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Posts posted by Exec

  1. leave it the way it is, its a rare >.>, its not like HF at the beggining when it could hit 650 without sade, its ok



    go hunt behos, unis, liches.



    and also u can get rid of sleep with something as easy as an energy bolt, remember this is MMORPG and not a 1 vs 10 game

  2. how many deaths cause of sleep do u see?



    how many deaths cuz of ie swords/ x weapon do u see?



    how many deaths because of blizz/paralize do u see?




    if u see the numbers, the logical thing would be to erase blizz or paralize, or activations first, right?



    its not overpowered, it costs a shitload of mp, and the only reason cause its "overpowered" (i write it like that cuz its not) is cause the guy who has it is an american who has no ping therefore he can aim pretty easy. Give it to me or some1 with 200+ ping (not to mention an asian with 400+) and it will be useless

  3. about delay u cant do much xcept moving to USA or just realize that pvp is stupid in a delayed server (its just items vs items)



    about ppl outrunning u while being frozen that doesnt have to do with delay, more like em speeding or u being low fps

  4. bullshit, most mages blizzing non stop has to do with the fact that most mages SUCK in this server, not with pa shields



    and anyways if ALL wars were clever enough to carry baxes, 3 baxes hitting 1 mage and those shity woods/targets would last less than 1 para



    edit: anyways now that baxes strip, shields pa aint overpowered, try getting a ma30 shield and a emmy ring and make a mage blizz u, its the same

  5. I don't have an exact estimate atm, an unexpected issue showed up, some data concurrency issue appeared, I'm working as fast as possible to resolve it.


    About recall in safe zone:

    Mainly recalling in safe zone stops retarded ideas of mass summoning mobs to make the person die... you gain nothing out of that.

    ofc it does, u get the ppl to either fight, or die, not to annoy u and then run into safe and recall, wasting ur time...


    edit: i think that most ppl who DOES PARTICIPATE IN PVP ACTION, agrees with that, that recall thing aint gonna work imo but to piss pvpers off

  6. to start with, if ur being chased by 15 ppl, u r DEFINETLY GOING TO LOOSE, and again, who gives a fck about zems. Tbh i dont know where this new feature came from, it kinda ruins the recall scroll/spell damage modification.




    te lo traduzco x gil que sos gordo, a ver, llevandolo a un contexto realista, realista dentro del HB, 15 vs 1 TE VAS A CAGAR MURIENDO POR MAS ITEMS O MANO Q TENGAS, es asi, este update sabes para que va a servir? no para que una persona que la corren 15 se salve, va a servir para que cualquier gil que mariconee se meta al safe y te recalee en la jeta, y como hay damage delay en el recall spell, va a terminar haciendo que todos los agites sean a 10 pasos del safe, entonces se te meten y te recalean en la cara, y estamos igual que antes. Aparte man, es una zem, ZEM, vale menos q un m shield, que tanto drama por morirse, es mas, no tengo idea de donde salio la idea esta de poder recalear en safe, xq ni siquiera la vi sugerida, me parece que es una contradiccion total a el cambio que se hizo en el spell y en los scrolls, no me termina de cerrar por que la ponen. Y respecto a lo de antes, si te cagaron sumoneando en safe, bueno jodete, que te puedo decir, te toco morirte, es o morirse a los sumons o morirte intentando escapar, ya bastante que hay safe zones, tendria que ser que cada vez que cambias de mapa apareces afuera del safe, xq nunca falta el gordo que va cambiando de un lado al otro hasta que puede recalear

  7. i find that the new recall feature would be kinda ruining the dmg delay on recall, i mean, ppl now cant recall like before, but they would be able to get into safe and recall even if we fire field/CK/summon? ummmm (please dont answer with something like "its ur fault if u let em reach safe" cuz its not going to work :>)



    to javiiii: if u got mass summoned in safe its cause u failed in something else before, and even if u didnt (like if u have 15 ppl chasing u), well, 15 vs 1 the reasonable thing would be to die lol, who cares about a zem.



    I just think that the new recall feature would end up with ppl fighting near safe and automatically recalling...

  8. both fail without mass items



    and if u have mass items, both are completely diff, amp war would be 104/130 str, with high dex or vit and around 140 magic, and its to support/annoy ppl



    blizz 130 str can deal gud damage, but low mp regens cause of low magic, and u'll also need a good staff to deal damage with blizz, and ur vit is pathetic l0l (must ve dr imo :>)

  9. but again, it would end up with ppl farming farm (lol) for exp


    i mean, we already have ppl who just use macros to leave chars on sc/orc pits and get exp afk, but at least i always kill em with other town's char, but in farm no1 would be able to do that

  10. he said for new 180's char, so i'll say no, u got more than enuff being able to get to 180 without having to worry about raiders, once ur 180 at least u got dk set, and u have 2 days of the week when there's only 1 min raid aka SW/garden has no raiding at all.