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Posts posted by Exec

  1. dude, i cant believe this lol; ur a fcking iron man, and u got it in the latest stages i guess, seriously every time u wake up u should thank that u have this extremely pro health dude, and u have a really strong will to get over this things, and thats admirable, most ppl that gets this things just gives up, so congratulations for the effort, u deserve this =)


    nice to see u back,


  2. im lazy to read all the previous post before


    ill give my honest opionion:



    stop whining, if u get abby drop stolen, its either becouse u are too noob to kill the thiefs, or becouse u guys are just too slow ,being "20+" ppl hunting, to fill all the drop spots, so live with it...u got tons of ways, gettinga all drop spots, boxing thief if he used hp slate, blocking bridge, goddamit lol... at least in the elv abby hunts i ve been we never got drop stolen, i wonder why is that...

  3. pero si gimlin es amp war en el arg xD


    y ahora en el int igual es 115 vit xD (solo que con hp70 set HAUhaEUAE)


    y davinci tenia como 350 eks antes de siquiera tener el medu, y ahora ni lo uso para raidear xD

  4. si Gimlin es un super amp war en el arg con 100 vit xD


    y en el int DaVinci tuvo dr set dsp de q saque dk15 o sea... xD




    igual de onda cabe, creo que por jugar entre estos players del arg se te estan subiendo los humos xq debes ser el unico que sabe hacer shield cast...

    aparte acordate que Gimlin tenia un dm3, y solo camilo tenia la pass, y puedo imaginarme que ese dm3 ahora estara en alguno de tus chars, no me habras scameado no?

  5. que verguenza me dan en el arg, tanto los argen como los otros players... saben hacer algo mas que bokear? xq hasta ahora por lo que vi por los videos de umbrella, no vi a nadie que valga algo (y no se si era tu otro user, hermano, o no se que, pero vos MDMA tampoco vales un corno, y si sos el que jugaba cuando yo estaba, te la pasabamos matando, lo que pasa es que lo unico que tienen en comun argenlandia del int con el del arg, es el nombre, xq ningun playar argen del int juega en el arg)



    y si lito es lider aca creo que viene andrespepe y se convierte en cabeza de elvine :P

  6. i think my char should have nearly 1200 rep, but it has 600 cause when i used KB all ares was repping- me, they even created new chars t rep- me and then delete em


    sad ppl :>, but u have to live with it

  7. i dont get why ppl thinks some classes are overpowered


    ya its true that any noob can train a mage to dk15, get a ms10 and a rom, and will hit a lot, but i also have seen that if u have a war, and u get some items, its rly hard to kill, not to mention item whores wars, which are nearly unkillable :X



    and everyone can die if u have ppl that knows to play lolz