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Posts posted by Exec

  1. we didnt want to restart becouse out tactic was to take off cancel mage, and we did that.


    if u died becoue of lag or bug or smt... well bad luck, sh1t happens, but lot of ppl used to loose in pvp events due to mass lag/crash or something similar =/

  2. im wondering, becouse as far i know, SLYONE entered in ur guild for pvp event right before it started, on same day, and it looks like all ur pvp event strategy was based on him, how can be possible xD

  3. there is a math law that is like this:

    if A > B, and B > C ---> A > C


    so if Argen won vs > Inevitable, and Inevitable won vs > Surivors ---> in theory Argen should have won > vs Survs ( even tho i think Survs would have given a better fight for sure, and i doubt they would have lost without cancel against em)


    final pic of event:

    IPB Image


    btw if some1 is interestied in trading for a ressu wand, contact argen, we have 2 for trade, 1 is booked for bib but u can offer for the other!