to tell you, in a weird way.. and got banned...


    Is there any way you can make the ban shorter????

  2. Hunter honestly... did you really think that i meant you were a hacker and lamer????.... Seriously..... I was just trying to prove that people don't like to be called hackers/lamers.... you proved my point really well. You banned me for an entire month.


    I have a couple of questions. Is saying something 5 times in Global chat really spamming?? The point of that was to get your attention. Is calling you a hacker and/or lamer really calling you names???


    Please answer those questions. I don't think your punishment is fair.