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Posts posted by Exec

  1. some anti-MIM item is going to be released, otherwise just do what i do:


    i always been a warrior, i always blamed mages who MIM 24/7, since it had no result, now when im on a mage i spam MIM like an idiot every 1 min, and laugh at em qqing :D

  2. People dont play sades because they are unbalanced. ares wont fight 20 vs 40 and neither elvine. Maybe chance times for sades? So that both asian as arg players can play at the same time. Or just dont bitch and fight:p! Sades all about the ek"s anyways.

    yea, my suggestion there would be to grow a pair... lol :P


    i ve seen sadse with 30 elvs vs 5 ares, i was playing with davinci on the ares side ( i always hated fighting outnumbering, its just boring)


    i ve played sades with Gimlin against 40 ares also


    ppl just needs to stop being so damn scared of loosing a zem ( A ZEM OMG, EVEN M SHIELDS ARE RARER), not to mention the fact u dont even drop in sades


    at the end, it will just balance on its own, meanwhile ppl has to do their best to fight the way it is.


    And i think there's already 1 sade for asians timezone

  3. guys ve u ever had server lag?



    i mean, EVERYONE, and i mean EVERYONE crashes every 15 secs



    its not server lag, its ur internet, its ur country internet, its ur region internet lol



    and i havent seen more than 1-2 cases of server lag so far in this server

  4. sabes que pasa man, no todos tienen tiempo de limar tanta contri para dk set, y los que menos lo tienen justamente son los nuevos generalmente, por no decir que los players viejos de por si ya van a tener mas contri por el tema de guilds, no me parece buena idea



    y aparte, en todo caso los que conseguirian el dk set mas rapido seria la gente que ya lleva un tiempo jugando y que ya tiene dr/pa sets, y entonces terminaria siendo igual que ahora, pero la gente nueva sin dk set y sin dr/pa, solo con bs armors



    yo ya lo dije en otro post, la unica solucion es hacerlo todo por igual, sacarlo por completo para todos =/



    edit: aparte imaginate un pibe que entra al server, ve a gente con dk sets, y se entera que tiene que hacer como 8k contri para tenerlo el tambien, te pensas que se queda a jugar?

  5. Private pits are scheduled to be added again, with the virtual map feature in nemesis there'll be enough pits for everyone :P

    huh? wat about raiding pits then!


    u won't raid pits, u will fight against someone who wants to fight aswell, not against someone who intends to get majestics and will recall if u bother him.



    edit ontopic: the thing bro is, i think price for private pits shuld be kinda high /now that max cap for contri will be like 10k, at least 1-2k imo) cuz having a, for example, ettin pit for ur whole guild for like 1 hour, means if u take 9 ppl ull mass kill and have a high chance of getting naiz drops