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Posts posted by Exec

  1. well the other day i had an argue with a korean and i was unlucky cuz a GM was on, so i got a mute, but the korean didnt.

    so i was thought, why i get a mute when the korean also probably insulted me? i mean just becouse i speak english and he doesnt? ok but this post is not to complain its cuz i think we should HAVE an asian GM.

    nowadays lot of asians plays in both towns (grudges and heaven crow) so what if suddenly some of them start insulting in global chat ( cuz i have seen many grudges doing it) and they dont get the right punishment becouse GMs can see if they are talking or insulting or not ( becouse its obvious most english speackers dont know that language). so i think an asian GM should be included, besides this case , also they might need a GM in their timezone and to comunicate them the news, becouse most of them have less english than spanish ppl xD.

    well just an idea, think about it, but i understand also that it will be hard to find an asian that can speak english with GM staff and that wants to be GM; besides he should be trustworthy, but well just suggesting..

  2. mentira shang este sos vos cuando me invitaste a tu casa


    lie shang this is u when u invited me to ur house

    IPB Image



    estaba por postear la misma me ganaste de mano


    che enjoy banned again ajajaja que posteo de mlo xd

    che imaginemos 2 puntos, punto A y punto B.

    Salimos al mismo tiempo, vos llegas a B y yo estoy en A, sabes por que? porque para cuando vos fuiste, yo ya fui y vine ;)



    "tiras lisos" AJJAJAAJJAJAJAJA


    i was told Lorth Shag plays on a laptop under a bridge


  3. Just voicing an opinion.. In case it is only dk armors and bs weapons.. why would any warrior participate with the current mage dk defence and the awfull dmg of blizzard.


    I assume hero armors are also forbidden?


    Oh and warriors have made builds because of some weapons theyve got, on the other hand 99% of all mages uses dk wand.. why not to let warriors use any weapon they want? especially cos mages stands huge advantage vs wars.


    i would like to use my zwand since i never leveled my dk staff because i built my stats around it <3


    and yes the war items seem to outbid the mage items. what happens if a mage wins but wants the war items? im a bmage i can use both ways =p

    then dont use wand and use sword =)



    naiz event