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Posts posted by Exec

  1. Ok guys lets hear some stories, tell us what was the most unlucky things that happened to u, in this or another server about HB. Here goes some:


    1) I was raiding and i started a pvp, at the end i kill the enemy and he drops zem, im at 2 squares of him and going to pick it up when i get forced XD, zem-1


    2) My guild was fighting another guild, we manage to kill 1 of the enemys and he drops IE SWORD!!!, 1 of our guildies get on drops and try to pick it up, but he was full bag, got flew away and the other guild recover it lolz


    3) i was organizing my desktop, so i decided to use macro on pretend corpse meanwhile, i was like 1 hour puting things in their place in my desktop, then i go to toilet, i come back after 10 mins and find out that my char is logged, i try to log and poom "acc rejected till 1 week". i log in with other char and i find out that i got spotted by a GM when i was at toilet LOL, luck+1


    now its ur turn :P, anything unlucky about eks, drops or anything else is welcome xD

  2. hey why u waste our forum space with ur crap about server? there are plenty HB servers, stop trying to make Nemesis to look like a bad server cuz u are WRONG. This is one of the best servers in HB, and its even free, so if u dont like it, gtfo here, doubt some1 will care, and dont make this shittalk post proving nothing

  3. One of my friends and I have participated in the recent EXP events, however it's been pretty crappy as we seem to lag a lot and DC a couple of times too. This only happens if we're near the event/ if we're in scorps or middleland or anywhere else, it doesn't lag at all.


    Both on cable internet, live close to texas and have amazing computers, so this simply shouldn't happen...



    Lag a littttle bit during crusades aswell but it's not too bad. Why is this happening?



    I find I lag if certain players are on the screen at the same time as me. Who these players are I do not know I just note I can suddenly lag.

    might be becouse they abuse TAB bug, if ppl starts tabbing around me it lags me ( also happened to some friends, they also get lag)

  4. ppl like the 2 guys who posted before ruins town events and makes ppl dun want to go to them

    (i particulary dont go that events, why? first mages takes most exp so pointless as war; second? cuz it takes out all the sh1t of townmates, who they kill every1 like if they have never seen a drop in their HB lifes)