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Posts posted by Exec

  1. i agree with some things, but i also think a dk15 war has no chance to win vs a bbh war in pvp (with armors) for example, becouse even though more vit/hitting prob, armor stars stripping, and thats the end.

    also its true that it will be too long. In my opinion i like duels, but the main problem in duels is that items has a lot of influence, for example someone with a dm3 and dmg ring, will do mass damage on some1 naked, and if that guy has no items, then hes the free ek xD.

    but i also think there are 2 types of "pvp":

    - the one where u are peacefully training and some1 jump u blizzing, u react running and pfm ofc and u read in global "OMFG NOOB PFM IN 1 VS 1, GO GET SKILLS", well u should get skills first, if u just know to go invi and blizz when mobs has lowered my hp xD.

    - the other kind is the real pvp, a pre established 1 vs 1 fight, where rules are set AT THE BEGGINING OF IT, and NOT during it.

    well who knows, every1 choose the fight type they like, but 1 thing only: IF U JUMP SOMEONE TRAINING IS NOT A PVP, ITS A DAMN TRAP :D, so dun cry when the other pfm, after all u invied first ;) xD


    PD: white im arg and i dont have that lag, Peruntium 1900 + arnet = not good XD


    Ir Sardina agree with ur post about pvp respect+1


    I also agree that Videl is a retard.

    sardina down in pvp while he was trying to recall haeoheahaeahaeo crimi+1

  2. remember that with warrior u can hunt big monesters, that as a mage u cant, so u decide what to do. And warrior full hero is kinda more usefull than mage hero, its +5 and mage is +3, and adds 50 hitting prob, which for a war is a big ammount.

    mage is for eking thats for sure, but with warrior u get lot more item

  3. ya no habria modo traicion =(

    aparte quiero seguir ekeando a Funny :D

    no esta mal, pero quizas pase eso, te cagas ekeando y dsp cambias city, o todos irian a la misma xq tan los amigos, como esta ahora, si le pifiaste de city, te jodes y a romperte el culo entrenando/ekeando de nuevo, no se si esta tan mal...

  4. hacelo como hicie antes,como que no te aparece la solapa de GEFORCE?

    cuando pones en 0 la barrita del segundo paso, te desaparece la solapa de Geforce, ponela al maximo de nuevo y aparece.

    che funny no me anda nada, creo q el problema es la tres, tengo una geforce 2 de 64 mb jajaja ( PC del a?o 2001 lol), organiza una colecta para donarme una compu, me harte q uds me apunten xq tengo 50 fps :P

    PD: q buen fondo de pantalla de tigres :P, y muy bueno a compu maquina de escribir- tele y el mouse plancha XD