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Posts posted by Exec

  1. this is not exp1, this is exp25 or so; u wont be lvling at city for long, so get used to it till u get 180 and u can handle it, also its true that most ppl can play only on weekend ---> not only trainers, also ekers, so it would be selfish if we dont let that ppl to have the chance to get eks

  2. guys i think most of u dont understand... GMs that check logs arent like "oh he killed this guy 4 times, lets ban him just to be sure". Gms do hard work for this server, and i think this thing of "oh cmon hes my friend and hes a good gyu, cant be possible" its pure bullsh1t; a friend of mine also got baned for laming, he did like 400 eks and lamed 10 lawl, and i was like "wtf" when i was told, but well this is a game, any1 can lame lol, and laming has no connection with "being a good guy". So imo u should stop annoying the GMs, im sure they do their best and dont do stupid things to server ._.

  3. its kind of dumb to bring dk items to PL -.-, i mean im a lvl 180 vit warrior, and still using 1 hero piece in hotkeys the hp goes down and its annoying, i cant imagine a 70 vit PLer with a dk wand/sword ( not to talk if bring armors xD). angels arent that bad, they need a lot of training to make them usefull


    PD: blizzy dun haz a 180 so cant bring dk to PL hauhahau

  4. We want Koreans back with xr!!!!! and elvines doing teamwork more pls ;P u guys can do it!!!!! go elvine rise up!!!!



    elvs got bored from ares never fighting for like 6 months,

    now the top elv players got bored and quit/sold their chars


    lol =X

    ya well, the difference is that that always was 15 elvs vs 4 ares so no1 would stand that -.-

    but now its more equal, like 7 vs 7, for ex, so its not the same

  5. ek annuncer : funnygirl pedia clemencia pero "cat" la tenia mas grande.

    si son molestos. saquenlos porfis


    erm. yo que me quejo de los que postean en ingles y vienen estos malasios a postear en jeringoso.

    es verdad, baneenlos -.-

    topic opened in spanish, keep it that way

  6. Nice video, looks like you have fun there :D


    Did you change the speed of the Video? Sometimes everything move so fast that give me a headache! lol



    Obviously all of survivors was using speed hacks during that raid period.


    (I had to say it before FunnyGirl did.)


    Also, what is gimlin talking about with the Bolivian thing? Is that supposed to be derogatory or racist in some way towards Bolivians? (I'm American fyi)


    On another note, what program did you use to record the footage Skyas?

    actually im from argentina, and im saying this cuz i saw this ---> "Capusotto" (Millie) was reading the topic and i wanted to say hi to him :D!


    very good zoro


    ares are alive?


    in the last few months elv mass raids like that every week and boxes everything like you guys did

    difference is that elv groups are commonly like 85% noobs

    you lowered the % to 50, and shared activation items


    well done

    10 men with brain > 100 monkeys with guns

    :o! pr0 comparation

    your one of the noobs i was talking about :wacko:

    ye but i enable my click mode with activation and im usefull!!!! pr0z

    PD: cakez down pvp for items, ty rm10 neck


    got something interesting to say demenester or just show everybody in forums your hate to other ppl/countries?

    dont have something more interesting to say than spam every post wif bullshit? kthxbai

  7. Nice video, looks like you have fun there :D


    Did you change the speed of the Video? Sometimes everything move so fast that give me a headache! lol



    Obviously all of survivors was using speed hacks during that raid period.


    (I had to say it before FunnyGirl did.)


    Also, what is gimlin talking about with the Bolivian thing? Is that supposed to be derogatory or racist in some way towards Bolivians? (I'm American fyi)


    On another note, what program did you use to record the footage Skyas?

    actually im from argentina, and im saying this cuz i saw this ---> "Capusotto" (Millie) was reading the topic and i wanted to say hi to him :D!


    very good zoro


    ares are alive?


    in the last few months elv mass raids like that every week and boxes everything like you guys did

    difference is that elv groups are commonly like 85% noobs

    you lowered the % to 50, and shared activation items


    well done

    10 men with brain > 100 monkeys with guns

    :o! pr0 comparation