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Posts posted by Exec

  1. en realidad el problema es q en ares son todos yanquis/europeos, los yanquis todavia tienen un horario mas o menos similar, pero los europeos ni ahi; asi que we, siempre es 40 vs 5, y ni da meternos en eso :P

    asi que si, taria bueno q se pasen un par :D ( excepto Millie xq haria q maconhado y devaster tengan full hero)

  2. Most hated JoshCOOl

    Most skilled JoshCOOL

    Best mage ever JoshCOOL

    Best war JoshCOOL

    Best bmage that could beat ANYONE in game JoshCOOL

    Best pl war JoshCOOL

    Best pl mage JoshCOOL

    Biggest cyber head JoshCOOL

    Best ek-death ratio JoshCOOL

    Worst ping in game JoshCOOL

    Biggest delay in game JoshCOOL

    African Owned by JoshCOOL

    Undefeated JoshCOOL

    only ever died 5 times without bump dc JoshCOOL (real owner)


    So yeh I R WINNAR vote over.

    try playing other game so ur the best player of any game in teh world, maybe u win something


    i vote maconhado, punga and devaster as best elv wars... >.>

  3. im the best hb player to ever exist


    everyone knows it. whether you want to admit it or not is your choice. jealous.


    me plx, pvp x itenz, oh wait u can only bet rm10 neck or ruby ring!

    tho pancakez rapez every1!


    oh btw Parian, PlDem lvled to 147 by accident =/, so not PLer nemore ;(.


    best ares war: Quanchi

    best ares mage: NiCa-NiHuE

    best elv war: feto

    best elv mage: BeTa-X

  4. perdoname, pero son goldies sus char??


    nooooo , ya sabemos que son petes perun y axis ajajajajja

    pero matarlos con goldies, tenes que tener huevos

    maybe u didnt understand, that ss maybe are from exp1 times


    esas ss debe ser de exp1 pancho

  5. baned for shittalking me at held when i died wif Gimlin :<


    haha what a noob you are :lol:

    but teh noob went in through elf defences first!!! that was my only held as war ;P

    i was told by elv friendz that they shittalking me when died, and when i went into they all curse me ;<, tho was funny having 15 mages blizzing me XD