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Posts posted by Exec

  1. 300+ damage isnt overpowered?

    im full hero with abh rep++, dm5, drag ring and i barely hit 100+ on ppl with criticals !!!

    U must have tough luck, coz I remember when dimo once got ek with critital -168, with hs+dm4+rodemon+abh.

    he has abh rep6+1 :X

  2. tbh i have some problems with arg server:

    - It splitted up nemesis population

    - Im lazy to start from 0

    - Personally, i find an arg server population SUXOR (i played many args/chileans servers, and ppl used to suck, not only at skill, also in the way of acting)

    - I was expecting that only arg population would leave int (argenlandia wasnt planning to leave it, so i didnt rly care), but now i find out that most players quitted o.O


    possible solutions IMO:

    - Change host of neme int to arg. Arg players would join nemesis, yes american ppl would complain and get bad ping, but if we could survive like 7 years with it, why u cant?

    - Let arg server grow, let ppl get heros/sets, and then move 1 char from each player from int there(id gladly join arg server if i get Gimlin with his items moved there, as i said before my main problem is that i dont have same time/energy to train as before, dun care if i have to wait 1 year or more)

  3. actually, hb int is having about the same number of players as before, 150~200, only arg that has a HUGE number, because lots of args plays hb and most of them were serverless

    not really, u should remember that in hb int, there were a lot of args players in elvine ( from hachis/high HB) who quitted, so now we are way less players in elv, and also there were tons of low lvl goldies args in both ares n elv that i dont see anymore


    anyway i guess if we survived exp1 times we could survive now, but i dont feel like hunting like then :P